Special Quests: Rocket's Scrapyard and Rocket's Workshop

Kabam DKKabam DK Moderator Posts: 221
edited May 2017 in General Discussion

Rocket Raccoon is known for his ability to make somethin’ outta nothin’, but there’s just one problem: he’s got no time to collect all the stuff he needs to do it! The Guardians of the Galaxy have returned to the Battlerealm for a while, and Rocket’s got the bright idea to set up a little business opportunity. Rocket needs Scrap, and Summoners need Crystals and other fun stuff, so he figures you can work out a deal. Rocket’s got two new Quests for you: Rocket’s Scrapyard and Rocket’s Workshop. Here’s how each of them work:


Rocket’s Scrapyard is a set of Daily Quests that last for 3 days. There are 3 difficulty levels, and each 3-Day rotation has a different set of maps, and bosses. Completing and Exploring these Quests each 3-day cycle will give you a new item: SCRAP. Scrap can be used in Rocket’s Workshop to purchase different items, depending on how much you have. The Chests in these Quests also have rare chances to contain GATE KEYS, which can be collected and used to open bonus areas in Rocket’s Workshop. Speaking of Rocket’s Workshop…


Rocket’s Workshop is a bit like a shopping mall. Here, there is no XP/Gold to be gained, and no Energy cost. There are 4 Sections to the Map. The first 3 each contain 4 rewards, with each section devoted to different “levels” of rewards (common, uncommon, rare). Read on below to see what each section contains. The fourth is a bonus area where Gate Keys can be used to unlock bonus items such as a rare title, or Chests containing Crystal Shards. All of these rewards are hidden behind a new feature: SCRAP GATES and KEY GATES. These Gates work similarly to Class Gates, except they consume a specific amount of either Scrap or Gate Keys in order to be unlocked. Each path containing a reward in Rocket’s Workshop is blocked by a Gate requiring a certain amount of Scrap or Gate Keys.


How long does this quest run for?
Rocket’s Scrapyard runs from May 3rd @ ~10AM PDT until June 2nd @ ~10AM PDT (10 full cycles of the 3-Day rotation)
Rocket’s Workshop runs from May 3rd @ ~10AM PDT until June 7th @ ~10AM PDT

Do I need to 100% all the difficulties of the Scrapyard every 3 days for 30 days?

If you want the most amount of Scrap possible, yes. These Quests aren’t designed to be hardcore challenges, though. Outside of some new characters, you should already know what to expect if you have played other Daily Quests.

I still don’t understand this whole Scrap/Gate Key/Item Gate thing…

You collect Scrap in Rocket’s Scrapyard and elsewhere. When you have the amount you want, you can enter Rocket’s Workshop, and spend that Scrap to unlock paths containing items you want. Key Gates work exactly the same, except they require Gate Keys, not Scrap, and the paths that Key Gates block contain different rewards.

So I lose the Scrap when I go through the Gate?

Yes. When you go through the Scrap or Key Gate, the cost of the Gate is removed from your inventory, even if you quit out of the Quest. There is a popup that asks you to confirm your choice before you move through the Gate.

What if I go through the Gate, get the Item, and then quit before I finish the Quest?

Then you lose both the item and the Scrap/Keys you spent, so… please do not do that. It should be mentioned that if you haven’t spent any Scrap or gotten any Items or Chests, there’s no harm in quitting out.

So I get to choose the rewards I want?

Yes. Unlike Dimensional Rifts, there is no random portal that sends you to an unknown location. The only thing standing between you and an item you want is the amount of Scrap you have collected.

You mentioned I can get Scrap “elsewhere”, what does that mean?

You’ll also be able to get Scrap from our upcoming Event Quest. Keep your eyes peeled for an announcement next week about that in general, but for now, please check out the rewards below to see how much Scrap you can get from the Event Quest.

I looked at the rewards… What’s a Guardians of the Galaxy Crystal?

The Guardians of the Galaxy Crystal is a new Crystal coming soon that contains 2-Star to 4-Star Guardians of the Galaxy Characters! Check your in-game mail for more details!

What about Gate Keys? There’s only a chance of getting those?

Yes. The chance of getting a Gate Key from a chest in Rocket’s Scrapyard increases based on the rarity of the chest, so you will have the best odds on the hardest path of the hardest difficulty, naturally. There is no other place to get Gate Keys outside Rocket’s Scrapyard.

The rewards don’t say anything about what the Gate Keys unlock… what gives?

We want that to be a surprise… You’ll just have to wait and see! (It’s nothing insane, though. Just some bonus Crystal Shards... and maybe something exclusive).

This is probably easier to break down between Scrapyard, the Event Quest, and the Workshop:


(Keep in mind you can get these rewards every 3 days, for 30 days)


-1x Tier 2 ISO
-20x Guardians of the Galaxy Crystal Shards
-250x Scrap

-1x Tier 3 ISO
-30x Guardians of the Galaxy Crystal Shards
-750x Scrap


-1x Tier 3 ISO
-30x Guardians of the Galaxy Crystal Shards
-500x Scrap

-1x Tier 4 ISO
-70x Guardians of the Galaxy Crystal Shards
-2500x Scrap


-1x Tier 4 ISO
-70x Guardians of the Galaxy Crystal Shards
-1000x Scrap

-2x Tier 4 ISO
-180x Guardians of the Galaxy Crystal Shards
-4000x Scrap



-5000x Scrap

-15000x Scrap


-10000x Scrap

-30000x Scrap


-15000x Scrap

-45000x Scrap


-20000x Scrap
-60000x Scrap




  • Vdh2008Vdh2008 Member Posts: 966 ★★★★
    Seeing as this post moved over and no one has commented yet, I will reiterate what I posted in the old forum.

    Basically the Workshop is a great idea implemented badly. The tediousness of going through the "level" to chose your reward(s) and fight at the end is where it falls down.

    IF there was a 100% exploration reward, maybe it would help, but as it stands, my opinion is we could have just had a separate "store" like the glory and loyalty storefronts.
  • CrushtestCrushtest Member, Content Creators Posts: 322 Content Creator
    @Vdh2008 this is not the quest exactly, so there couldn't be any reward for exploration.
  • LewisTheLlamaLewisTheLlama Member Posts: 309 ★★★
    I wish it could've been just a shop, I really want T2 Catalysts but I dont want to have to do the quest a bunch of times.
  • TryakshaTryaksha Member Posts: 210
    Ok.. do the keys fall randomly? or do we have to quest a specific number of times?.i mean on the difficult path i have got it just once. but on simple path twice..
  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    The workshop is free, stop complaining about free stuff
  • SteelCurtainMUTSteelCurtainMUT Member Posts: 432 ★★
    When will we get the prizes for the unpushed buttons? I can really use the 5* shards for Yondu lol
  • Thebgj01Thebgj01 Member Posts: 269
    I really like the rewards. I know Kabam commented on the other site that they couldn't make it into an actual store. Too much work for a temporary store and they didn't want to clog up the store page.

    I will say that there are soooooooooo many other quests to complain about that have worse rewards than the first section of the rocket quest. To complain about a no energy required quest that has rewards you can actually choose...insanity!
  • HeroBoltsyHeroBoltsy Member Posts: 785 ★★★
    Was great, would like to see something similar again!
    That being said, I think that a tweak could be made if an idea like this were to be implemented again. After every "level" of rewards, (when Rocket starts talking again), there should be a portal that could either teleport the player to the next level of rewards or to the final "boss". This would allow players to skip to the level of rewards they desire or "check out" after getting the reward they want. This would make it easier to make repeat purchases on smaller rewards, such as the T2 Catalyst Crystal. I really hope this idea is brought back!
    So it's seems that no matter if you complete all the events 100% and earn every bit of scrap, you cannot earn enough scrap for a full 100% exploration in the Workshop. What gives? Adding up the total amount of scrap that can be earned in all events and scrapyard quests you can only earn a total of 290,000 scrap. But the complete total of scrap required to get every item in the workshop adds up to needing a total of 329,350 scrap. It's a difference of 39,350 scrap. Where do we get the last of that scrap needed? Or is it something that can't be done? Am I missing something?
  • HULK_BREAKHULK_BREAK Member Posts: 374
    DJYANKEENY wrote: »
    So it's seems that no matter if you complete all the events 100% and earn every bit of scrap, you cannot earn enough scrap for a full 100% exploration in the Workshop. What gives? Adding up the total amount of scrap that can be earned in all events and scrapyard quests you can only earn a total of 290,000 scrap. But the complete total of scrap required to get every item in the workshop adds up to needing a total of 329,350 scrap. It's a difference of 39,350 scrap. Where do we get the last of that scrap needed? Or is it something that can't be done? Am I missing something?

    There is no reward if you complete it and then the valid rewards are just the top ones, so why complete it? ;)
  • Kabam DKKabam DK Moderator Posts: 221
    DJYANKEENY wrote: »
    So it's seems that no matter if you complete all the events 100% and earn every bit of scrap, you cannot earn enough scrap for a full 100% exploration in the Workshop. What gives? Adding up the total amount of scrap that can be earned in all events and scrapyard quests you can only earn a total of 290,000 scrap. But the complete total of scrap required to get every item in the workshop adds up to needing a total of 329,350 scrap. It's a difference of 39,350 scrap. Where do we get the last of that scrap needed? Or is it something that can't be done? Am I missing something?

    Hey DJYANKEENY, HULK_BREAK is correct. There is no reward whatsoever for completing the Workshop 100% - just buy what you like! That's what it's there for; you can choose what appeals most to you!
  • richo82richo82 Member Posts: 50
    So what compensation is being given to android users who could not fully complete the scrapyards because of the specific game outage.
  • AmonthirAmonthir Member Posts: 754 ★★★
    Because of several hours of outage out of the 72 hours you had to finish it...? Likely not much. I know some people left things to the last minute, but they won't do much for that specific occurence.
  • Nico010915Nico010915 Member Posts: 41
    Amonthir wrote: »
    Because of several hours of outage out of the 72 hours you had to finish it...? Likely not much. I know some people left things to the last minute, but they won't do much for that specific occurence.

    Agreed. When will people learn that this game goes out at the most random times. Make sure you complete what you want to complete so this doesn't happen.
  • HygghuHygghu Member Posts: 145
    Why is the scrap yard no longer in the game?
  • Kabam DKKabam DK Moderator Posts: 221
    Hygghu wrote: »
    Why is the scrap yard no longer in the game?

    As the original post in this thread and the in-game messages stated, Rocket's Scrapyard ran for 10 full 3-Day Cycles beginning on May 3rd at 10:00 AM PDT until June 2nd at 10:00 AM PDT (Today).

    Rocket's WORKSHOP is still open until June 7th at 10:00 AM PDT, however.
  • DLegendDLegend Member Posts: 745 ★★★
    Kabam DK wrote: »
    Hygghu wrote: »
    Why is the scrap yard no longer in the game?

    As the original post in this thread and the in-game messages stated, Rocket's Scrapyard ran for 10 full 3-Day Cycles beginning on May 3rd at 10:00 AM PDT until June 2nd at 10:00 AM PDT (Today).

    Rocket's WORKSHOP is still open until June 7th at 10:00 AM PDT, however.

    How about the android users that had been locked out from the game for hours? Some of us didn't manage to get all the scrap from the quest because of login issues
  • Scud70Scud70 Member Posts: 77
    The in game clock made me think it was on another 2 days... Honestly Kabam you post a msg and a forum post with one date then put a lazy Fking in game clock that is for the scrap yard even during the quest portion... Everything you guys do that on one hand is good u screw over with lack of forethought in another way... Feel sorry for netmarble who bought you bunch...
  • Gimli_SoGGimli_SoG Member Posts: 88
    This was so clearly communicated both in game and in the forum how the scrap yard would work... shocking to see how many posts and threads are reporting bugs that the scrapyard is gone.
  • KpatrixKpatrix Member Posts: 1,056 ★★★
    Amonthir wrote: »
    Because of several hours of outage out of the 72 hours you had to finish it...? Likely not much. I know some people left things to the last minute, but they won't do much for that specific occurence.

    You don't have 72 hours to complete it, 64 at best, same as arena. Only iOS users had the full 72 hours. When we are promised 72 hours, that needs to apply to everyone. To cut short times for certain users affects the integrity of the contest. This was not sonething that affected everyone the same. 8 hours of downtime is very significant in all phases of the game when it only affects Android users.
  • AmonthirAmonthir Member Posts: 754 ★★★
    Kpatrix wrote: »
    Amonthir wrote: »
    Because of several hours of outage out of the 72 hours you had to finish it...? Likely not much. I know some people left things to the last minute, but they won't do much for that specific occurence.

    You don't have 72 hours to complete it, 64 at best, same as arena. Only iOS users had the full 72 hours. When we are promised 72 hours, that needs to apply to everyone. To cut short times for certain users affects the integrity of the contest. This was not sonething that affected everyone the same. 8 hours of downtime is very significant in all phases of the game when it only affects Android users.

    Yes, hence the 'outage' part of the post. Just saying that if it had caused Android players to miss half the Scrap event, they would be more likely to compensate, but I am saying because it wasn't a huge (to them) loss of time, they are less motivated to do something other than blame Android phones or something.
  • KingbeanKingbean Member Posts: 2
    What will happen to unused scrap when event is over?
  • Kabam DKKabam DK Moderator Posts: 221
    Kingbean wrote: »
    What will happen to unused scrap when event is over?

    It will be removed, so make sure to spend it before the event ends in... 1 Day, 14 Hours, 48 Minutes, and 20 Seconds as of this posting.
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,325 ★★★★★
    Kingbean wrote: »
    What will happen to unused scrap when event is over?

    If you are short of scraps there are IG offers to get them. I assume you have seen it (assuming you can login).
  • phd_kurdapyo_01phd_kurdapyo_01 Member Posts: 26
    Since Scrapyards have ended and workshop is about to end, can you guys just put all the items at STORE? I'm tired of going back and forth just to consume all remaining scraps I have by getting T2 Class Cat Crystal. I still have 2k scraps remaining and it's time consuming. :D
  • benshbbenshb Member Posts: 891 ★★★★
    Since Scrapyards have ended and workshop is about to end, can you guys just put all the items at STORE? I'm tired of going back and forth just to consume all remaining scraps I have by getting T2 Class Cat Crystal. I still have 2k scraps remaining and it's time consuming. :D

    this! still have 10k scrap, and I have to sacrifice arena for it....
  • DonDaDaDonDaDa Member Posts: 4
    Now that the event is ending...can we PUSH.THE BUTTON.? And if so before it ends or after?
  • AmonthirAmonthir Member Posts: 754 ★★★
    Do not push the button ever, at all, leave it alone! The point of the email Rocket sent was to NOT PUSH THE BUTTON, and HE WOULD COME AND GET IT FROM YOU when things were safe (end of event). Just wait for the email where he takes it back and thanks you for your patience.
  • ManiacSteelerManiacSteeler Member Posts: 2
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