Emergency Maintenance, July 29 [Merged Threads]



  • _WAR__WAR_ Member Posts: 13

    Anyone having connection issues? or d game is down?

    Yep, IF it lets me load in it will disconnect within 3min. Has been nothing but issues pretty consistently for damn near 2 weeks now.
  • JestuhJestuh Member Posts: 274 ★★★

    DalBot said:

    Could be the end of the aw season now

    Needs to be the end of AW season now. No way we can reasonably expect to be able to play with confidence at this point.
    Hopefully it is. Have no faith that this won't happen again during war. And 1 death can be the difference between a win and a loss.
    Yeah super worried about this right now. I kinda wish they would just cancel The rest of this war season, give us the awards for the next tier up from what our current rank is, then take a week to make sure war is working perfectly.
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  • jaydubjaydub Member Posts: 41
    Boss Rush is also now missing when I login, did Kabam pull it down?
  • PaddoPaddo Member Posts: 90
    edited July 2020
    Paddo said:

    I also had problems just now. It has been happenening on and of this week. During a fight the red wifi symbol starts appearing, then after the fight it disconnects.

    Just happened again. Internet connection on my phone was intact, but connection was lost regardless. It again makes me hesitant to start AQ matches cause it's always costing me half of my health.
  • KiddrakeKiddrake Member Posts: 75
    Aq just fell down again, I told the group don't use items period.
    Don't pay until the get is stable and running lag free again. They like aq and war disconnected so you have to buy heals over and over
  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★
    H3t3r said:

    mine has been fine. I just finished the boss rush

    It seems to be an android situation. Been like this for past few days for me.
    I'm also on android
  • DariusYiDariusYi Member Posts: 171
    edited July 2020
    Having this problem now.
    On android.
    Finished a fight on daily quest and got the red fan. Lol.
    Update: it's been like this for the past 20 minutes.
  • LordPiyush24LordPiyush24 Member Posts: 32
    edited July 2020
    fixed yet?
  • MAERvelGODMAERvelGOD Member Posts: 322 ★★★
    Seems like Google/Android users have been having ongoing and consistently constant disconnection issues for going on 10 days now

  • ƊƖЄƓƠƊƖЄƓƠ Member Posts: 4
    The game has been unstable here for over a week, and with the update that came out these days on Android, I almost can't log in.
  • TorgoNudhoTorgoNudho Member Posts: 41
    edited July 2020
    Android user. Haven't been able to log in since 230pm eastern US today and it's 11pm now. I was able to log on before going to work on my iPad but I can't bring my iPad to work. Also had this issue yesterday. And I have been having issues all month long on android.
  • TOMCAT19TOMCAT19 Member Posts: 8
    My game still won't load @Kabam Miike I tried reinstalling and it would not download background data. Also after each fight the game losing connection. I play on mobile data in very good reception area. I have two tickets open with very little response. One for half second pauses while fight that mess up timing and one for the loading issues.
  • TOMCAT19TOMCAT19 Member Posts: 8
    The only thing that goes up is the time. <img src="https://us.v-cdn.net/6029252/uploads/editor/bl/unb6b42p6fbb.png" alt="" /
  • MAERvelGODMAERvelGOD Member Posts: 322 ★★★

    JUST NOW.....

    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Lyra
  • Camby01Camby01 Member Posts: 572 ★★
    Shocking, took a chance for an aq fight.... halfway through, red trident of death. Finished the fight, sat there with my character in victory pose, 1 min later... disconnect
  • MAERvelGODMAERvelGOD Member Posts: 322 ★★★
    Camby01 said:

    Shocking, took a chance for an aq fight.... halfway through, red trident of death. Finished the fight, sat there with my character in victory pose, 1 min later... disconnect


  • MAERvelGODMAERvelGOD Member Posts: 322 ★★★
    Our AQ & AW are so jacked up.... We're just dead in the water at this point
  • Camby01Camby01 Member Posts: 572 ★★
    Been this way for at least a week. "Stability issues" have not been fixed. Half of my alliance can't login consistently. Please change the announcement board its not only inaccurate, its incendiary to those of us experiencing constant issues.
  • Camby01Camby01 Member Posts: 572 ★★
    Just shut the damn game down for a couple days. This is past the point of ridiculous. There is a serious flaw in the game right now. Find it, fix it, then update it, and relaunch it. The constant stream of "we think its fixed now" followed by "bear with us while we work through this."

    After 5+ years of playing this game I realize that QA not something you spend any resources on. But seriously, this is 12.0 stupid at this point.
  • DariusYiDariusYi Member Posts: 171
    edited July 2020
    Android (samsung):
    I tried closing the game from background app and it seems to work after that.
    But i do notice the red icon appears every now and then. One time i tried to clear the alliance help request and it tooks forever to load. Waited a few hours, cleared the background app and restarted.
    Just closing and restarting the game doesn't work.
    Has to clear the background app.
    For older samsung, press and hold the center button, close all.
    For newer samsung, the left bottom icon, close all.
  • VmoferVmofer Member Posts: 48

    Please fix this problem with android we can't play like this. In AQ it was already the 6 time I was fighting and the game goes down. Starts with thattconnecting simbol and then goes down. Like that you are making us use al resources we have. And today starts AW I not feel confident to fight
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Lyra
  • bloodyCainbloodyCain Member Posts: 910 ★★★
    edited July 2020
    Problem: Connection issue
    Phone: Oppo Reno 2

    Just don't let me lose my arena streak and I'm good.

    I had to restart the game after several failure attempts to get the connection.
    I lose my arena streak.
    Another one bite the dust
    Really funny huh KABAM? NOT!
  • Crimson8399Crimson8399 Member Posts: 767 ★★★
    Game is definitely not where it needs to be performance wise. AW is going to be terrible tmrw.
  • CarlSpackler_Jr1CarlSpackler_Jr1 Member Posts: 42
    edited July 2020
    AQ has been awful for me since the update. Now AW. It's just terrible. What should have been 3 missions for Corvus vs aggression armor IMIW is now do it again with 50% health and one less AB.

  • bloodyCainbloodyCain Member Posts: 910 ★★★
    Do we still having this issue?

    I cannot play the game

  • che1che1 Member Posts: 13
    If a fight can be retrieved in arenas when connection is lost why not in aq or aw?

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