Hmm, the quantity of signature stones is slightly disappointing considering Kabam were hoping to make this resource more abundant. But hey, can't complain with a few more catalyst fragments and crystal shards!
56 generic sigs in a month is bad? What are you looking for?
5* sig stones mean absolutely nothing to most endgame players. Are there any 6* sig stones for us at all?
Your math is wrong last day is September 2 which is Wednesday (shard day.) So final numbers
28 x 360 = 10,080 6* shards. Add in the 2500 from Uncollected Event you have 12,580 6* shards. At this rate i might go for a featured 6* crystal since Kabam promised to decrease the trash champs in the featured 5 and 6* crystal.
Hmm, the quantity of signature stones is slightly disappointing considering Kabam were hoping to make this resource more abundant. But hey, can't complain with a few more catalyst fragments and crystal shards!
56 generic sigs in a month is bad? What are you looking for?
5* sig stones mean absolutely nothing to most endgame players. Are there any 6* sig stones for us at all?
Lol, you're talking to him as if he's not an End-Gamr player. 5* sig stones always have been and always will be important. Doesn't matter how Endgame you are.
Lol, you're talking to him as if he's not an End-Gamr player. 5* sig stones always have been and always will be important. Doesn't matter how Endgame you are.
The 183 5* generic sigs sitting in my stash right now says that's a lie. I'm almost entirely focused on 6* at this point since no 5* will bump my prestige and most newer champs don't need high sig levels anyways 🤷🏻♂️
Lol, you're talking to him as if he's not an End-Gamr player. 5* sig stones always have been and always will be important. Doesn't matter how Endgame you are.
The 183 5* generic sigs sitting in my stash right now says that's a lie. I'm almost entirely focused on 6* at this point since no 5* will bump my prestige and most newer champs don't need high sig levels anyways 🤷🏻♂️
Lol, you're talking to him as if he's not an End-Gamr player. 5* sig stones always have been and always will be important. Doesn't matter how Endgame you are.
The 183 5* generic sigs sitting in my stash right now says that's a lie. I'm almost entirely focused on 6* at this point since no 5* will bump my prestige and most newer champs don't need high sig levels anyways 🤷🏻♂️
A lot of new champs need a high sig. And Kabam isn't just going to hand out so many 6* sig stones that you can max sig all the champs you want to. So the 5* versions of those champs are going to continue being used for a long time. You're acting like 5*s aren't in the meta any more.
A lot of new champs need a high sig. And Kabam isn't just going to hand out so many 6* sig stones that you can max sig all the champs you want to. So the 5* versions of those champs are going to continue being used for a long time. You're acting like 5*s aren't in the meta any more.
I'd rather R2 an unduped 6* at this point than a duped 5* in almost every case. Why spend resources on champs that are seeing decreasing value as we go? Are 5* useless in the endgame now, no. Will they be some time in the not too distant future? Likely so the same way 4* are now. I'll take a 5* to Rank 3, maybe even R4, but not to R5 at this point. T5B and even T2A are too valuable to put in to 5* and if you're not going to rank them up, you're probably not going to Sig them up either.
A lot of new champs need a high sig. And Kabam isn't just going to hand out so many 6* sig stones that you can max sig all the champs you want to. So the 5* versions of those champs are going to continue being used for a long time. You're acting like 5*s aren't in the meta any more.
I'd rather R2 an unduped 6* at this point than a duped 5* in almost every case. Why spend resources on champs that are seeing decreasing value as we go? Are 5* useless in the endgame now, no. Will they be some time in the not too distant future? Likely so the same way 4* are now. I'll take a 5* to Rank 3, maybe even R4, but not to R5 at this point. T5B and even T2A are too valuable to put in to 5* and if you're not going to rank them up, you're probably not going to Sig them up either.
It took them such a long time to make 5* Sig stones more available for FTP. No way 6* sigs are coming up so soon.
A lot of new champs need a high sig. And Kabam isn't just going to hand out so many 6* sig stones that you can max sig all the champs you want to. So the 5* versions of those champs are going to continue being used for a long time. You're acting like 5*s aren't in the meta any more.
I'd rather R2 an unduped 6* at this point than a duped 5* in almost every case. Why spend resources on champs that are seeing decreasing value as we go? Are 5* useless in the endgame now, no. Will they be some time in the not too distant future? Likely so the same way 4* are now. I'll take a 5* to Rank 3, maybe even R4, but not to R5 at this point. T5B and even T2A are too valuable to put in to 5* and if you're not going to rank them up, you're probably not going to Sig them up either.
Perhaps your forgetting we can get t2a and t5b super fast now as well. The biggest problem for alot of people will be gold and iso for 6*.
its not too snazzy but these are the rewards breakdown for epic and herald (depending on your choice of difficulty)
Hey! You can save Favor's and play all on days when you get 360 shards (Herald).. So 28X360=10.080 6* shards if you complete 28 tries in Herald diff on Wednesday, Friday and/or Sunday quests.
aah yes i dont know why but i treated the tuesday mixed day as a compulsory day...yea so i guess you can do 28 tries of shard or catalyst
so then my logic wasn't wrong at all then??
lol just giving ya a hard time man ... i did the math and the graphic i made was accurate. notice how i said "potential" rewards. so the greatest potential rewards is what i listed if you simply save your favors for all 28 days and do one thing 28 times.
Lol, you're talking to him as if he's not an End-Gamr player. 5* sig stones always have been and always will be important. Doesn't matter how Endgame you are.
The 183 5* generic sigs sitting in my stash right now says that's a lie. I'm almost entirely focused on 6* at this point since no 5* will bump my prestige and most newer champs don't need high sig levels anyways 🤷🏻♂️
I would love to have those 5* Sig stones to place on my 5* Corvus especially since the 5* Nexus crystal we got for compensation helped awaken my 5* Corvus Glave.
Lol, you're talking to him as if he's not an End-Gamr player. 5* sig stones always have been and always will be important. Doesn't matter how Endgame you are.
The 183 5* generic sigs sitting in my stash right now says that's a lie. I'm almost entirely focused on 6* at this point since no 5* will bump my prestige and most newer champs don't need high sig levels anyways 🤷🏻♂️
I would love to have those 5* Sig stones to place on my 5* Corvus especially since the 5* Nexus crystal we got for compensation helped awaken my 5* Corvus Glave.
Don’t sig up corvus, he gets 95% of the benefit at sig 1
28 x 360 = 10,080 6* shards. Add in the 2500 from Uncollected Event you have 12,580 6* shards. At this rate i might go for a featured 6* crystal since Kabam promised to decrease the trash champs in the featured 5 and 6* crystal.
Keep them coming!
August 5th until September 2nd is 29 days if you include these two dates.
So why would we be only getting 28 Favor?
lol just giving ya a hard time man ... i did the math and the graphic i made was accurate. notice how i said "potential" rewards. so the greatest potential rewards is what i listed if you simply save your favors for all 28 days and do one thing 28 times.
If I don’t pledge to Galactus, will the Earth be consumed