Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

The AI is acting very weird after today’s update [Merged Thread]



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    YofaYofa Posts: 11
    Yeah kabam should do something I was doing a passage in 6.3 against medusa and it was really boring
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    Jus lost my arena streak to due to this issue. 5/65 corvus just stood there and there parried me. BOOM! combo-ed to oblivion
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    Doomsfist79Doomsfist79 Posts: 922 ★★★

    they said no more passive AI in arenas in dev diary. now its everywhere XD

    You actually believe things they say? Good for you.. unfortunately I realized a while back they aren't very honest..
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    R96R96 Posts: 27
    edited August 2020
    Omg I have almost chewed my phone over this.
    The ai is fighting like a cockroach now.
    They've changed the system to make ai not fall for our parries and now ai is like a cockroach they dont attack so they dont get parried and they just keep walking towards you. I don't get why they had to buff up ai when the game already has so many bugs. And now aloada new ones. My control inputs are constantly registering inverted, I swiped back 3 times and my champ kept attacking every single time. Parry is also messed up again. Every single fight atleast one of my parries fails even though the timing is perfectly correct. Block doesnt register dozens of time if you hold it after you finish a full combo .... Trying to cope with all these disgusting issues and then getting a buff to ai is just stupendous!! Ive already wasted aloada items todays because of this annoying ai behaviour.
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    I was just doing LoL coz I just became uc and starlord was behaving the same way as described above
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    Cendar333Cendar333 Posts: 303
    Here is the more lengthy detailed forum post with an administrator comment:


    Highly encourage everyone to post there!
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    Cendar333Cendar333 Posts: 303
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    Cendar333Cendar333 Posts: 303
    I'm curious if the devs have any updates on this issue. Looks like there are many threads popping up. I tagged at least 7-8 more from this morning and tried to redirect them here
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    Mtl55Mtl55 Posts: 63
    Yeah change is there and a very weird one just take a look at the rol winter soldier everyone's fav punching bag he is also acting weird and now they just won't come into parries
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    Alastr10Alastr10 Posts: 1

    I was just doing LoL coz I just became uc and starlord was behaving the same way as described above

    I decided to update the app during my abyss mid-path break... Got a lot of fun and interactive deaths on Mr.Sinister and Loki.
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    Mu7zMu7z Posts: 25
    Ai is broken. They r standing after combo and doing parry on attacks
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    Doomsfist79Doomsfist79 Posts: 922 ★★★
    Cendar333 said:

    I'm curious if the devs have any updates on this issue. Looks like there are many threads popping up. I tagged at least 7-8 more from this morning and tried to redirect them here

    Kabam miike said nothing had been changed and then closed the initial thread.. surprised the same hasn't been done with this one as well..
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    PirateJonPirateJon Posts: 82
    Yes the AI is active more passive since the update in all content. Please fix this.
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    Stu198311Stu198311 Posts: 76
    @Kabam Miike come on mike, after today’s update the AI is just walking towards me doing nothing, please sort this out
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    Pdexter86Pdexter86 Posts: 81
    I am seeing this behaviour too
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    Stu198311Stu198311 Posts: 76
    @Kabam Miike come on mike, after today’s update the AI is just walking towards me doing nothing, please sort this out, I am on the final path in labyrinth
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    KayKay Posts: 9
    edited August 2020
    It’s the same answer we got from you (if I’m not accusing you wrong, but never mind...Mods are Mods :smile: ) with the same topic if you remember on „Sentinel AI behavior with the Sp1, which couldn’t be punished immediately after an update. The quote was „we haven’t changed any KI behavior of the Sentinel, it was never intended to be possible...only few could ..Blablabla...and then suddenly there was a change again to the „normal behavior“ of the Sentinel. So please don’t Tell us ..“nothing was changed“..forward the informations to the Game Team please and Tell them to have a look at this Topic. Can’t be that so many players experience the same thing and the answer is „we didn’t change the KI behavior“.

    Thx a lot

    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Lyra
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    Tiger360Tiger360 Posts: 1,696 ★★★★
    This is making me feel Deja Vu to the situation a while back with passive AI or parrying on intercepts that made ghost a whole lot less useful
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    DrZolaDrZola Posts: 8,724 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    Kabam Boo said:

    Hey folks!

    First off, thanks for bringing this to our attention. We will continue to monitor this.

    Meanwhile, please continue to provide us specific information, such as:
    i) what is unusual about the specific opponent(s);
    ii) where are you encountering this;
    iii) when are you encountering this (specific instances, if applicable)

    The above information will be very helpful in our data collection and investigation.

    Thanks for being awesome, and thank you in advance for your cooperation!

    In the arena, the AI seems to be doing the same thing regardless of opponent and regardless of which champions I have on attack. The defender will hold block for a split second, then release and just stand there. If you attack the AI will generally block you with a well-timed block which triggers Parry if the account the defender was pulled from has Parry. The only way out of this is to either stand and wait for an extended (and random) period of time, or back away and force them to chase you across the screen. It is happening frequently enough that it basically happens in every fight if the fight lasts long enough.

    This is dramatically different from in the past, when this was at best an relatively uncommon event (the AI parrying you). And the "twitch" where the defender holds block for an instant and then releases it, which causes a visible twitch in the stance of the defender, and then the defender just stands there wide open but waiting for you to attack so it can counter you with a well-timed block, is as far as I can recall completely new.
    Same for my experience and the experience across all of the chats I am in.

    Can we at least get a confirm that something was changed? I feel bad for Kabam Miike coming on here with what looks like incomplete information from the dev team.

    Dr. Zola
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    Doomsfist79Doomsfist79 Posts: 922 ★★★
    DrZola said:

    DNA3000 said:

    Kabam Boo said:

    Hey folks!

    First off, thanks for bringing this to our attention. We will continue to monitor this.

    Meanwhile, please continue to provide us specific information, such as:
    i) what is unusual about the specific opponent(s);
    ii) where are you encountering this;
    iii) when are you encountering this (specific instances, if applicable)

    The above information will be very helpful in our data collection and investigation.

    Thanks for being awesome, and thank you in advance for your cooperation!

    In the arena, the AI seems to be doing the same thing regardless of opponent and regardless of which champions I have on attack. The defender will hold block for a split second, then release and just stand there. If you attack the AI will generally block you with a well-timed block which triggers Parry if the account the defender was pulled from has Parry. The only way out of this is to either stand and wait for an extended (and random) period of time, or back away and force them to chase you across the screen. It is happening frequently enough that it basically happens in every fight if the fight lasts long enough.

    This is dramatically different from in the past, when this was at best an relatively uncommon event (the AI parrying you). And the "twitch" where the defender holds block for an instant and then releases it, which causes a visible twitch in the stance of the defender, and then the defender just stands there wide open but waiting for you to attack so it can counter you with a well-timed block, is as far as I can recall completely new.
    Same for my experience and the experience across all of the chats I am in.

    Can we at least get a confirm that something was changed? I feel bad for Kabam Miike coming on here with what looks like incomplete information from the dev team.

    Dr. Zola
    He already said nothing was changed.. what more do you want?
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    The_Sentry06The_Sentry06 Posts: 7,783 ★★★★★
    Well they did say that the map 5 AI would more consistent with the rest of the game, so probably they put map 5 Ai everywhere.
    Just Kidding.
    I have noticed this issue too.
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    HolyLegoStepHolyLegoStep Posts: 145
    It was acting like a dummy in act 5 and always parried me when I tried to attack and knocked me down so I have to waste units smh
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    BerjibsBerjibs Posts: 1,523 ★★★★
    Kabam Boo said:

    Hey folks!

    First off, thanks for bringing this to our attention. We will continue to monitor this.

    Meanwhile, please continue to provide us specific information, such as:
    i) what is unusual about the specific opponent(s);
    ii) where are you encountering this;
    iii) when are you encountering this (specific instances, if applicable)

    The above information will be very helpful in our data collection and investigation.

    Thanks for being awesome, and thank you in advance for your cooperation!

    Herald quest.

    All fights. Ai is reluctant to either dash attack of throw specials. Feels like map5 Ai behaviour or early arena rounds.

    Ai constantly walks towards you and then idles.

    Vs Ai I’m used to in act 5, 6, variant, Canadian etc this is instantly noticeable.

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