Having experienced this myself, I think @DNA3000 and @tafre have pretty much described the issue the best early on in this thread, @Kabam Miike
I personal noticed this during a sector 7 incursion run tonight.
Additionally, in the incursion, when I went to click on the rare hack buffs at the end of a room, there was a glitched interface where I would have to click the button about 3x for the input to go through. Essentially, I would highlight "buff cornucopia" or whatever, click select and then it would go back to the initial dialogue box with nothing highlighted and I had to do this about 3x before it acknowledged my input and I could move on.
Last thing - was the power meter intentionally changed (visually?)? It is greyed out and a less bright color and has a triangle of a different shade in the corner of each bar. I've noticed it's slightly harder to tell when a threshold of power bar has been reached.
absolutely. However, only the Arena AI doing this at first, now they teach all AI. "boi, after this dude 5 combos you, just stare at them, dont do anything, then just parry them when they starting mad"
I noticed the same thing during incursions earlier. The way some folks have described it before is very accurate, especially DNA3000 and Tafre.
Also, the power meter looks different, was this visual change on purpose? It seems less bright and there is an off-color triangle in the corner of each bar. I have to say, it actually makes it slightly harder to keep track of when a threshold of power bar is crossed.
There is 100% an issue. The ai are acting like you’ve whiffed an attack at random times, making them much harder to fight. The ai punish whiffing attacks with high level intercepts and commonly parrying in arena. Please fix this kabam!
I have updated to V28.0.0 on android, i have noticed the flinching behavior where the opponent quickly blocks and unblocks and tries to bait you into a parry. However the power bar looks fine to me, still the same power bar look as pre update. I have only played arena mode so far though.
Very strange. In arenas and questing. Was working on exploration of 5.2 and the opponent would just sit there, not holding block, and when I tried to hit them, invariably got parried. Very frustrating.
Okay, this is horrible. Samsung S10, Android 10, Current Version, Northern Expeditions. Everything is Intercept from the AI. Hits are barely connecting because it either sits passively and Intercepts, or Blocks and Evades instantly. Both Champs are off-sync, and the AI automatically counters just about everything.
Haha you know something is up when you see GW saying stuff like this 😂 hopefully they get resolved soon but problems that are based on AI behavior have never been fixed quickly probably because it is not as easy to tackle compared to the regular stuff. Remember the backdraft issue and the block hitting countered by specials issue, it is never simple nor quick.
Very strange. In arenas and questing. Was working on exploration of 5.2 and the opponent would just sit there, not holding block, and when I tried to hit them, invariably got parried. Very frustrating.
The safest way I've discovered to get out of this is if you realize the AI is doing this, back away. Make them chase you. Half the time when they do they drop out of the counter-punch mode. Not always, so sometimes you have to do it more than once. But they won't just stand there if you run away, they will pursue you, at least slowly. Just don't attack into them when they are standing with their block down, because the computer can raise its block essentially instantly. If it wants to parry you, it will always succeed (if you're using a blockable attack at all).
Kabam is no dummy. AI can now Fake-your-quake so you will be less likely to quake n bake or quake n shake. They'll be "looking into it" until we just mostly forget about in the forum in a few months.
Nothing to see here, they didn't change anything.
Not for nothing, but the AI issues seem to affect Quake the least of anyone, because Quake doesn't generally care if the AI chooses to stand idle.
He meant the AI will quake you when you fight against her
Kabam is no dummy. AI can now Fake-your-quake so you will be less likely to quake n bake or quake n shake. They'll be "looking into it" until we just mostly forget about in the forum in a few months.
Nothing to see here, they didn't change anything.
Not for nothing, but the AI issues seem to affect Quake the least of anyone, because Quake doesn't generally care if the AI chooses to stand idle.
He meant the AI will quake you when you fight against her
No more so than usual. What I've noticed is it defaults to a standing position more than holding Block. The Block comes in as a knee-jerk reaction.
I wonder how AQ will look like with the passive AI together with some modifiers like Bane, the one that you must hit every 6 seconds, so sayeth doom...
Sorry, I always get those mixed up unless I'm playing. I meant holding Heavy. The point I made about Block still stands. It's like the reactionary time is immediate. To be honest, it's something I've noticed for a long time now. I think whatever issue is causing it has bypassed us so much now that it's quite noticeable. Like the window to hit has closed so much there's very little room at all.
AI is really messed up right now. Was doing sector 7 and the AI was just running up towards me (instead of attacking or holding block) and messing up all my timing. Definitely different from last month.
I wonder how AQ will look like with the passive AI together with some modifiers like Bane, the one that you must hit every 6 seconds, so sayeth doom...
I am currently working on exploring Act 5 and was on the bane chapter today. It’s really bad when it decides to go passive as you are getting ready to transfer it back. Take lots of degen damage or run into their trap. Safe to say skipping the rest of that chapter for now.
I was doing act four exploration and ai was fine there for me. was also doing 4* basic at 40+ streak and was also fine. has anyone had problems in these specific places?
Thanks for your comment/concern Kabam Boo (i don't seem to be sore to tag you BTW)!
AI definitely acting strangely since the update. I personally noticed it in quests 1-3 of the uncollected difficulty of the july EQ when i was finishing up the last few paths on my alternate account, I've noticed it in arena on main account and even in the daily t3 basic catalyst quest as well. These are all of the game modes i have tried since the update.
Primarily I've noticed that the AI seems much more reticent to preform a dash attack or throw special attacks. It is not passive exactly, it doesnt spend a tremendous amount of time blocking, it just walks at you excessively which makes space management on the map very difficult. Also if you try to attack while the AI is walking at you it intercepts with a light attack or performs a well timed block with much greater accuracy than is typical. Makes getting ins significantly more difficult.
Please see this example from the daily t3 basic catalyst quest:
Good Grief. At least I'm not alone. The AI is definitely messed up after the update. Same as everyone else the AI just sort of stands there or walks toward you. Makes it difficult to bait specials. All game modes. I'm using a mini pad4 completely updated. Needs to be fixed ASAP.
Arena every fight, story events every fight, event quests every fight. AI constantly just walks at u or like others have said just stands there and waits to intercept.
It's basically a copy of the AI from fights 10-15 in arena. That's how I would describe it.
I have never seen the AI do this in the arena before at anywhere close to the frequency it is doing it now. In fact, it is so dramatic that before this morning I don't remember the last time I saw the AI in the arena do this at all: deliberately drop guard and bait you into attacking, and if you don't then it just slowly jogs towards you so they can't be intercepted in the middle of a dash forward either. They will actually often jog up to you and stop and stand there again, daring you to attack while their hands are lowered.
I just mean the part where they keep walking towards you stupidly if you try to bait a special. Not the part where they try to parry you. Usually the Kangs team or Thanos team fights 10-15. I don't even try to bait specials in the arena anymore. Cause if you have suicides you don't really need to and the AI during the streak buildup will not likely throw them anyway. Once you get into the streak, and are facing teams that belong to someone's account they actually start throwing specials and become more aggressive. Though of course with suicides you still don't need to bait them. All is to say I was talking about the passive AI on the Thanos and Kangs team fights remind me of this. That's all.
I noticed the same thing during incursions earlier. The way some folks have described it before is very accurate, especially DNA3000 and Tafre.
Also, the power meter looks different, was this visual change on purpose? It seems less bright and there is an off-color triangle in the corner of each bar. I have to say, it actually makes it slightly harder to keep track of when a threshold of power bar is crossed.
Exactly, it's much harder to tell know when you or the opponent passes a treshold of a bar. Was about to 100% abyss this weekend, last path left, have all content done. But now i feel like quitting, deleting the game, throwing the phone away too (mcoc only phone). They promissed things will get much much better and in typical kabam fashion, they screw it up and it's worse now.
Yeah I noticed this as well. The Ai behavior feels off. There's something up. I wouldn't say it was done purposefully, but something definitely happened with the new update. I suppose the ultimate test will be AQ. If the Ai is back to its old ways of block stand offs, that will be the final piece of proof there's a bug impacting Ai behavior across-the-board. It's apparent in Arena and various Solo Quests (Variant 2, & 3; Act 6). I have my doubts that this will fix itself, but then again, stranger things have happened.
I personal noticed this during a sector 7 incursion run tonight.
Additionally, in the incursion, when I went to click on the rare hack buffs at the end of a room, there was a glitched interface where I would have to click the button about 3x for the input to go through. Essentially, I would highlight "buff cornucopia" or whatever, click select and then it would go back to the initial dialogue box with nothing highlighted and I had to do this about 3x before it acknowledged my input and I could move on.
Last thing - was the power meter intentionally changed (visually?)? It is greyed out and a less bright color and has a triangle of a different shade in the corner of each bar. I've noticed it's slightly harder to tell when a threshold of power bar has been reached.
Also, the power meter looks different, was this visual change on purpose? It seems less bright and there is an off-color triangle in the corner of each bar. I have to say, it actually makes it slightly harder to keep track of when a threshold of power bar is crossed.
AI definitely acting strangely since the update. I personally noticed it in quests 1-3 of the uncollected difficulty of the july EQ when i was finishing up the last few paths on my alternate account, I've noticed it in arena on main account and even in the daily t3 basic catalyst quest as well. These are all of the game modes i have tried since the update.
Primarily I've noticed that the AI seems much more reticent to preform a dash attack or throw special attacks. It is not passive exactly, it doesnt spend a tremendous amount of time blocking, it just walks at you excessively which makes space management on the map very difficult. Also if you try to attack while the AI is walking at you it intercepts with a light attack or performs a well timed block with much greater accuracy than is typical. Makes getting ins significantly more difficult.
Please see this example from the daily t3 basic catalyst quest:
Was about to 100% abyss this weekend, last path left, have all content done. But now i feel like quitting, deleting the game, throwing the phone away too (mcoc only phone).
They promissed things will get much much better and in typical kabam fashion, they screw it up and it's worse now.