The AI is acting very weird after today’s update [Merged Thread]



  • RakeYoungRakeYoung Member Posts: 474 ★★★
    i just want to add that i'm also experiencing this.

    the work around for now is what Unofficial Kabam Miike did in his video.

    dash back and give the defender some space and it seems to knock them out of that reactive phase where they try to bait you in to a parry or intercept.
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    I've been writing about the AI in arena for a month here. Now this AI silliness is everywhere. Lovely.
  • HieitakuHieitaku Member Posts: 1,377 ★★★★★
    edited August 2020
    I've constantly encountered this in arena. I did runs in Story Quest, ROL, Daily Quests, and Duel Target fights. The annoying AI is the same everywhere.

  • SnicklefritzSnicklefritz Member Posts: 96
    Ya this is absolutely brutal. Right after they change map 5 to be same ai as map 6 and 7. Now everything is as annoying as map 3. Wait til quest week. Gonna be some angry summoners.
  • Panchulon21Panchulon21 Member Posts: 2,605 ★★★★★
    Yeah I wasn’t really worried until I went into arena and got parried every fight because the AI is being super passive.

    The AI is dropping their block so when you go in they block and parry you. That’s never happened, I don’t get parried in arena lol.

    The AI is holding specials when they usually throw them. The side quest that begins today was pretty passive. At times the AI just drops their block and you both stand there. As soon as you attack they block. It’s like the AI was programmed to try and parry you.
  • Apocalypse189Apocalypse189 Member Posts: 1,135 ★★★
    Yeah just playing incursions , ai is so passive they literally walk up to you say boo and run away and counter as soon as you attack
  • DeaconDeacon Member Posts: 4,344 ★★★★★
    i know one thing for certain i have never been parried this much EVER. have we ever answered why AI can even parry when parry is a mastery skill??

    anyway ... yeah this new AI or bug or whatever is trash.
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,849 ★★★★★
    edited August 2020

    Yeah I wasn’t really worried until I went into arena and got parried every fight because the AI is being super passive.

    The AI is dropping their block so when you go in they block and parry you. That’s never happened, I don’t get parried in arena lol.

    The AI is holding specials when they usually throw them. The side quest that begins today was pretty passive. At times the AI just drops their block and you both stand there. As soon as you attack they block. It’s like the AI was programmed to try and parry you.

    Yes! I ran into the same problem in the arena yesterday. After I finish a combo, I was getting parried by the enemy in almost every fight.

    Then I ran into 6.2.6 and had to fight Blade and Corvus in the middle lane. When I fought Blade, I got parried a few times causing me to bleed and lose health. Vs Corvus, I’d get armor broken because of this weird AI behavior.

    I have multiple vids, but I’m not wasting my time posting them since it should be obvious to regular players that something is different now
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,584 ★★★★★
    This’ll AI is hurts my souls turtle op like crazy and just walked to oust them trow a light
  • TomerPTomerP Member Posts: 94
    The autoblock feature that now every champ has is kind of a cheat. Human players can't do that move and if they can, not with a 100% accuracy like the AI is doing. This shouldn't be a thing.

    Besides that, that creepy move of walking right to your face and just staring at you was annoying when it was limited to arena - why bring it into the other parts of this game as well?

    Get your act together Kabam.
  • Peteyaces_72Peteyaces_72 Member Posts: 29
    Yeah I agree with others on here. It’s like the AI from AQ Map 5 before the change in all areas I’ve played so far (ACT 6)

    After a 5 hit combo opponent stands there without attacking or blocking trying to bait you into attacking so they can parry or intercept instead of immediately attacking, blocking or backing off.

    I’ve notice pretty hutch everything other people have mentioned. To counteract I’ve played really slow and passively but it made the Champion fight in 6.2.6 quite tough.
  • JohnnooooooJohnnoooooo Member Posts: 216 ★★★
    The AI has literally become unbearable since the latest update, it literally reads your button/touch inputs, and throws specials while you're in a combo or attacking in, its literally become the muggiest of AI.. Please revert back its really really awkward, and the way the ai is copying your inputs in war, is going to lead to an unfair amount of times getting parried.... Anyone finding this?
  • JohnnooooooJohnnoooooo Member Posts: 216 ★★★
    Its timing its blocks with your touch inputs, thats what i meant
  • DariusYiDariusYi Member Posts: 171
    Just came here to further confirm what others have already confirmed and shown in unofficial kabam mike video.
    I played the daily class just now. And very apparent that after i finish my combo and the defender is against the wall, they just maintain an open stance. When i attack with medium, they block instantly. Since it's just a daily quest and defender doesn't have any parry mastery or timely block ability, it was just a normal block. If the defender has parry or timely block ability, it would have been a different story.
    I thought kabam intentionally made the ai smarter.
  • Lucifer1810Lucifer1810 Member Posts: 366 ★★★
    This kind of passive AI is just horrible and this needs a fix asap
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  • hebooo90hebooo90 Member Posts: 21
    Kabam Boo said:

    Hey folks!

    First off, thanks for bringing this to our attention. We will continue to monitor this.

    Meanwhile, please continue to provide us specific information, such as:
    i) what is unusual about the specific opponent(s);
    ii) where are you encountering this;
    iii) when are you encountering this (specific instances, if applicable)

    The above information will be very helpful in our data collection and investigation.

    Thanks for being awesome, and thank you in advance for your cooperation!

    very passive keeps walking towards me
    i faced this in arena and act 6.3.4&5
  • Nameless_IWNameless_IW Member Posts: 1,177 ★★★★
    yes I know the AI definitely changed with the new update. i think i found a method to snap the AI out of the hiatus and not get hit and/or parried or intercepted but i will not reveal it here cause i dont want to give them more ammunitions to make the AI smarter haha. anyways what a coincidence we have this newly **** AI specially now with the new side quest Herald difficulty lol. imagine going all 28 days with this AI. incredible lol
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,499 ★★★★★

    DrZola said:

    DNA3000 said:

    Kabam Boo said:

    Hey folks!

    First off, thanks for bringing this to our attention. We will continue to monitor this.

    Meanwhile, please continue to provide us specific information, such as:
    i) what is unusual about the specific opponent(s);
    ii) where are you encountering this;
    iii) when are you encountering this (specific instances, if applicable)

    The above information will be very helpful in our data collection and investigation.

    Thanks for being awesome, and thank you in advance for your cooperation!

    In the arena, the AI seems to be doing the same thing regardless of opponent and regardless of which champions I have on attack. The defender will hold block for a split second, then release and just stand there. If you attack the AI will generally block you with a well-timed block which triggers Parry if the account the defender was pulled from has Parry. The only way out of this is to either stand and wait for an extended (and random) period of time, or back away and force them to chase you across the screen. It is happening frequently enough that it basically happens in every fight if the fight lasts long enough.

    This is dramatically different from in the past, when this was at best an relatively uncommon event (the AI parrying you). And the "twitch" where the defender holds block for an instant and then releases it, which causes a visible twitch in the stance of the defender, and then the defender just stands there wide open but waiting for you to attack so it can counter you with a well-timed block, is as far as I can recall completely new.
    Same for my experience and the experience across all of the chats I am in.

    Can we at least get a confirm that something was changed? I feel bad for Kabam Miike coming on here with what looks like incomplete information from the dev team.

    Dr. Zola
    He already said nothing was changed.. what more do you want?
    Maybe give him accurate info so he doesn’t keep looking like the mod version of Baghdad Bob. ;)

    Dr. Zola
  • Madman_marvinMadman_marvin Member Posts: 685 ★★★★
    This happened to me in Herald Quest as well. AI is passive, dashes back and idles after I combo, and just generally act like map 5 Doombots. It’s awful.
  • Pbg__5ivePbg__5ive Member Posts: 11
    Yes, AI is acting differently
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  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★

    This happened to me in Herald Quest as well. AI is passive, dashes back and idles after I combo, and just generally act like map 5 Doombots. It’s awful.

    same scenario for me. I was doing herald and someone in another thread put it best, I thought, and described it as creepy.
  • MaybeThisIsNotMeMaybeThisIsNotMe Member Posts: 147 ★★
    To be fair to Kabam, I don't think the AI was actually changed. This bug has always been there but was somewhat a lot harder to trigger before (You could trigger it by whiffing a light attack). Something has changed though and this something is now triggering the bug constantly.
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