Kicked before epic season rewards.



  • edited August 2020
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  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,918 ★★★★★
    Op these things happen every month where people get kicked as people suggested maybe look for a better and mature ally that dont do all them things that occurred in the last ally it be better in long run and u make actual friends across the alliance
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,918 ★★★★★
    Ninja69 said:

    the people i kicked had joined like 50 mins before rewards so they wouldnt have got them

    @Mayis read this before saying he kicked people before rewards came out
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  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★

    Honestly there should be some kinda system where after the season of aw ends, you just can't kick anyone before rewards reach out to everyone. Would still leave one thing - mid season kickouts. But post season pre reward distribution kicking just feels like such a cheap shot

    I don't agree, there are certain things that justify kicking before rewards. It all comes down to how the leadership runs the alliance.
    And those certain things are barely ever the reason for kicking. One can't make the decision to kick someone on the last war. So how about they kick them before the start of the last war? Would still be used by sad souls to just be cheap. A solid number of kicking before rewards cases are just purely based on animosity etc for no justifiable reason.
    Yea, someone not putting forth effort in the final wars to help win is not a reason to kick someone before they get the rewards for the very rewards they refused to help on? We have saw that one several months back? Or how about causing massive strife in the alliance? You are believing this dude, but the truth is you dont know why he was removed.
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,918 ★★★★★
    Agree with turning chat off if things get too much @Mayis
  • edited August 2020
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  • MauledMauled Member, Guardian Posts: 3,957 Guardian
    Mayis said:

    @Bendy thx for info. There was no such thing in initial post, sorry for not reading 3 pages of comments.

    Btw, while we're giving advices to each other, before saying that "Leader was inactive", read this:

    Ninja69 said:

    SOh, and did I mention the leader was among those to harass me! The atg is GdsAs.

    I stick with my position: he should've either waited for rewards or discuss the situation with the leader. If leader was harassing him, the best option was collecting the rewards and quit the alliance.

    I repeat, no one was standing behind his door with the knife in the hand. If someone types bad messages, u can just ignore that chat: switch to global, for example. Of course there are bad things in global too, but at least it's not addressed to OP himself. He could've blocked "harrasers". But no, he decided to kick people without discussing it without leader. He couldve predicted this coming.
    And why should anyone have to put up with harassment in any context? If anyone harasses anyone in the alliance that I'm in and I boot the guy with no warning I can 100% guarantee that my leader will support my decision, along with the rest of the officers and I should think the rest of the members. This is a game, the second it becomes personal and things become personal the size 10 is going to be planted straight between that guy's cheeks and he's going to be out of the alliance before he finishes his next sentence.
  • lowlevelplayerlowlevelplayer Member Posts: 4,292 ★★★★★
    just don't join an alliance with a 5 year old leader. That simple.
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  • SaltE_Wenis69SaltE_Wenis69 Member Posts: 1,993 ★★★★
    Ninja69 said:

    So in my ally, I was an officer. I was active everyday, and participated in every AW and AQ. I used to recruit people to help out, and got us half the people in the ally. However, some people joined and harassed me, so I had no choice but to kick them. They were swearing and being racist etc. The ally leader then immediately kicked me 30 mins before rewards for kicking them. They didn't even listen to what happened. So now that is just fantastic! I get kicked because I got harassed! Oh, and did I mention the leader was among those to harass me! The atg is GdsAs.

    Please tell me if I am overreacting or if I am right to be fuming?

    Man I feel so bad I wish you could have my rewards and luck (JK I have the worst luck ever) but I think it was the right thing for you to get kicked but not before the season rewards. I'm saying it's good you got kicked because your Alliance is way too toxic. But the leader is obviously just a moron and you deserve amazing luck on your next Alliance.


  • SaltE_Wenis69SaltE_Wenis69 Member Posts: 1,993 ★★★★

    Honestly there should be some kinda system where after the season of aw ends, you just can't kick anyone before rewards reach out to everyone. Would still leave one thing - mid season kickouts. But post season pre reward distribution kicking just feels like such a cheap shot

    I partly agree with this. I feel like if you have done at least 5 wars then you should not be able to kick until the season is over. Or if someone is toxic, there can be a vote to kick or not.
  • A_Cay47A_Cay47 Member Posts: 73
    Ninja69 said:

    So in my ally, I was an officer. I was active everyday, and participated in every AW and AQ. I used to recruit people to help out, and got us half the people in the ally. However, some people joined and harassed me, so I had no choice but to kick them. They were swearing and being racist etc. The ally leader then immediately kicked me 30 mins before rewards for kicking them. They didn't even listen to what happened. So now that is just fantastic! I get kicked because I got harassed! Oh, and did I mention the leader was among those to harass me! The atg is GdsAs.

    Please tell me if I am overreacting or if I am right to be fuming?

    Do you have screen shots of the racism and harassment?
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★

    Honestly there should be some kinda system where after the season of aw ends, you just can't kick anyone before rewards reach out to everyone. Would still leave one thing - mid season kickouts. But post season pre reward distribution kicking just feels like such a cheap shot

    I partly agree with this. I feel like if you have done at least 5 wars then you should not be able to kick until the season is over. Or if someone is toxic, there can be a vote to kick or not.
    So they do the first 5 fine, and then the other 7 they scrub out on, but you cannot replace them?
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★
    this thread is making me really glad I’m not an officer anymore
  • Lord_Mazoku1Lord_Mazoku1 Member Posts: 22
    I've been kicked before rewards too. It really sucks & Kabam should lock everyone into the alliance from the mid point till 1 day after rewards are issued.
  • edited August 2020
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  • Aziz5253Aziz5253 Member Posts: 495 ★★★
    I'm glad my alliance is pretty chill comparatively even tho I'm an officer, the lead says to join/start the quest, I join/start the quest. Same for war, which player is gonna be in which bg or the players performance throughout the season is managed by the lead himself. Officers are there to give him opinions and for help whenever he needs it.
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