6.2.6 Champion - Prove Yourself

Besides "Get good", can anyone offer some useful advice on 6.2.6 Champion with the Prove Yourself link up?
Even with his nerf in place now, this still seems like such a ridiculous, RNG based fight.
I'm into his second phase where light attacks are unblockable, and it's wiping out my bank account.
I have CAIW, so I can nullify his unstoppable, but that relies on blocking or glancing attacks, and with the unblockable, that means you're losing your combo. Also have Doom for stagger, but that still basically relies on having perfect intercepts every time.
What champs could actually make this a fight requiring skill versus dumb luck in how the Champion fights?
Even with his nerf in place now, this still seems like such a ridiculous, RNG based fight.
I'm into his second phase where light attacks are unblockable, and it's wiping out my bank account.
I have CAIW, so I can nullify his unstoppable, but that relies on blocking or glancing attacks, and with the unblockable, that means you're losing your combo. Also have Doom for stagger, but that still basically relies on having perfect intercepts every time.
What champs could actually make this a fight requiring skill versus dumb luck in how the Champion fights?
I've got a 6* r2 Thing, but I still can't get to a viable combo with him either.
With my current roster, Squirrel Girl looks like my best option, cause she's duped, so she'll start every fight with 40 hits in her combo meter, so I can at least get some chip damage each fight.
She's only 5* 2/35 right now, so I guess she'll be my next big rank-up.