Our leader is closing down the ally. when is the right time to start a new alliance ?

how to know the alliance war days and how many wars left in this season ?


  • Woody141082Woody141082 Member Posts: 242 ★★
    Just join another. It’s a lot of hassle. We are looking for upto 9 new members. Map 5x.5. Add me on line woody141082. Maybe we can have a chat and see about you bringing some players over
  • PsycroptixPsycroptix Member Posts: 21
    edited August 2020
    ikr. but we are like 13 to 15 guys, really close-knitted mostly all uncollected level. not sure you can accommodate all of us. but thanks i ll bring this up to every1, we have discord group that we work on !
  • Woody141082Woody141082 Member Posts: 242 ★★
    We run on line chat. Find it more accessible. But we are a very well organised group of vets with tonnes of experience. Obviously depends on what your rosters look like but we are accepting people over 8k prestige. If you can bring your strongest over I’ll look at accommodating what we can
  • Billotch13Billotch13 Member Posts: 145
    edited August 2020
    I am looking for several guys to fill up my alliance as well. Perhaps between us and Woody, we can find new homes for all your mates? Add me on Line swaggydaddyo to chat! Would love to get you guys in place before AQ starts back up.
  • Dewy4Dewy4 Member Posts: 224
    Why doesn’t the leader just have someone take it over and you can recruit for the rest?
  • Wright38Wright38 Member Posts: 27
    We are looking for a couple of map 5 players.

    If you’re interested add me on Line App Wrighty38
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,692 Guardian

    how to know the alliance war days and how many wars left in this season ?

    Game is currently inbetween War Seasons, just finishing the 1st week of the 2 weeks in offseason.

    So if wanted to start a new one, this week would be good (before new season starts next Wed).

    Or as others mentioned, ask Leader to just promote one of you to new leader if him and some others don’t want to play anymore.
  • SlayerzzSlayerzz Member Posts: 399
    @Phsycroptix we might have a perfect solution for your problem. If you give me your discord ID, we can discuss it out, if you are interested , please tag me.
  • Captdeadp00lCaptdeadp00l Member Posts: 186
    He should pass leadership to another member. Dont know all the details but seems a bit messed up that he would rather end it rather than pass it along
  • BornLegendBornLegend Member Posts: 24
    Hey @Psycroptix we might have a solution for you, Can you please give me your discord ID.
  • PsycroptixPsycroptix Member Posts: 21
    edited August 2020
    Slayerzz said:

    @Phsycroptix we might have a perfect solution for your problem. If you give me your discord ID, we can discuss it out, if you are interested , please tag me.

    @Slayerzz its same - psycroptix. please add me !
  • PsycroptixPsycroptix Member Posts: 21
    edited August 2020

    Hey @Psycroptix we might have a solution for you, Can you please give me your discord ID.

    @BornLegend its same - psycroptix. please add me !
  • PsycroptixPsycroptix Member Posts: 21

    He should pass leadership to another member. Dont know all the details but seems a bit messed up that he would rather end it rather than pass it along

    thing is ally very dear to him, he may not give that leadership. i m guessing.
  • PsycroptixPsycroptix Member Posts: 21

    how to know the alliance war days and how many wars left in this season ?

    Game is currently inbetween War Seasons, just finishing the 1st week of the 2 weeks in offseason.

    So if wanted to start a new one, this week would be good (before new season starts next Wed).

    Or as others mentioned, ask Leader to just promote one of you to new leader if him and some others don’t want to play anymore.
    thanks a lot.. just the answer i was looking for ! :)
  • SlayerzzSlayerzz Member Posts: 399
    Hey @Psycroptix , I didn't find you. Here is my ID, Soul Reaper#4555 .please do add me. Thank you. :)
  • PsycroptixPsycroptix Member Posts: 21
    edited August 2020
    Slayerzz said:

    Hey @Psycroptix , I didn't find you. Here is my ID, Soul Reaper#4555 .please do add me. Thank you. :)

    i have added in discord buddy, also id psycroptix#6106
  • PsycroptixPsycroptix Member Posts: 21
    So guys i checked around with my team, and we formed a nice discord community and we have decided to start a new ally . small and sweet and build further based on friendship and engagement. So anybody who feels like you want to be part of a family like ally. do hit me up in game- psycroptix or discord id psycroptix#6106
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