Champion Rank Up Suggestions for Masochism Node

Hi Guys, 
I'm going for the Uncollected run this month and reached the Masochism Quest "Lines in the Sand".
Was wondering before I dwell right into it to ask you guys who would be a good fit for the said Quest!
I do know that I should be bringing High damage dealing champs that don't rely on debuff's.
The Top 5 I bring with me generally to all the quests are:
• 4* Medusa (R5/50 - Sig 70)
• 4* CapIW (R5/50 - Sig 70)
• 5* Mysterio (R3/45 - Unawakened)
• 5* Nick Fury (R3/45 - Unawakened)
• 4* Iceman (R4/40 - Sig 50)
But still would Like to know from this list below who would be suitable & who I should replace from the above list just for Act5 Ch2 Q4.
Thanks & Regards

I'm going for the Uncollected run this month and reached the Masochism Quest "Lines in the Sand".
Was wondering before I dwell right into it to ask you guys who would be a good fit for the said Quest!
I do know that I should be bringing High damage dealing champs that don't rely on debuff's.
The Top 5 I bring with me generally to all the quests are:
• 4* Medusa (R5/50 - Sig 70)
• 4* CapIW (R5/50 - Sig 70)
• 5* Mysterio (R3/45 - Unawakened)
• 5* Nick Fury (R3/45 - Unawakened)
• 4* Iceman (R4/40 - Sig 50)
But still would Like to know from this list below who would be suitable & who I should replace from the above list just for Act5 Ch2 Q4.
Thanks & Regards
Champion Rank Up Suggestions for Masochism Node 55 votes
Post edited by Kabam Rose on
Void is also good vs masochism as once debuffs are stuck he counters the heals and takes care of the slightly annoying dr strange.
AA is complete beast on that quest, did a lot of it with 3* on a mini recently he was better than all my 4*s 😂
Granted she wasn’t one of your options but if it’s the choice of those 3 ghost would be the best option imo
Ghost because she doesn’t apply debuffs, and omega because he can stop the removal of debuffs with his spores.