Thought on Cap IW at sig 140?

So I have Cap IW at R4 unduped. I have a science AG and enough sig stones to get him around sig 140, which gives him 79% chance at his abilitiies. I have all the cats to R5 him. Just wondering from any experienced Beardo users, is he pretty viable at this sig level, or should his sig ability be higher?
I usually only wait to use an AG until I can get them sigged and ranked enough to be useable because in that time, I may very well naturally dupe him again. But if you saw my post on share you worst pulls:

Didn't quite get what I was looking for, and It will be quite some time until I have enough 5* shards to do another batch opening again. Will have around another 60 stones available to me in a month from the SA calendar plus the generics from Herald difficulty. That will be sooner than when I'm at 100k shards again. So I pose this question to anyone who has experience with CapIW,: do you find him reliable enough at sig 140?
I usually only wait to use an AG until I can get them sigged and ranked enough to be useable because in that time, I may very well naturally dupe him again. But if you saw my post on share you worst pulls:

Didn't quite get what I was looking for, and It will be quite some time until I have enough 5* shards to do another batch opening again. Will have around another 60 stones available to me in a month from the SA calendar plus the generics from Herald difficulty. That will be sooner than when I'm at 100k shards again. So I pose this question to anyone who has experience with CapIW,: do you find him reliable enough at sig 140?
140 is great for most everything. The real reason you want to be sig 200 is to be essentially debuff immune with the skill synergy. For all other intents and purposes, 140-160 is a good place to be at. Definitely r5 worthy at that point. Mine is at around 92% and it’s almost infallible. I’m still bringing him to sig200 tho.
Use the sig stones from Herald difficulty to boost him up. Bring CAIW and the tech synergy (plus Void if you have him) so you can apply petrify which shuts down Dooms aura on Mystic day. I’ve done it itemless every time with CAIW 5/65, Void 4/55, Gulk 3/45, G2099 5/65, and HT 3/45.
My main hitters are Cap and Void. Gulk is for the reduced damage synergy with cap, G2099 to enable petrify on block for cap and to do a bit of damage, and HT as an okay-ish contributor.
But you answered my question quite thoroughly. Thanks, you, sir.
Yeah for sure awaken him and pump sig stones if I wasn’t clear before.
My capiw...😎😎