Epic M.Island: Upcoming NEW 5* Featured Crystal Option???

The Mutant Island announcement Post is "Closed" & can't find in google/forums search. Noticed Epic M.Island Quest ends 1 day after the upcoming NEW 5* Featured Crystal drops. If we grab the crystal after it switches, will we get the New Champs Pool instead of current? That'd be gr8. Plz confirm @Kabam Miike, Thanks.

More than half of them have some really good uses, including some top-tier ones in there as well (without getting into specific God/Semi/Demi/etc.. breakdowns).
Sure, there's a Cyclops, but at least there ain’t 18 Cyclops equivalent possibilities to along with the 6 new champs.
Thx for info, is that from Kabam? I couldn't find confirmation in posts/threads. @Lmao @youaintright @MadooriC
It's been like this for all events in the past, including rifts. You will get the current champion pool and not the new one.
The side quests from the past that rewarded a 5* feature...I can only think of rifts atm, not sure if there are others...didn’t change when the feature timer rolled over.
Fairly certain that’ll be the case here, but hopefully a mod will clarify for you. 👍🏽
But hey, the current one is the best we had for months. Bought too many of them, so I have more than 50% already dupe now.
Sounds like most r saying it hasn't in past content. Thanks @Uncle_Fatty_247 @WOLF_LINK @ChriissR
Was gonna wait, hoping it would update after New Feature drops. Still better than past pools.
There was a 5* featured crystal as a reward on one of the paths.
When the 5* featured changed during the event, the reward did not update the new iteration.
I would assume that the same will happen here but who knows!