If the game becomes too easy, many will leave



  • Sw0rdMasterSw0rdMaster Member Posts: 1,834 ★★★★
    So how many are we talking about that will leave?
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★

    So how many are we talking about that will leave?

    how many is not possible to count, but the largest problem is where they would come from. The difficulty of the game is mainly what drives the spending of units and buying of offers, remove that and the game would make vastly last money and then constant development would end, just like most hero collection games on the market, where you get the game and rare content updates.
  • Sw0rdMasterSw0rdMaster Member Posts: 1,834 ★★★★
    Lormif said:

    So how many are we talking about that will leave?

    how many is not possible to count, but the largest problem is where they would come from. The difficulty of the game is mainly what drives the spending of units and buying of offers, remove that and the game would make vastly last money and then constant development would end, just like most hero collection games on the market, where you get the game and rare content updates.
    If it can't be counted, then it can't be said that many will leave.

    All we know is, someone might leave.
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  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★

    Lormif said:

    So how many are we talking about that will leave?

    how many is not possible to count, but the largest problem is where they would come from. The difficulty of the game is mainly what drives the spending of units and buying of offers, remove that and the game would make vastly last money and then constant development would end, just like most hero collection games on the market, where you get the game and rare content updates.
    If it can't be counted, then it can't be said that many will leave.

    All we know is, someone might leave.
    that is logically false. Many is a vague term, you can say it just fine.
  • GOTGGOTG Member Posts: 1,040 ★★★★

    SparkAlot said:

    The argument of "too easy" is self imposed for lots (but not all) of the complainers.

    For example, new content comes out, they immediately rush in with their 6* R3s, mop through it like it was nothing, then sit there crying how easy it was.

    Well, duh, what did you expect? Why not use your 3*s or 4*s (if there are no stupid gates) and then play it, and that WILL be more difficult, if that is still too easy, drop down to 2*s & 1*s.

    Why must Kabam hold your hand with gates or objectives that force you to use lower level champs?
    Do it yourself if you want challenge.

    Kabam made it much more difficult with Act 7, and the "too easy" crowd was complaining it was "too hard", so Kabam had to rework it.

    This is always one of the absolute dumbest things that gets said in these discussions. What is the point on any of us chasing t5c, 6* shards, etc... from content to then turn around and just use 4*s? In what universe does it make sense to do that? Why do so many people care about the cav quest rewards if there's absolutely no point to having R3 6*s to begin with? What are you even doing the quest for?
    This Is a game, and the goal should be to have fun, not only to take champs to rank 3.
    We don't have fun by beating a simple content.
    Arsoz said:

    I dont think many will leave because they want a challenge especially when their accounts are stacked

    they just forget that there is a game called MCOC because it's so simple that they forgot about it right after logging in?

  • GOTGGOTG Member Posts: 1,040 ★★★★
    edited September 2020
    You can't kill an ant and keep remembering about it.
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  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Ebony_Naw said:

    SparkAlot said:

    The argument of "too easy" is self imposed for lots (but not all) of the complainers.

    For example, new content comes out, they immediately rush in with their 6* R3s, mop through it like it was nothing, then sit there crying how easy it was.

    Well, duh, what did you expect? Why not use your 3*s or 4*s (if there are no stupid gates) and then play it, and that WILL be more difficult, if that is still too easy, drop down to 2*s & 1*s.

    Why must Kabam hold your hand with gates or objectives that force you to use lower level champs?
    Do it yourself if you want challenge.

    Kabam made it much more difficult with Act 7, and the "too easy" crowd was complaining it was "too hard", so Kabam had to rework it.

    This is always one of the absolute dumbest things that gets said in these discussions. What is the point on any of us chasing t5c, 6* shards, etc... from content to then turn around and just use 4*s? In what universe does it make sense to do that? Why do so many people care about the cav quest rewards if there's absolutely no point to having R3 6*s to begin with? What are you even doing the quest for?
    Not everything is supposed to be a challenge for you though. To hold everyone to that pedestal where we won't catch up to your current roster for a couple of years potentially isn't fair, nor should it be expected. In my opinion, the real issue is that exploration was promised to be geared towards endgamers like you.

    Kabam can't target everyone all the time, and if CEQ was geared towards you, so when certain people say they're thinking of everyone but the "sweaty boys", I can't help but roll my eyes because that's the only people they should be thinking about in this instance when it comes to exploration.

    But I do think the main issue is the rewards, not the difficulty.
    I don't expect everything to be catered to me at all. They're nerfing story content into the ground. Anything troublesome in AQ or AW these days seems to get nerfed as well. Cav EQ wasn't remotely challenging for me. I add least had to pay attention to what I was doing, read nodes, and actually pick a team for a path specifically as opposed to just blindly going in with anyone and walking it.

    My thing is just anytime anyone seems to run into anything they actually have to think about now, it's just make as much noise about it as possible until it gets changed. If story, AQ, AW, etc... isn't supposed to be remotely challenging, what is? You can clear the vast majority of the paths with 4/40 4*s. If someone is cavalier and can't scrounge up 4/40 options, what are they doing with the title to begin with?

    I'm not asking for something so difficult that it's getting close to roadblocking even rosters like mine but the newest hardest difficulty of EQ also shouldn't be so brain dead simple that late game players should be bored out of their minds with it on day 1 either.

    As far as reward amounts and structure, I personally think they're fine. If enough people don't and they get increased then cool, bonus for me as well. My primary focus on the whole thing has been the quest design which I think is great and not remotely as restrictive as people are making it out to be. If 4/40 champs can easily get through most of it as long as you're using the right ones, this isn't that tough.
  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★
    I enjoyed Cav EQ a lot and yeah, it’s pretty easy. Too easy? Kinda. Even when I was using my 5/50 and 4/40 four stars, I barely had to spend any revives or potions to do an initial path through each quest (barring the final Apocalypse fight, that took all my stash of revives, screw you Apocalypse). When I was using my actual questing team, I didn’t have to use a single revive or potion to 100% it. So I do think that it was too easy and I think it can definitely be tuned up, but then the rewards would have to be tuned up as well. If it were done my way, there would be an easier completion path in each quest that would be the same difficulty as Cav EQ right now and the exploration would be about 2x as hard.
  • Doctorwho13Doctorwho13 Member Posts: 600 ★★★
    It all comes down to money and at the end of the day Kabam will attempt to make the best decision regarding financial longevity. That could go either way at this point.

    If they believe the loss of some players is acceptable by making content easy to either keep the bulk or attract new players they will make it easy. Or, if they believe increasing the difficulty level suits game growth and player attraction better they’ll do that.

    It stinks for the opposite side of either outcome but thems the breaks.
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  • ArifuteraArifutera Member Posts: 222 ★★★
    Exactly my thoughts after watching act 7 beta...it's too easy....where is the challenge?!?
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  • Doctorwho13Doctorwho13 Member Posts: 600 ★★★
    Ebony_Naw said:

    i'm not sure why people fail to realize that the MCOC community at large is made up of more than just "end game" players. the game isn't just about your favorite YouTuber. there are millions more who play this game so content should be balanced and not just tailored to people with R3 6* champs.

    the progression was NOT meant to be this quick. Kabam stated when Abyss came out that the content was NOT created to get through in one day. but the extremist players out there of course ran through it and called all content after "easy".

    and this is coming from someone who is an end game player himself. i don't want the game to simply cater to what I think is a challenge etc. i'm fine with the content right now as it holds something for everyone on every level.

    it has to have balance as Mr. Miyagi would say.

    It's not that the game should cater to endgame players. But why can't there be recurring content created for them that gives others something to strive towards and use as a marker of when they can hold their own at the next level? And my account isn't endgame. But I would have no problem not being able to explore CEQ if that was Kabam's stated intention.
    I’m not a developer so I have to ask; is that actually feasible for Kabam? I mean cost wise. Recurring implies regular. They seem to take a while to do some items. My initial guess would this would require more resources than they have to devote
  • ArifuteraArifutera Member Posts: 222 ★★★

    I don't get some of you guys. Since when have the monthly event quests been too hard for the Top 1% of players? Of course its going to be relatively easy for you, only content that was hard for end gamers was 6.2-6.4 pre nerf. Most felt Abyss was too easy. I don't want my monthly event quest to be as hard as act 6.2 pre nerf to where I have to use revives using maxed out 5 stars. Like how delusional are you?

    The monthly event quest was fun for sure and interesting for the highest level of players. I agree that is was perfectly designed as well and my only real complaint is time investment which means give me better rewards so I feel like playing an 8 hour event monthly.

    As an end game player, I'm not worried about monthly quests, did you see the gameplay for Act 7 beta?
    There is no challenge in it, just take 5 r3's and blast through.
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,254 ★★★★★
    GOTG said:

    SparkAlot said:

    The argument of "too easy" is self imposed for lots (but not all) of the complainers.

    For example, new content comes out, they immediately rush in with their 6* R3s, mop through it like it was nothing, then sit there crying how easy it was.

    Well, duh, what did you expect? Why not use your 3*s or 4*s (if there are no stupid gates) and then play it, and that WILL be more difficult, if that is still too easy, drop down to 2*s & 1*s.

    Why must Kabam hold your hand with gates or objectives that force you to use lower level champs?
    Do it yourself if you want challenge.

    Kabam made it much more difficult with Act 7, and the "too easy" crowd was complaining it was "too hard", so Kabam had to rework it.

    This is always one of the absolute dumbest things that gets said in these discussions. What is the point on any of us chasing t5c, 6* shards, etc... from content to then turn around and just use 4*s? In what universe does it make sense to do that? Why do so many people care about the cav quest rewards if there's absolutely no point to having R3 6*s to begin with? What are you even doing the quest for?
    This Is a game, and the goal should be to have fun, not only to take champs to rank 3.
    We don't have fun by beating a simple content.
    Arsoz said:

    I dont think many will leave because they want a challenge especially when their accounts are stacked

    they just forget that there is a game called MCOC because it's so simple that they forgot about it right after logging in?

    What's your in-game name? I'm going to need receipts on your accomplishments for the way you're talking.
  • Championa10Championa10 Member Posts: 44
    In my opinion, if you have to use revives, its not easy. I usually quit out of an entire quest if I have to spend units on revives, with the exception of the final boss when becoming a cavalier in Act 6. That **** was hard.
  • HoitadoHoitado Member Posts: 3,707 ★★★★★
    They really need to just Match the rewards with the difficulty level and it’ll be Golden
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  • manveertherealmanveerthereal Member Posts: 1,363 ★★★
    summer of pain
  • SatsuiNoHadouSatsuiNoHadou Member Posts: 753 ★★★
    From another post but same essence. Let’s use this analogy:

    You married your wife as she’s the girl of your dreams, but over the years and decades of being married most will tend to get bored to some extent. In a similar manner it’s just like difficulty levels, you definitely like it when it’s easy cos that allows you to coast through, but then the game loses meaning eventually as it offers up no new varieties of challenge to keep you engaged. Humans are inherently hard to satisfy, and we become easily bored when remaining within our comfort zone for far too long.

    Which is why both married men and women still steal a glance at other attractive people every once in a while as it’s in our nature to always want something more. In the case of mcoc, it’s the desire to be continually challenged so that the game retains meaning and we are still motivated by the challenge to try and overcome whatever is thrown our way.

    Plus it’s only with a challenging difficulty will one then be motivated to train and improve to bring our game to the next level and overcome said challenge. If not, then most of us wouldn’t even push ourselves and just be comfortable maintaining the status quo.

    That being said, I find the restrictions to be rather complementary instead of in opposition to the current meta. I had so much fun trying to fully utilize the globals with the appropriate attackers to give myself that added advantage when 100 percenting cavalier.
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