If the game becomes too easy, many will leave

Not just Brian Grant. Many gamers want challenge and the great feeling after clearing hard content, not digital product that you give us through easy content or selling every day Kabam.

For example, new content comes out, they immediately rush in with their 6* R3s, mop through it like it was nothing, then sit there crying how easy it was.
Well, duh, what did you expect? Why not use your 3*s or 4*s (if there are no stupid gates) and then play it, and that WILL be more difficult, if that is still too easy, drop down to 2*s & 1*s.
Why must Kabam hold your hand with gates or objectives that force you to use lower level champs?
Do it yourself if you want challenge.
Kabam made it much more difficult with Act 7, and the "too easy" crowd was complaining it was "too hard", so Kabam had to rework it.
It's totally different with the challenge we want from the game. The challenge that even if we do our best we may not still be able to beat it.
This isn’t a game like a lot of MMOs where there’s a proper level/gear cap which isn’t going to change much in any direction (e.g. OS Runescape) so the endgame becomes stable and metas shift only slightly over time, and more often it’s left and right rather than up. It is constantly changing here, we’re currently scratching the surface of R3 6*, this year I’ve ranked up 5 6* to R2 and 20 5* to R5, that resource acceleration shows the constant shift upwards and the very nature of the game is going to leave the .01% a bit dissatisfied unless they produce content that is out of reach for all but masters tier players.
It’s pretty obvious that “end game” players who are complaining that it’s “too hard” or “too restrictive”, are a lot less “end game” than they think they are.
When there's difficulty levels to be chosen, just because you can't do it on the highest difficulty doesn't mean that the other difficulty levels become irrelevant, they're there to help you progress to the next difficulty just like in most other games.
I would prefer, if they would enlarge the boosts to a larger champ group (more tags/while classes). In this way its nearly the same difficulty for all the whales, who have every niche champ anyway and could perhaps even find more fun doing it by using their 2nd guard, and at the same time more doable for progressing summoners.
Additionally, for these rewards, I wont even bother pushing for anything. Not worth it.
I'm not sure if this was KABAMs intention, but they kind of forced me to play less. UC EQ was done very fast, Cav. completion also, and as i don't bother going/pushing for completion for this bad rewards, just the nice side event with the juicy rewards taking 2 mins a day have to be played.
Foreseeing the future, where definitely much worse side events compared to this month will appear, these rewards won't bait anybody to do it. Not even in the present.
And if that is "not the challenge you are looking for" than tell me what it is. It really does not make any sense at all to me.