Void worthy of rank 3?

TrubluMateTrubluMate Member Posts: 385 ★★★
edited September 2020 in Strategy and Tips
So it’s my first t5cc and I have an awakened six star Void.
As one of his heal reversal isn’t dependant on rank is it worthwhile holding off.
Context: initial Act 6 completion, no abyss.
I can go full OR/Void synergy team too!

Void worthy of rank 3? 38 votes

Rank Void up
Haji_SaabSpity68TerraJim0172Legendboy2411RamadaHector_1475StevieManWonderCtuchikMidnite93Iron_Patriot_is_litDarkDuelistBonzodavidMikusik1YENANSASHESSpideyFunkoChikelRoKoPlayzzzXguard77unoobmepro 30 votes
Wait for Torch/Thing or awakening CAIW.
Tarun46KerneasmanveertherealRookiiegamers34laxtheAncelsgraham12 8 votes
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on


  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Just depends on how much you use/like Void. I was going to rank mine last science catalyst but my BG needed a Rulk for war attack. R5 max sig 5* can actually outdamage a low sig R3 though. I personally still plan on ranking him but that's a personal decision really. Also omega and void may have synergy together but I've never really saw them as a great questing team. Omega pretty much needs suicides and void is horrible with them.
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  • MauledMauled Member, Guardian Posts: 3,957 Guardian
    He’ll give you a bit more juice for AoL but he does need the sig to be worth IMO. I personally find him a bit dull even if he does fill an important role. Should be noted he can reverse his heali just as well at R2 though, so if that’s all you’re doing it for I wouldn’t bother just yet.
  • AncelAncel Member Posts: 109
    Wait for Torch/Thing or awakening CAIW.
    Yes and no, void is worth the rank up 100% but given that a 3* even 2* void can destroy ROL wolverine I think he's fine how he is and human torch is great so is think but it depends where your at if your like doing master and act 4-5 chapter two wait for torch he will get you through loads of content I became uncollected with a r4 unawakened 4* torch
  • atharvaapte198atharvaapte198 Member Posts: 19
    Yes. Void is a very underrated champ in my opinion. The direct damage he deals throughout the fight is insane. I would any day be happy to invest as many resources as I have in Void.
  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★
    Rank Void up
    I’d definitely rank up Void to r3. I have mine at 6r3 and I’ve never regretted it, he’s an absolute beast
  • manveertherealmanveerthereal Member Posts: 1,363 ★★★
    Wait for Torch/Thing or awakening CAIW.
    i feel like void at r2 is more than enough or r5 5 star
  • TrubluMateTrubluMate Member Posts: 385 ★★★

    Just depends on how much you use/like Void. I was going to rank mine last science catalyst but my BG needed a Rulk for war attack. R5 max sig 5* can actually outdamage a low sig R3 though. I personally still plan on ranking him but that's a personal decision really. Also omega and void may have synergy together but I've never really saw them as a great questing team. Omega pretty much needs suicides and void is horrible with them.

    Yes I run suicides. But the consideration is the Killmonger synergy can help too with the healing
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    Trubli said:

    Just depends on how much you use/like Void. I was going to rank mine last science catalyst but my BG needed a Rulk for war attack. R5 max sig 5* can actually outdamage a low sig R3 though. I personally still plan on ranking him but that's a personal decision really. Also omega and void may have synergy together but I've never really saw them as a great questing team. Omega pretty much needs suicides and void is horrible with them.

    Yes I run suicides. But the consideration is the Killmonger synergy can help too with the healing
    Well...the suicides damage and recoil overpowers the Regen unfortunately (in my experience).
  • TrubluMateTrubluMate Member Posts: 385 ★★★
    I think Kabam have voted with the Thronebreaker title
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