The 47.0.1 hotfix to address the issue of freezing & flashing lights on loading screens when trying to enter a fight, along with other smaller issues, is now ready to be downloaded through the App Store on IOS.
More information here.

Since the latest update... [Fix in Progress]



  • DefJ123DefJ123 Member Posts: 54
    6 crashes today and game is laggy as ****. Seriously a hooker deciding whether she wants to go down on a sweaty summer **** or not is quicker then this games reaction. Seriously get your **** straight and stop making this game worse each update!
  • realiTicrealiTic Member Posts: 96
    The issue is the new AIs. They were introduced in 12.0, most noticeble is the leg twitcher. The leg twitching is gone but the AI remains. Here is what I have noticed.

    AI with less then 3k rating: No issues, can do everything we did before.

    AI 3k~4k rating: Can parry easily but not connect specials after 5 hit combo

    AI 4k~5k rating: All issues above. Plus these new issues. We can no longer parry right 5 hit combo. AI double dash forward thus bypassing our evade. AI can immediately attack after getting hit by a combo or special.

    AI 5k rating above: All issue above. Plus these new issues. AI blocking or attacking right after performing specials or heavy. AI able to move forward during heavy.

    Please fix the mechanics of the new AIs so that they match what players can perform.

  • Kushyclouds92Kushyclouds92 Member Posts: 25
    @realiTic you hit the nail right on the head..im facing the exact same problems and have been since after 12.0 update.. @kabam please address these issues and actually fix them and admit your mistakes..also compensation has not been mentioned surely 2months+ worth of bugs is worth compensating us all for or frustrations!? Many top players have quit the game due to these bugs many even think you have placed them there intentionally so you can make alot of ££€€$$ well congratulations kabam im sure you have done just that.
  • Maat1985Maat1985 Member Posts: 2,387 ★★★★
    last i checked july is only a few days away not 6 weeks.... why is peepes saying end of july for v14????? we need an update in about a week for the new event quest......
  • Darkstar4387Darkstar4387 Member Posts: 2,145 ★★★
    edited June 2017
    I'm hoping the fix is soon, I'm starting to get tired of getting pumelled by the ai because my champs won't move( swipes and blocks not registering )or my blocks failing, specials and hits being blocked or not doing any damage to enemy, them doing things we can't, reacting and resetting themselves way quicker than we can, them doing a lot more damage than us, lagging, connection issues, dropped connection, problems with masteries , charactes moving g by themselves or firing off random specials, and caracter abilities etc.

    This just makes the game frustrating and drains our resources, and takes away the fun out it
  • Tman0971Tman0971 Member Posts: 354 ★★
    realiTic wrote: »
    The issue is the new AIs. They were introduced in 12.0, most noticeble is the leg twitcher. The leg twitching is gone but the AI remains. Here is what I have noticed.

    AI with less then 3k rating: No issues, can do everything we did before.

    AI 3k~4k rating: Can parry easily but not connect specials after 5 hit combo

    AI 4k~5k rating: All issues above. Plus these new issues. We can no longer parry right 5 hit combo. AI double dash forward thus bypassing our evade. AI can immediately attack after getting hit by a combo or special.

    AI 5k rating above: All issue above. Plus these new issues. AI blocking or attacking right after performing specials or heavy. AI able to move forward during heavy.

    Please fix the mechanics of the new AIs so that they match what players can perform.

    Any comment Mods?
  • Darkstar4387Darkstar4387 Member Posts: 2,145 ★★★
    My gambit first special keeps bugging out in alliance quest, so far without fail he's missed at least one level one in every alliance quest for the past couple of weeks.

    When he goes to throw his card the ai glitches out stands straight and doesn't move and my cards just go straight through them without doing any damage to enemy or hitting them.
  • Lambda1Lambda1 Member Posts: 200 ★★
    Kabam Wolf wrote: »
    Hey everyone. I'm really sorry for the delay on answering this thread. I just wanted to check in and let you all know that the Team is still currently working on improvements and fixes for blocking, evading, enemies attacking while evading, not being able to combo into a special, and issues with parrying. There are a lot of fixes that they've tested that will hopefully be coming with 14.0. Thank you so much for hanging in there while we work on this!

    Gameplay is absolutely horrible in AQ and AW for weeks now. It's not about OS, version, or hardware. It's all about Kabam's work (if this can be called work).

    Let me ask... What are you concretely doing to fix this? There's absolutely no fun with AQs anymore. Skill is not enough to get over that pitiful gameplay.

    FYI : We play full Q5 (Expert tier) and Tier 2 AWs...
  • I_am_GrootI_am_Groot Member Posts: 646 ★★
    Maat1985 wrote: »
    last i checked july is only a few days away not 6 weeks.... why is peepes saying end of july for v14????? we need an update in about a week for the new event quest......
    Because they had said the v14 would be released for end of July.
    But I cannot find this claim in this thread now, however I'm sure I read it in some mod's reply.
  • I_am_GrootI_am_Groot Member Posts: 646 ★★
    Well, v14 have been released, I'm reading the notes and seem like many things were fixed but those weren't fixed.
  • Tman0971Tman0971 Member Posts: 354 ★★
    Parry is worse than ever from what I'm seeing. The release notes have this:
    "Increased the transition speed in and out of the block animation. Animation transition speed should now be consistent across all characters"
    Was hoping this would mean better parry and not being GLUED to your opponent's fists when he's attacking you while blocking. I was wrong.

    I see it like this, they keep giving us the little 'crumb' fixes with character issues, obscure fixes like the one above which doesn't really tell you anything, and continue ignore the FUNDAMENTAL fight mechanics that were broke since 12.0

  • mydnightmydnight Member Posts: 671 ★★★
    Ghost Rider's S1 is now blocked if u try to use it in a combo. U fixed useless champs and broke useful...... amazing. Couldn't get a hit in edgewise against several champs today like u guys said.
  • Tman0971Tman0971 Member Posts: 354 ★★
    mydnight wrote: »
    Ghost Rider's S1 is now blocked if u try to use it in a combo. U fixed useless champs and broke useful...... amazing. Couldn't get a hit in edgewise against several champs today like u guys said.

    Just experienced this today in AQ too. I don't think it's the champ though, I think the underlying issue are these two:



  • Tman0971Tman0971 Member Posts: 354 ★★
    Here's a video of Seatin playing with him on June 28th and guess what? SP1 blocked. Go to the 10:20 mark and watch.

  • furymachine84furymachine84 Member Posts: 80
    It's not just iPhone users. I have been dealing with this since 12.0 patch. Some updates it gets a little better but others worse.
  • FineDogFineDog Member Posts: 403 ★★★
    I've noticed some improvements and some new problems. Comboing into a special is definitely improved with the new patch, but still very inconsistent. A lot of enemies still manage to block every special, and it seems more common with higher PI quest opponents than arena opponents.

    Parrying is almost impossible now as well. The timing seems different, as opponents will counter attack just slightly later than they used to, and they're much more prone to just blocking and turtling forever and never responding to any player actions until you try and throw a heavy, at which point they suddenly start attacking.

    I have also noticed what @TheBlet mentioned about easier opponents suddenly getting much more aggressive, evading everything, and blocking every special when they're low on life.
  • AngelLordAngelLord Member Posts: 62
    I've noticed definitely the lag issues are back....Parrying is REALLY tough now. and Opponents can get off heavy attacks WAY faster than in the past, opponents also seem to be able to block specials super easily as well as return attacks way too quickly. The AI is definitely "Cheating" knowing when you are going to throw a heavy, or when you are going to release your block, etc etc...they just clobber you with a combo afterward while you have no possibility of responding.
    I just had an AI in AQ that anticipated every single thing I threw at it and the second I dropped my guard (Couldn't evade back 3x in a row) it did a 5 hit combo against me followed by a SP2 attack. I was trying to either block or evade the entire time....but my character never moved from the attacks, meanwhile I lost over 1/2 my health ...that is not challenging play...that is "Cheating" to make the AI harder. A player would not have been able to do that against me...why should the AI be able to do things a player cannot.
  • I_am_GrootI_am_Groot Member Posts: 646 ★★
    Maybe these bugs... are not bugs.
  • Tman0971Tman0971 Member Posts: 354 ★★
    I_am_Groot wrote: »
    Maybe these bugs... are not bugs.
    It's intentional, no doubt about it
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