I know they match us against war ratings, but really?!

My alliance:

Enemy alliance:

Sometimes I think the system can break and I believe this might be one of those times.Its a guaranteed loss for us and a guaranteed win for them...

Enemy alliance:

Sometimes I think the system can break and I believe this might be one of those times.Its a guaranteed loss for us and a guaranteed win for them...
In those cases I will say that Kabam actually should look at doing something to “initially” place NEW or REVIVED alliances into a more appropriate starting WAR RATING (or throughout a season to manually keep adjusting them higher as the alliance starts to fill out to a full roster with obviously higher rated people than had been in there before).
But otherwise, for established alliances, the system now is what is in place.
Now! Go ahead and hit the disagree then go back into your game and beat down some alliance that is smaller than you, collect your easily gained victory! But quit making excuses for this garbage excuse of a matchmaking system! And trying to argue that it is fair!
to try to show that I'm not benefitting from this new matchmaking either, considering it's one of the easier matchups we've had this season
it's definitely fairer than the old one, which had even more manipulation and unfair matchups and rankings.
Last matchmaking allowed puny alliances to climb where they did not belong.
This will even the playing field and show you your place
If a 28 Mil is in Bronze 1, then there should be measures in place preventing them from steamrolling Alliances. We're talking about an 8 Mil in S3, not an 8 Mil in Master.
This kind of thing was supposed to be not happening by now..but here we are, almost finished with the second season of going by war ratings and its still this lopsided.
Now you’ll say ROL should be doable with 4*?
Earn your spot
Edit: Also “Earn your Spot” why yes. It’s obvious that I am earning my spot when parried against Ali’s that actually are near the same strength and not triple our average rating.
Please! This is becoming a bad joke!
You guys have created an echo chamber in here where your voices are the only ones being heard!
We got here because a bunch of cry babies wrecked their ratings by selling off all their lower tier champs.
And i'm here ta tell ya! It is costing players in the game just like your bulling and passive aggressive attacks on anyone who dares to disagree with you has turned this forum into your own personal social club!
And how can my alliance jump from the bottom of one tier to the bottom of the next tier up facing a one man alliance?
That doesn't seem to indicate a great deal of participation in this brilliant scheme if you ask me! Seems to me it proves a lack of participation!