Alliance War scoring confusion

Hey Guys, I dont normally make posts on the form but this is very concerning for me and my alliance (M5A2) as this was our last war of the season and it would also have decided whether or not we moved to gold 3 or stayed in silver 1.
I could be wrong about this but I think there is a mistake in the scoring

I could be wrong about this but I think there is a mistake in the scoring

Alliance War scoring confusion 18 votes
Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on
Meaning of your 48 defender kills, 9 more of them were from 4+ attempts on a node that what your attackers had against other sides defense.
Attack Bonus is capped at getting points from first 3 attempts at a node (90, 60, or 30 pts).
Further gets confused because one side was 1 short on defenders (doesn’t matter though, exploring past empty node gives automatic 90 pts Attack Bonus plus the normal 30 Explore), and neither side was fully 100% explore, and the 5 missing defenders was different from the 4 diff total attack kills.
But above is basically why the loss, plus the 250 pts for remaining defenders still left up.