What’s the Point in Cavalier?

What’s the point doing all this work for such a small increase in rewards.
There’s not much new to being Cav other than a fully formed T2A rather than half in the monthly calendar.
I also don’t purchase units often and thus don’t waste units on crystals.
So Cav seems pretty pointless, unless you’re buying units for cav crystals.
Only diff is the Cyber Monday/4th of July offers are better. But then we go full circle to not buying units often. Only good time to get unit bundles is during those deals.
I think what I was hoping for was a Cav crystal every 2 weeks like the grandmaster crystal. But now it’s just a grandmaster crystal every week instead of two weeks.
There’s not much new to being Cav other than a fully formed T2A rather than half in the monthly calendar.
I also don’t purchase units often and thus don’t waste units on crystals.
So Cav seems pretty pointless, unless you’re buying units for cav crystals.
Only diff is the Cyber Monday/4th of July offers are better. But then we go full circle to not buying units often. Only good time to get unit bundles is during those deals.
I think what I was hoping for was a Cav crystal every 2 weeks like the grandmaster crystal. But now it’s just a grandmaster crystal every week instead of two weeks.
Correction, you *got* to meet LeBron James if you *were* a Cavalier...and if you're Delonte West, it's probably better if you had never met LeBron...
To win the game
I think that I just expected the upgrade that uncollected got.
But I’m glad I have finally done it not only as a personal milestone but to benefit me going forward in terms of offers.
Also I love how half these comments are talking about Lebron James and the Cavs lmao
The extra rewards part have already been mentioned by other players. Moreover, the 4-hr Cav Free Crystal gives you better health potion, revive and energy refill.