2* getting out of hand

I have purchased so many crystals, spent so much money on this game and all I get are 2*. Just spent another $50 on prehensile crystals and 10 2* really getting annoying. I am over this game spent thousands on it and get nothing in return. Y'all are just a bunch of greedy corporate scum bags. Instead you reward new players to get them hooked and screw the rest if us.


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  • SaNcHo127SaNcHo127 Member Posts: 11
  • TKalTKal Member Posts: 534 ★★
    SaNcHo127 wrote: »
    50 crystals opened and only 1 3star and 1 4star. The rest were all two stars. I think I have better odds playing Powerball lottery.

    A 4* in 50 is good, actually. Sometimes I go months in between.
    Drops are random, and I find they come and go. Sometimes I'll have a string of good luck. Sometimes nothing. It's just RNG. The Featured 4* Champ is one of the rarest I've seen.

    Yeah lol

    In my last 376 phc I had only 1 4* and 36 3*
  • godsquad891godsquad891 Member Posts: 779 ★★
    I got the crystal offer for units and got domanu but I havn't got a 4* from phc in a while some you win some you loose hence the random. The offer for medusa and the defenders I got jack so was happy to pull dom.
  • _LivingDeadGirl_LivingDeadGirl Member Posts: 160
    I think Kabam should start thinking about altering the 2/3* ratio in phc for 6* preparation or they won't be relevent for 80% of players for another 2 years.

    But no it took me 4 months of playing almost daily to get my first 4* from a phc. That's hundreds upon hundreds of crystals fyi. Then two months later I'm getting one a week. Fast forward to now and I haven't seen one since. It's rng and the odds aren't remotely in your favor. Don't ever buy a phc for 100 units. If you have to go with the 150 featured. They tend to have microscopically better outcomes.
  • klobberintymeklobberintyme Member Posts: 1,685 ★★★★
    I can't believe a random 5* is priced at $100! That's so crazy. That's 2 nearly full price brand new Xbox/PS4 games! LMAO

    *random class specific basic 5 star.
  • DJRipsterDJRipster Member Posts: 169
    While this can always be swept under the rug as RNG, Ive noticed a huge reduction in PHC drop rates since I became uncollected :(

    3-star drops have reduced to 5-6% from 9-10% and havent had a 4-star in the last 400 PHC only 2s

    While pulling 2-stars is natural in the game, the very poor drop rates of higher rarity champs makes playing the game very very dull
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  • edited September 2017
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  • OzzziieOzzziie Member Posts: 35
    The Uncollected Crystal is the solution for too many 2*s. At double the cost, but you gain 3*s for each, which most likely includes 4* Shards.

    I won't buy PHC anymore and anything out of them is a bonus. Also we need to start thinking towards the 5*s. 4* features soon will be useless waste of resources that should have been spent ranking a 5*.
  • H3LLSHOW247H3LLSHOW247 Member Posts: 151
    I'm sorry soldier, personally I don't spend money on games like this I just grind for in-game currency. I've a got a discussion about players not getting characters at random and being able to use units for them instead. check it out ^^
  • MidnightfoxMidnightfox Member Posts: 1,438 ★★★★
    I learned. I buy one crystal anymore of a new feature. That's all cause I got tired of getting the same bs.
  • TheMageHunterTheMageHunter Member Posts: 711 ★★
    I mainly buy crystals because my mastery setup has already been finished and have some revives and potions in reserve
    But what I don't have are good champs so nothing else to do with all those units
  • Vision_41Vision_41 Member Posts: 721
    Well it is true that you're getting 2-Stars but that means you're closer to a max sig crystal.
  • 0pTimus0pTimus Member Posts: 113
    well seems the rng mechanics have changed , now instead of getting dupe 2* i opened 3 completely new 2* from the 15 PHC i opened (Ohh BTW there were no 3/4* from the pull FYI)
  • sweetleafsixx66sweetleafsixx66 Member Posts: 68
    I don't really see how people can moan about this, at least now there are crystal shards unlike when I started playing. There is no need to spend units on crystals really, not worth the risk. Its easier to earn shards than units too. Or rather than buy crystals get the crystal shard crystal for ten units each.
  • JabbawokkyJabbawokky Member Posts: 139
    I don't really see how people can moan about this, at least now there are crystal shards unlike when I started playing. There is no need to spend units on crystals really, not worth the risk. Its easier to earn shards than units too. Or rather than buy crystals get the crystal shard crystal for ten units each.

    Everybody cant spend hours on top of hours grinding for a ridiculously high cutoff, so when you are opening hundreds of crystals and never catch a break, you cant do nothing else but moan.
  • ScorpionsKryptScorpionsKrypt Member Posts: 161
    I have purchased so many crystals, spent so much money on this game and all I get are 2*. Just spent another $50 on prehensile crystals and 10 2* really getting annoying. I am over this game spent thousands on it and get nothing in return. Y'all are just a bunch of greedy corporate scum bags. Instead you reward new players to get them hooked and screw the rest if us.

    Drop an Odin once, shame on you. Drop an Odin twice, shame on you. Twice
  • unknownunknown Member Posts: 378
    I have purchased so many crystals, spent so much money on this game and all I get are 2*. Just spent another $50 on prehensile crystals and 10 2* really getting annoying. I am over this game spent thousands on it and get nothing in return. Y'all are just a bunch of greedy corporate scum bags. Instead you reward new players to get them hooked and screw the rest if us.

  • GQuantaoGQuantao Member Posts: 208
    When I started playing, I wasted units of phcs- until I realized Kabam was being completely honest when they said "Rare chance" (for something better)
  • italian_treeitalian_tree Member Posts: 79
    wake up dude and don't spend money on phc. There is only like a 1% chance to pull a four*
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