2* getting out of hand

I have purchased so many crystals, spent so much money on this game and all I get are 2*. Just spent another $50 on prehensile crystals and 10 2* really getting annoying. I am over this game spent thousands on it and get nothing in return. Y'all are just a bunch of greedy corporate scum bags. Instead you reward new players to get them hooked and screw the rest if us.
Then apply the same logic to crystal purchases.
A 4* in 50 is good, actually. Sometimes I go months in between.
Drops are random, and I find they come and go. Sometimes I'll have a string of good luck. Sometimes nothing. It's just RNG. The Featured 4* Champ is one of the rarest I've seen.
Yeah lol
In my last 376 phc I had only 1 4* and 36 3*
So can we stop with the crystal complaining. Buying them is not essential to game progression. It's just a little casino game on the side.
Those were guranteed 4* and 5* champs. I guess gambling on a Crystal for 150 units is more thrilling until you spent too much money already.
But no it took me 4 months of playing almost daily to get my first 4* from a phc. That's hundreds upon hundreds of crystals fyi. Then two months later I'm getting one a week. Fast forward to now and I haven't seen one since. It's rng and the odds aren't remotely in your favor. Don't ever buy a phc for 100 units. If you have to go with the 150 featured. They tend to have microscopically better outcomes.
*random class specific basic 5 star.
3-star drops have reduced to 5-6% from 9-10% and havent had a 4-star in the last 400 PHC only 2s
While pulling 2-stars is natural in the game, the very poor drop rates of higher rarity champs makes playing the game very very dull
I won't buy PHC anymore and anything out of them is a bonus. Also we need to start thinking towards the 5*s. 4* features soon will be useless waste of resources that should have been spent ranking a 5*.
But what I don't have are good champs so nothing else to do with all those units
Everybody cant spend hours on top of hours grinding for a ridiculously high cutoff, so when you are opening hundreds of crystals and never catch a break, you cant do nothing else but moan.
Drop an Odin once, shame on you. Drop an Odin twice, shame on you. Twice