Book 2 Chapter 1 rewards early prediction

Well, it's pretty boring time for me, no content to do, and I'm excited about Act 7 or Book 2 Chapter 1 as they call it. It will come in December so almost 3 months from now. I wonder what kind of rewards can we expect from it.
My prediction for exploration is:
1x 6* awakening gem, class
2x rank 1 to 2 6* rank up gem
4 tier 5 class catalyst, one of them is selector
Bunches of 6* shards
8 tier 5 basic catalyst
Many tier 2 catalyst
And maybe still too early for rank 4 6* resources to be introduced?
What do you think? Pls share your thoughts.
My prediction for exploration is:
1x 6* awakening gem, class
2x rank 1 to 2 6* rank up gem
4 tier 5 class catalyst, one of them is selector
Bunches of 6* shards
8 tier 5 basic catalyst
Many tier 2 catalyst
And maybe still too early for rank 4 6* resources to be introduced?
What do you think? Pls share your thoughts.
No way there’s four t5ccs.
I’m expecting in the region of a random 25% T5CC for completion, maybe another random or selector for exploration
20k 6* shards overall
50k 5* shards overall
5x T5b
10x T2A
Maybe some rank up gems
You kind of need to look at the 6.4 rewards and expect them to be on par or slightly better. They will not be wildly better. My T5CC prediction might even be a bit high.
Maybe 10% random for completion, 25% random for exploration?
If it's not a full one I will be extremely disappointed.
Regardless, I still stand by my doubts. Exploring the entirety of Act 6 only rewarded you with one T5CC. I think it’s much more likely that Book 2 Chapter 1 exploration will feature a random fragment crystal, or a small selector if we’re lucky.
Rewards wise
3 t5b
50% t5cc selector? (Hopefully)
Couple t2a
Maybe a 5* 4-5 gem
Bunch of shards
Probably a couple of Cavs too
Book 2 is geared toward 6* champs (global node buffs 6* etc) so the rewards have help people rank their 6*. You get 20-30% of a t5cc from monthly cav, story rewards has to be more than just 50%.