How many units would u advise for abyss of legends first path

I have 1.4K units right now
10 lvl 1 revives
And a LOT of lvl 3 potions
Should I grind more units or do my first path?
I have Aegon, Doom, Torch and Nick at 5/65 awakened. Am bringing stealthy to solo thing..
10 lvl 1 revives
And a LOT of lvl 3 potions
Should I grind more units or do my first path?
I have Aegon, Doom, Torch and Nick at 5/65 awakened. Am bringing stealthy to solo thing..
Personally wouldn't advise bringing stealthy for thing. You're better off using it to ramp up Aegon and bringing in heimdall to save more units
I don’t have the horsemen yet but when I do - I’ll save at least 10k to be safe.
Dr. Zola
Dr. Zola
It was around 63x revives and 350-400 potions. No units spent.
I found Sym Supreme to be the MPV. Nick Fury is good when you can bleed the opponent, and void works well to reverse regeneration in some scenarios
Dr. Zola
Symbiote supreme is better than doom. Obviously I used fury wrong and I was just playing with 30% health fury so IW was nightmare fight for me. Used 3 revives with aegon in alt account. I actually like using void over human torch for Mephisto and mordo.
Level 1 = 5 cores
Level 2 = 10 cores
Level 3 = 20 cores
Level 4 = 40 cores
Level 5 = 89 cores
So if you need MD3, you will need 35 cores