@MaxGaming waiting for your 6 star r3 taskmaster gameplay
Same here
Ingore this one too
You kinda brought it on yourself for making so many threads on Taskmaster... Looking for 4* gameplay though, since you do have the 4*.
Took a while but I did it happy? (I screen spotted bc i dont know how to submit a video to the forums on mobile)
Oh it take 5 hits to kill him how disappointing it seems he’s not a good champion after all with such a high combo count. @MaxGaming what do you have to say for yourself
She simply isn't worth it - whenever she would uniquely shine Kabam caps her and many other characters of the cosmic class excel in other aspects of the game further than her
I say wait for a couple of weeks.. let the throne breaker title kick in..then check with other titleholder players how much of a big difference is there from cav to throne breaker in terms of reward and all.. Initially, I feel there is not much offering from the title maybe after a month when the monthly calendar and all starts, mainly before Cyber weekend you should R3 a champ to get better offers.
Do you use her much?
(I screen spotted bc i dont know how to submit a video to the forums on mobile)
@MaxGaming what do you have to say for yourself