Anyone else getting 0 5* from cavalier daily card?

I usually have decent luck with cavalier crystals, but I recently bought the cavalier daily card and have gotten a couple 4* and the rest 3*. It seems the drop rate isnt whats suggested. Was wondering how many other ppl were having the same drop rates. Yes i know its crystal by crystal but have never had this bad of luck with these. I know ill never buy another one again though.
This is not an endorsement of cavs, I just finally got lucky.
If you include the 6*, it's 12% total, so 4.67% of people, meaning about 1 in 22 people.
If everyone in your alliance had bought the deal, on average, at least one of you would have seen what you've pulled. It's unlucky, but nothing unexpected.
But certainly, if you don't like what you got, feel free not to buy the offers in the future.
Answer: It's RNG, and you get what you get for the $ you paid. Look at the odds... they aren't that great, so what did you expect? You have bad luck, that's all (do a search and you'll see 100 other posts with people complaining the same thing). If you don't like the odds, why are you buying it?
I knew what I was getting into when I bought the deal, and lately any purchases I've been making have only been for things that will (hopefully) advance my account's progression (don't really need units right now).
I know it's not a great deal, but once I broke down the cost versus buying crystals with units, I figured why not.