Gotta make some prestige rank-ups for my alliance. It should put me at 9.4k, but even though I have the resources, I have no iso!!!
Sitting comfortably at 9380 rn after a couple sig stones and an AA + SS rank-up. I could get it up quite a bit higher with sig stones, but the Mutants are being saved for OR and the Techs are being saved for Ghost. Generics for whichever one I get first. (Game down or I would send a screenshot)
Where I am as far as sigs. Working on starting to get surfer up now that CMM is maxed. Hopefully get him to a decent level by the time I have another cosmic cat
Needs 6* cosmic stones for r3 cmm or to awaken r3 bwcv/vtd
(Game down or I would send a screenshot)
Update of my own.
Edit: Oh wow I went up nearly 1000 prestige!
Planning to awaken Doom, Prof X, and iAbom for some decent prestige.
Those aren't actually my top prestige champs though. This is what it really looks like:
Mine has increased a little