I like new AW

Easy win, opponent usually still with their ego bringing multiple jugg, magik, nc, dormammu, or hyperion. Thanks kabam


  • RaganatorRaganator Member Posts: 2,591 ★★★★★
    So you are saying that you have no skill and would prefer a system based solely on numbers. Got it.
  • NMEONESNMEONES Member Posts: 290 ★★
    Yeah.. pretty sad if you consider that an AW win.
  • MisterNiceGuyMisterNiceGuy Member Posts: 184
    Raganator wrote: »
    So you are saying that you have no skill and would prefer a system based solely on numbers. Got it.

    Enough with the skill word! Do you think you are "skilled" at opening crystals? Or do you think someone who stays up 3 days straight to get a new hero is "skilled"? Take your "skills" to the casino and use them in the slot machines.

    In the meantime, enjoy the FREE rewards the game is handing you thru alliance wars.
  • FallencircusFallencircus Member Posts: 339 ★★★
    I think it is better than the last iteration where people could spend to win. That didn't involve skill either. Only way to have it be skill based is 0 items allowed. I would like defender kills brought back and no item use. Not going to happen though.
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    Mister Nice Guy does not live up to his name haha. Must get bad RNG. You can be skilled without having great champs. Some content will be harder but it is doable with any champ. Block perfectly and bait specials and you can beat just about anything @MisterNiceGuy
  • chunkybchunkyb Member, Content Creators Posts: 1,453 Content Creator
    Here's the thing.... Skill at fighting in the game is an actual thing you can have. Really not sure how ppl miss that.
  • R4GER4GE Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★★
    Im lacking the understanding of playing a game that doesn't require skill to be needed.
  • RbvojtikRbvojtik Member Posts: 113
    I agree that there needs to be some adjustment with AQ scoring. But I do think Kabam is on the right track. The last AW was getting so boring, fighting the exact same champs over and over. I knew what champ was on what node without detect masteries. Taking the same path, fighting the same champs, was boring. Now, at least with diversity, I'm fighting different champs.
  • RaganatorRaganator Member Posts: 2,591 ★★★★★
    Rbvojtik wrote: »
    I agree that there needs to be some adjustment with AQ scoring. But I do think Kabam is on the right track. The last AW was getting so boring, fighting the exact same champs over and over. I knew what champ was on what node without detect masteries. Taking the same path, fighting the same champs, was boring. Now, at least with diversity, I'm fighting different champs.

    I would agree. But it should not be the sole determining factor - at least in most instances. For example, when we wiped the floor in a war with 107 defender kills to their 44 kills and we lose, that is not an acceptable outcome. Now if we match in defender kills and it comes down to defender diversity, that is more of an acceptable outcome. But again, when the game is decided before it even starts based on diversity - that will kill AW and it needs to be addressed.
  • MisterNiceGuyMisterNiceGuy Member Posts: 184
    Raganator wrote: »
    R4GE wrote: »
    Im lacking the understanding of playing a game that doesn't require skill to be needed.

    Silly...just use your imagination. The outcome of soccer/football matches (or any "contest" or competition) should not be determined by the number of goals/points you score, but rather by the diversity of the rosters (e.g., 20 players from 20 different countries matters more than the collective skill of the team). This is completely logical. The old saying "that's why the games aren't played on paper" is just something some moron once said. Games should absolutely be decided on paper before the game even starts.

    Another real life comparison to a video game. Sigh. Ok I'll bite.

    Let's say war is like a soccer match. You are flying thru the defense. You beat the goalie and are staring at the open net and about to score! But wait suddenly the goalie reappears and blocks your shot because he drank a revive potion!!!!! Now you are all sad. Your skill was outskilled by someone with a magic potion
  • RaganatorRaganator Member Posts: 2,591 ★★★★★
    Raganator wrote: »
    R4GE wrote: »
    Im lacking the understanding of playing a game that doesn't require skill to be needed.

    Silly...just use your imagination. The outcome of soccer/football matches (or any "contest" or competition) should not be determined by the number of goals/points you score, but rather by the diversity of the rosters (e.g., 20 players from 20 different countries matters more than the collective skill of the team). This is completely logical. The old saying "that's why the games aren't played on paper" is just something some moron once said. Games should absolutely be decided on paper before the game even starts.

    Another real life comparison to a video game. Sigh. Ok I'll bite.

    Let's say war is like a soccer match. You are flying thru the defense. You beat the goalie and are staring at the open net and about to score! But wait suddenly the goalie reappears and blocks your shot because he drank a revive potion!!!!! Now you are all sad. Your skill was outskilled by someone with a magic potion

    So the justification for the new format is "its a video game". Got it. Look, if you want to take away item use as well, I'm all for it - or create a penalty for using items, even better. But the current system takes away any type of competition in the game, which excludes a large portion the community that plays for the competitive (not collective) aspect of the game.
  • RaganatorRaganator Member Posts: 2,591 ★★★★★
    Raganator wrote: »
    R4GE wrote: »
    Im lacking the understanding of playing a game that doesn't require skill to be needed.

    Silly...just use your imagination. The outcome of soccer/football matches (or any "contest" or competition) should not be determined by the number of goals/points you score, but rather by the diversity of the rosters (e.g., 20 players from 20 different countries matters more than the collective skill of the team). This is completely logical. The old saying "that's why the games aren't played on paper" is just something some moron once said. Games should absolutely be decided on paper before the game even starts.

    Another real life comparison to a video game. Sigh. Ok I'll bite.

    Let's say war is like a soccer match. You are flying thru the defense. You beat the goalie and are staring at the open net and about to score! But wait suddenly the goalie reappears and blocks your shot because he drank a revive potion!!!!! Now you are all sad. Your skill was outskilled by someone with a magic potion

    So the justification for a crappy point measure is "it's a video game". That's fine if they want to lose a large portion of their player base that thrives on competition rather than collection. If you want to remove items use, I'm all for it. Even better, implement a penalty for using items. I'm not saying the previous system was perfect, but it was far better than the current format.
  • chunkybchunkyb Member, Content Creators Posts: 1,453 Content Creator
    Wow. You were able to revive on defense? Impressive
  • VoluntarisVoluntaris Member Posts: 1,198 ★★★
    interesting that all other 'constructive' AW posts explaining how new AW is boring/lacks skill factor without defender kill points, get locked down and told to discuss in main thread.

    but saying you like the new Diversity Parade Joke of "War" ... thread stays open.
  • RbvojtikRbvojtik Member Posts: 113
    Raganator wrote: »
    Rbvojtik wrote: »
    I agree that there needs to be some adjustment with AQ scoring. But I do think Kabam is on the right track. The last AW was getting so boring, fighting the exact same champs over and over. I knew what champ was on what node without detect masteries. Taking the same path, fighting the same champs, was boring. Now, at least with diversity, I'm fighting different champs.

    I would agree. But it should not be the sole determining factor - at least in most instances. For example, when we wiped the floor in a war with 107 defender kills to their 44 kills and we lose, that is not an acceptable outcome. Now if we match in defender kills and it comes down to defender diversity, that is more of an acceptable outcome. But again, when the game is decided before it even starts based on diversity - that will kill AW and it needs to be addressed.

    Like I said, there should be some adjustment with AW scoring to bring skill back into the fold. However, it's tough when you know that if you place 50 Magiks, 50 Dorms, and 50 Icemans will obviously get more kills than when you have to bring the other hundred something champs. Being forced to face those same opponents every week was a boring drain. It is difficult to come up with a score calculation to make defender kills a relevant score, while still encouraging alliances to diversify champs. I'm just saying that Kabam is on the right track with this modification. They're not done yet.
  • StarryKnightJStarryKnightJ Member Posts: 22
    Dropfaith wrote: »
    Everyone keeps saying they want skill based wars but my.actual skill based war idea is scoffed at
    No items available
    Global node stun immune all unblockable specials bane(. 600 k health )
    Boss node 1.5m health global still applies add in an extra random node from act 5

    Further allainces wins
    If both 100 percent whoever lost less health
    Bring skills

    Make it 3* restricted to level the playing field.
  • The1_NuclearOnionThe1_NuclearOnion Member Posts: 908 ★★★
    Deadbyrd9 wrote: »
    Mister Nice Guy does not live up to his name haha. Must get bad RNG. You can be skilled without having great champs. Some content will be harder but it is doable with any champ. Block perfectly and bait specials and you can beat just about anything @MisterNiceGuy

    I don't think it is quite that simple. It has ALWAYS been about champs. The collectors!
    For instance, you're not going to beat a strong regen champ like the Hood in Master quest or Magneto in Act 4 with just "any champ". You will time out, if anything, in a "perfect match" against them with insufficient champs. No, you NEED a heavy bleeder, or nullifier, or VERY strong hitter, or Heal blocker etc. There may be a few options that will do but not "just about anything"! Spider Gwen ain't gonna cut it.
    That's just 1 example. There are MANY.
    Let's face it, the majority of the point of this game IS getting certain champs. Looking at the terrain and selecting the right champs IS part of the "SKILL" of playing this game is it not?

    Generally speaking you can be skilled without having great champs. I WILL give you that part.
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