Why do I have to choose abyss nexus immediately

So 100% abyss gets you two T5CC’s and three 6*’s but before being able to open all that you have to choose a class for your nexus crystal?
Let’s pause on the T5CC for a second, you’re telling me before I know what class of T5CC I get I need to choose a class for my 6*? Then kabam wants to have the condition that thronebreaker is only for those that R3 a champ yet they don’t think through big details like this one that further amplifies RNG needed to have a worthy R3.
The fact that someone can 100% act 6, 100% abyss and still have a chance at no R3 worthy champ because of RNG needed to get a worthy champ and the class crystal for them is insane. I know this is a topic that’s already discussed but I wanted to add in the other detail about needing to choose a class for the nexus crystal right away - should definitely change that choice to post opening the other rewards OR give a T5CC selector.
End Rant.
Let’s pause on the T5CC for a second, you’re telling me before I know what class of T5CC I get I need to choose a class for my 6*? Then kabam wants to have the condition that thronebreaker is only for those that R3 a champ yet they don’t think through big details like this one that further amplifies RNG needed to have a worthy R3.
The fact that someone can 100% act 6, 100% abyss and still have a chance at no R3 worthy champ because of RNG needed to get a worthy champ and the class crystal for them is insane. I know this is a topic that’s already discussed but I wanted to add in the other detail about needing to choose a class for the nexus crystal right away - should definitely change that choice to post opening the other rewards OR give a T5CC selector.
End Rant.
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I know they won’t remove the condition of R3 6* for throne breaker anytime soon so the least they could do is give players a little more control over getting a R3’able champ by fine tuning this detail.
I have a mutant and mystic T5CC and one lane left in abyss. Because of what I already have I’m stuck choosing mutant or mystic nexus however if I happened to get a cosmic T5CC I would choose that as my nexus no question.
P.S. choose a crystal that gives you the best chance of a champion you’ll like; the t5cc will come sooner than later if you are playing the game at that level.
Thanks for sending the thread though - what it doesn’t merge is the now thronebreaker title so kabam ignores everyone’s issues with not knowing their rewards before picking a class then they add a condition for better rewards if you R3 a champ.
They’ve done a lot over the past two months to better position this game for a lot of folks. At the same time they ignore details like this that look small on the surface but are actually a big deal to a lot of the community. I know the class nexus is huge and much better then what was previously just shards but they just need to be more logical on fine tuning the details.
2) forming t5cc has nothing to do with spending and everything to do with playing the game at a certain level. I don’t spend on t5cc, I play for t5cc and have now formed 1 of every class in my time playing. Claiming f2p has anything to do with t5cc is little more than an excuse used for the entitled to put themselves in the power position of a victim.
If you have 100% abyss, then you have necessarily completed a single path and therefore have at least one t5cc from that. I am assuming you did not sit on it until you did 100%, as that would make you an actual crazy person. You also have likely 100% act 6 and other content to form another one or maybe even two t5cc, but that’s not guaranteed so I won’t factor that in here.
Let’s say the t5cc you got from completion is for a class you did not have a good 6* for, so you don’t yet have an r3 champ. Then you have your answer for which nexus class you should choose.
For example, I am sitting on a tech t5cc. I am waiting to 100% abyss until Guardian hits the basic pool so that I have an increased chance of getting a great tech champion, and I am going to pick the tech nexus (the texus?) crystal. I am not in a particular hurry because I already have Thronebreaker, but the point is that I know what class I’m choosing because I already have the resources on hand, like you necessarily would by 100%ing abyss.