Corvus bug

Recently i have been playing aq and aw using 5r5 corvus... I know that corvus doesn't take any damage from bleed and coldsnap as long as he have glaive charges.. But my corvus is taking bleed and coldsnap damage..
So what you would consider to be bleed and coldsnap damage might actually be the poison damage?
Without any images/video it is hard to tell for certain.
I haven`t notice any of this with my corvus.
Corvus in Map-4 vs Howard Duck (final section, mid-right path) with an incoming Bleed link still up.
Normally would be good because Willpower will heal him because the Bleed Debuff is supposed to show under him (even though no actual Bleed damage tics).
Well, both times in AQ series here, I never got the Bleed Debuff on Corvus when fight started (thus no Willpower healing either).
Nothing in Howard the Duck's abilities say he would remove Debuffs at startup, and it's not from Howard's SP2 potential Heal Block. The Bleed Debuff NEVER appeared under Corvus, and incoming Bleed link still there on map after my fight (nobody came along and freed it at same time).