Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think Ghost’s hits after phasing can be auto-blocked. If you have a quake, she’ll work. I recommend parrying, and then just do MM when he’s still stunned
you can parry heavy with Ghost, G2099, Sentinel. even your mystics are viable options. most of the time i just parry, heave MODOK. do you have a Wasp that could taxi along the ride? would make a Ghost takedown all the more easier.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think Ghost’s hits after phasing can be auto-blocked. If you have a quake, she’ll work. I recommend parrying, and then just do MM when he’s still stunned
Even though ghost’s guaranteed crits can’t be evaded they can be auto-blocked. This modok boss was the most costly boss for me in 5.4 unit wise.
Personally, the worst quest for 5.4 100% has to be ultron, there are some real nasty lanes there. Modok comes in second so for exploration I would personally recommend fury, quake or any standard true strike/modok counter. Keep in mind that his nodes make his flux almost permanent and you have to heavy
Parry-heavy is all you need to do. I used 5* SL r4 for this fight.
The only thing to be aware is that you will get auto blocked trying to punish his sp1 if you phase it.