Yayyyy, I did it.

I finally got down that 6.2 Champion! I know he's been nerfed but I'm by no means good at this game so I'm still very proud.

3&4*s from the Cav crystals. Went for a basic. Should have waited for a featured but oh well.

3-4 Mutant Gem that went to Colossus. Was hoping for a mystic for Sorcerer Supreme but I'll take it.
I'm never fighting him or that Mordo ever again. Never never never.

3&4*s from the Cav crystals. Went for a basic. Should have waited for a featured but oh well.

3-4 Mutant Gem that went to Colossus. Was hoping for a mystic for Sorcerer Supreme but I'll take it.
I'm never fighting him or that Mordo ever again. Never never never.