Why does Symbiote Supreme not nullify buffs from arc overload node?

6.3.4 IMIW has arc overload node, which states at the start of the fight gain an amrour up and regeneration buff. Symbiote Supreme has an ability where at the start of the fight, nullify ALL buffs on the opponent and deal direct damage. This does not happen in 6.3.4 Why?
Edit: spelling
Edit: spelling
To reiterate: "Passive buffs" don't exist. You have passive abilities that can give a champion an advantage or boost in a stat, or the opponent a disadvantage/decrease on their stats. That doesn't necessarily happens via Buffs and debuffs, which are active abilities and therefore not passive
The buffs / debuffs are categorized by their outline as "passive or active". Yes there are such things as passive buffs.
Buff = Beneficial
Debuff = Detrimental
Active = Can be affected
Passive = Can't be affected
Sadly though, Kabam likes to make things more complicated than they need to be. Therefore, there are debuffs, buffs, and passive effects. Nothing to specify whether the passive effect is beneficial or detrimental. Plus there's that one made up effect that Ghulk can't trigger "Face Me" on.
If you're referring to an ability, the Passive refers to whether the effect is always on or not. Passive abilities are always on. Non-passive abilities have to be activated: they are not always on.
"Active" refers to whether an effect or ability is on right now. An active ability or active effect is actually doing what it is designed to do. The opposite of active in this context is "dormant" or "inactive" or "off." There's no technical context I'm aware of in which Active is the opposite of Passive. They generally refer to different things.
She Hulk's fury effects are passive effects. They are not buffs, because being a passive precludes it being a buff. When she triggers them, they are active. Triggered fury effects that are actually on She Hulk right now are Active Passive effects. This is how the terminology is used now, and for a while now. See IMIW and Doom for examples of passive effects that are specifically described in terms of whether they are active or not. And if you can find any examples in-game of something described as a Passive buff (or passive debuff) that's a description bug and I'd submit it to kabam to have it removed from the game.