Act 5: A Enjoyable Adventure

Last year, I was a noob scared of 5.1.1 flare node (lol) and tried to refrain from doing the quest and furthermore progressing. Then, I had this determination to become uncollected. So months passed and from opening tons of 4* crystals in april, I found iceman. Few days later, found sentinel and r3d him. Ranked the big boys up and went to finish 5.2.4 (Lines in Sand, Masochism node). After that on May 4 9:43 MST I became uncollected. Energy was flowing around me and I was grateful to have this prestigious achievement. Next, I was nervous to start 5.3 because of the class attack reduction nodes. Last month, on the 19th I thought to finish the chapter asap. After 5.3, the next fights seemed simple but I stopped on 5.2.5. This was my favorite fight in act 5 overall because my claire voyant was gaining tons of power and I was spamming sp3. Next, mephisto would use his sp3 but I would stay at 1% and regen upto 15 percent (because my claire was duped) and I repeated this 3-4 times and lol the fight was pretty easy. Today, I thought to finish act 5. Went through the biohazard with sentinel and he cleared it easily. The ultron boss cost me 230 units and my medusa wasn't putting that much work. So used claire to finish him by spamming heavies and getting power which was used by sp3. Got a 5* regular and opened gulk which was pretty nice. Overall, act 5 was really fun and I enjoyed the fights.
This is pretty much from 2017 or so.
Cap was good for the perfect block.
Once you get your head around intentionally eating a hit it’s not too bad.