Why Omega Sentinel deserves your vote

When I first saw this announcement I had never heard of Omega Sentinel, but after looking into her (and the other characters) she became the clear choice in my eyes. Allow me to explain why.
First off, she'd almost certainly be tech class. Tech is definitely lagging behind the other classes so a new tech would be very welcome, and based on her comic abilities I think she could bring some unique stuff to that class. It also makes her good for variant 3. You could argue that Skill is the worst class in the game at the moment, but skill has the upcoming Falcon and Daredevil buffs, there is nothing in the horizon for tech unless you vote Omega Sentinel.
Although this is quite subjective I think her character model and animations could be incredible. She can create various weapons including guns and flamethrowers all over her body, which could definitely make her animations inteterestimg, I'm imagining a cross between the animations of Warlock, Apocalypse and Iron Man IW, who all have the "gun hand" thing going on. I'm also a fan of the black and white colour scheme for her suit, but that is pretty subjective as I said earlier.
She's Indian, and although a large portion of the playerbase is Indian there isn't a single Indian character in the game. She would be a much needed first.
Let's get onto her potential abilities. Obviously I don't know what abilities Kabam will give her but we can speculate based on her powers in the comics.
She has electrostatic poles in her arms, I could see this working like White Widow. They would most likely be non contact energy attacks allowing her to counter Korg, thorns, spiked armour etc. There are very few champs with non contact attacks in the tech class. It's also likely that she'll get shock, allowing her to counter Thunderstruck and hopefully giving her some juicy damage. Her other weapon arms could also provide more utility, perhaps concussion or incinerate.
Omega Sentinel is (partly) a robot so there would no doubt be some immunities in there, which are always welcome. Omega Sentinel also has various regeneration and "life support" capabilities. These combined should make her a pretty tanky champ.
The nanites that give Omega Sentinel her powers also allow her to control machines, this leaves potential for an armour shattered mechanic, which currently is only used by two champs neither of which are tech.
Super strength, speed, reflexes and endurance are also included in her list of powers That alone is Hercules's entire list of powers, and its only a tiny part of what Omega Sentinel can do. These aren't the main focus of her powers so the in game translation would probably just be high base stats, attack, block Prof etc. They could also give her Fury and armour ups to represent this, so she could potentially counter Havok.
She can teleport, which would likely mean a miss Mechanic. Hopefully adding to her tankiness and making her a potent defender. It could also lead to some Professor X like animations, where she teleports across the screen, and that's one of the best parts of Prof X. Flight is also one of her powers, and although I'm not sure what this could do for her ability wise although I'm sure Kabam could do something interesting with it, there is also potential for great animations there.
Before getting superpowers she was a detective, this also presents interesting potential for abilities. Perhaps she could reduce ability accuracy as time goes on or by completing prompts and she deduces how her opponent's powers work. Personally I think the idea of completing prompts sounds really fun, people seemed to like it on Mojo.
Omega Sentinel has associations with many of the X men so there's potential for synergies there, and there has to be synergies with regular Sentinel.
If the second champ of the month is decided by who we pick, we have no confirmation of that though, she would most likely come with Nimrod. Nimrod is great, look him up.
As for the flaws with the other champs, here's a brief summary
Dazzler: No more Mutants. They're stacked enough as it is and she'll most likely be forgotten about
Iron heart: No more Iron people. She would essentially be an iron man reskin.
Okoye: Cool character but I'm not sure what she could bring to thr table in terms of abilities. She just stabs people with a spear. Plus she'll most likely come out with Black panther 2 or 3 even if she loses the poll
Morgan le fay: Could have really good animations, but her abilities seem like that of a typical Mystic. The Mystic class is already pretty repetitive and she'll probably just be overshadowed by Doom. She's probably my second choice though, the possibility of a dinosaur intrigues me but I'd rather have Devil Dinosaur and Moon girl.
Hercules: He just seems too plain, his abilities are very basic just super strength and endurance, there isn't really anything new you can do with that. In terms of design and animations, he just looks like a regular man. Nothimg exciting there either.
Morbius: I'd like to see him in game but I'm pretty certain he'll come in some form, most likely when the movie comes out, regardless of whether he wins. So it seems like a waste to vote for him.
Blue Marvel: I know he'll probably be a science, but he just seems like your typical Mr laser hands cosmic. There isn't really anything new with him and he doesn't stand out much
Lastly, Omega Sentinel is a pretty obscure character so this is probably our only chance to get her in the game, unlike more recognisable characters like Hercules or Morbius. If we miss our chance now, she's gone forever.
Vote Omega for a brighter future for all, or you know, a pretty cool and unique video game character.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk
Meebleton out
First off, she'd almost certainly be tech class. Tech is definitely lagging behind the other classes so a new tech would be very welcome, and based on her comic abilities I think she could bring some unique stuff to that class. It also makes her good for variant 3. You could argue that Skill is the worst class in the game at the moment, but skill has the upcoming Falcon and Daredevil buffs, there is nothing in the horizon for tech unless you vote Omega Sentinel.
Although this is quite subjective I think her character model and animations could be incredible. She can create various weapons including guns and flamethrowers all over her body, which could definitely make her animations inteterestimg, I'm imagining a cross between the animations of Warlock, Apocalypse and Iron Man IW, who all have the "gun hand" thing going on. I'm also a fan of the black and white colour scheme for her suit, but that is pretty subjective as I said earlier.
She's Indian, and although a large portion of the playerbase is Indian there isn't a single Indian character in the game. She would be a much needed first.
Let's get onto her potential abilities. Obviously I don't know what abilities Kabam will give her but we can speculate based on her powers in the comics.
She has electrostatic poles in her arms, I could see this working like White Widow. They would most likely be non contact energy attacks allowing her to counter Korg, thorns, spiked armour etc. There are very few champs with non contact attacks in the tech class. It's also likely that she'll get shock, allowing her to counter Thunderstruck and hopefully giving her some juicy damage. Her other weapon arms could also provide more utility, perhaps concussion or incinerate.
Omega Sentinel is (partly) a robot so there would no doubt be some immunities in there, which are always welcome. Omega Sentinel also has various regeneration and "life support" capabilities. These combined should make her a pretty tanky champ.
The nanites that give Omega Sentinel her powers also allow her to control machines, this leaves potential for an armour shattered mechanic, which currently is only used by two champs neither of which are tech.
Super strength, speed, reflexes and endurance are also included in her list of powers That alone is Hercules's entire list of powers, and its only a tiny part of what Omega Sentinel can do. These aren't the main focus of her powers so the in game translation would probably just be high base stats, attack, block Prof etc. They could also give her Fury and armour ups to represent this, so she could potentially counter Havok.
She can teleport, which would likely mean a miss Mechanic. Hopefully adding to her tankiness and making her a potent defender. It could also lead to some Professor X like animations, where she teleports across the screen, and that's one of the best parts of Prof X. Flight is also one of her powers, and although I'm not sure what this could do for her ability wise although I'm sure Kabam could do something interesting with it, there is also potential for great animations there.
Before getting superpowers she was a detective, this also presents interesting potential for abilities. Perhaps she could reduce ability accuracy as time goes on or by completing prompts and she deduces how her opponent's powers work. Personally I think the idea of completing prompts sounds really fun, people seemed to like it on Mojo.
Omega Sentinel has associations with many of the X men so there's potential for synergies there, and there has to be synergies with regular Sentinel.
If the second champ of the month is decided by who we pick, we have no confirmation of that though, she would most likely come with Nimrod. Nimrod is great, look him up.
As for the flaws with the other champs, here's a brief summary
Dazzler: No more Mutants. They're stacked enough as it is and she'll most likely be forgotten about
Iron heart: No more Iron people. She would essentially be an iron man reskin.
Okoye: Cool character but I'm not sure what she could bring to thr table in terms of abilities. She just stabs people with a spear. Plus she'll most likely come out with Black panther 2 or 3 even if she loses the poll
Morgan le fay: Could have really good animations, but her abilities seem like that of a typical Mystic. The Mystic class is already pretty repetitive and she'll probably just be overshadowed by Doom. She's probably my second choice though, the possibility of a dinosaur intrigues me but I'd rather have Devil Dinosaur and Moon girl.
Hercules: He just seems too plain, his abilities are very basic just super strength and endurance, there isn't really anything new you can do with that. In terms of design and animations, he just looks like a regular man. Nothimg exciting there either.
Morbius: I'd like to see him in game but I'm pretty certain he'll come in some form, most likely when the movie comes out, regardless of whether he wins. So it seems like a waste to vote for him.
Blue Marvel: I know he'll probably be a science, but he just seems like your typical Mr laser hands cosmic. There isn't really anything new with him and he doesn't stand out much
Lastly, Omega Sentinel is a pretty obscure character so this is probably our only chance to get her in the game, unlike more recognisable characters like Hercules or Morbius. If we miss our chance now, she's gone forever.
Vote Omega for a brighter future for all, or you know, a pretty cool and unique video game character.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk
Meebleton out
But I agree with you on OS, she does seem amazing, and if Morgan loses, I’ll be standing right here with you.
Unrelated, but why do you sign your name at the end of posts? We already know who's posted it
Omega Sentinel may be great. Who knows? Whether she is fun to play or is interesting is up to the game team. I tend to prefer representation of classic Marvel characters in a Marvel game. She’s not one of those.
She was a Chris Claremont creation, so she’s got that going for her though.
Dr. Zola
Her animations would be amazing, so much you can do with her. And as a definite TECH class, she would synergize well on an all Mutant team as she was an X-man... but, she was also a one point a Marauder, one of Mr. Sinister's Marauders. She was taken over by Malice of the Marauders, so perhaps she would look good on a Synergy with Sinister, Sabertooth, and a potential Mystique if we ever get her! A Marauders synergy would be amazing... now if we could only get Mystique and Lady Deathstrike in the game.
And it's time to repay Cat for all she's done to the community. Nuff said.
Don't let Mr Chest Hair win, vote Omega Sentinel!