How desirable is Psylocke?

I know we all frown upon threads like this but I've been away from the game for a while and in light of recent events (6* announced, new war) just how desirable is she? I havem't done an arena since Venom and I'm thinking to save some time and do this one, so let's do what we all hate to do and say: How many ppints do you think it will be enough? Would 3mil be considered safe?
Her base stats are quite low too
What she is desired for are her power control mechanics
Which can be considered one of the best in this game
Personally I would say around 4.5 mil ahould be her cutoff
not even close.
Name another champ who can lock their power the entire duration of the match? I'm not talking about getting to Magik's L2 before the power lock timer runs out....I mean another champ who can essentially turn off their ability to gain power for the entire match.
I'll wait..
FYI, people who say what OP said above don't know her like they think they do. There's a reason people say she's the best kept secret.
no she cant stop power gain or md so she is not that good. also if u get hit u give your opponent power which is crazy dumb
Oh ok. Cool, well the little hype I had thinking she could is gone lol. There are better power lock champs out there so eh. She's not bad tho.
Dormammu. And actually, Dormammu is arguably better at this than Psylocke.
Man dormammu is arguably the best power control champ in the game lol. He's a male magik with more abilities, without the limbo of course. (Also immunities for nodes and if u get hit. And for defense reasons.)
Magik sp2 power locks as well, even nebula has better power lock than Psylocke. Stack enough shocks lol.
Her L2 can.
And obligatory "don't get hit" suggestion.
To power lock Psylocke has to reach SP2 which is problematic because she gains power slower than normal. That means her ability to stop power gain is delayed significantly from the start of the fight: longer than Magik or Dormammu would take to get to SP2 and apply the lock.
Power gain also messes with her power control because she can only hold the opponent to zero as long as they stay at zero. If anything gives the target any power at all her ability to hold down power stops working.
In fact the main weakness of Psylocke's power control that keeps her from being one of the best power control champs is that she doesn't start the fight with a psi charge. So it is almost impossible for her to prevent the target from gaining power at the beginning of the fight, and it then becomes harder to bring them back down to the point where a drain will zero them out. This also means Psylocke has to eat at least one and more likely two Limbos vs Magik. OG Vision can burn a Magik in such a way to prevent limbo if you play around with synthesis well, and Dormammu can simply keep Magik burned to zero. Magik can't prevent another Magik from going Limbo but her combination power lock and power burn can keep her ahead of the power curve indefinitely if you can get there fast enough and she's fast enough to get there before Hyperion gets to use SP3 sometimes.
Psylocke is good, but in my opinion she falls short of the best power control champs in actual practice. If she started the fight with a psi charge and her power gain wasn't lower than normal I'd be more inclined to consider her among the best power control champs (with Magik, Voodoo, Dormammu, and OG Vision).
You have to jockey the opponent to the right point of power, but yes Psylocke can do that. It is the weirdest form of power control in the game, but it does work as long as the opponent doesn't have a particularly dangerous special one attack that they can get off while you are doing this. Like if you are dueling RoL Winter Soldier this is great. If you are fighting awakened Magik this is suicide. It is also not so good fighting Juggernaut or Hyperion or OG Vision. It would be better to go for the lock in those cases.
I'll admit this is more fun than MMing Dormammu, but not necessarily as effective overall.
Aside from OG vision duped
Dormammu is able to never let an enemy gain a single bar of power
Magik is much better overall but that's assuming you are ok with the opponent using an sp1 or sp2.
I said one of the best
I agree she is not the best power control champ in this game
But she comes in top 10 atleast
Top 10? Doesn't that mean she's one of the worst?
Dont go for her then
Lesser cutoffs for others
I'm not even sure there are that many genuine power control champs (some have some kind of power control ability that no one uses for that purpose, like Star Lord). Both Visions, Dormammu, Magik, Hawkeye, Ghost Rider, Voodoo, Psylocke, Nebula, Rogue?
...Also people who say if you get hit you give the opponent crazy power do not understand how to play her. If you get hit you immediately use her L3 - which you will be at if you are any good at all and she will immediately zero their power and power lock & power burn them and you rinse and repeat the power control mechanic.