Voting system bug

Ever since the vote came out on 1pm EST yesterday( I have already voted), it won't let me in past the voting message. I have even tried uninstalling and reinstalling. My phone is a motorola g7 power operating on Android 10 and the game version is 29.0.0.

It has been 24 hours since I've been able to get in the game. I'm still getting my calendar rewards so at least there's that. But other than that, i can't proceed into the game ever though I HAVE ALREADY VOTED.
When I press vote now it goes to
I regretfully inform you that my hypothesis was wrong. The pop-up didn't go away once the vote ended. I am beyond frustrated at this point...
This game has been there for me on and off since 2014, its sad to think that I might have to choose a different game now.