Why the hell is there no distinction between Cavalier and Uncollected in Glory Store ?

You are telling me that I have to force rank up a 6* to rank 3 for no reason just to get the thronebreaker title even though I have trash 6* champs and only then I am eligible to get that upgrade in the glory store. I am not complaining about the requirements for thronebreaker, but can you please buff the glory store for cavalier players please. There is a lot of difference between uncollected and cavalier , but still cavalier receiving the same as uncollected makes no sense .Please look into this.
Do not put uncollected and cavalier in the same glory store bracket.
Do not put uncollected and cavalier in the same glory store bracket.
Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on
Cav and UC are still separated from the deals that pop up in the mail..
UC is done by maxed 4*s
Breaker of Thrones is done by maxed 5*s.
That's a huge account priorities shift
Cav EQ was brought in to differentiate the wide array of cavaliers... but now we've been lumped in with Uncollected in a key game resource. That makes little sense (apart from wanting ppl to spend to get t5cc).