Quake helps a lot if you can play her right. She can successfully get one shots on the boss with the heavy and parry method. She and ghost work great on the lanes as well. Some of the gated paths are really annoying. Have a good stack of units as well, some encounters on the gated paths can get very ugly. I'll write down the teams I took for the gated paths, if you are curious about the teams I used.
6* Gate - Ghost, The Hood, Claire, Angela and Quake. 5* Cosmic Gate - Corvus, Proxima, Heimdall, Hyperion, Quake. 5* Mutant Gate - Colossus, Archangel, Emma Frost, Rogue, Quake. 5* Tech Gate - Warlock, Doc Ock, Star Lord, Hulkbuster, Quake.
Worst encounter for me in that quest was stun immune Storm with no retreat and prove yourself on top of the Do Not Go Gentle global node 😂 mainly coz I overlooked that one while scouting. Had to use 4 revives before I could come up with a proper strategy and rotation. She almost ended up roadblocking me. So yeah, scout your paths well and keep in mind the dngg global node.
And as for the boss it's better if you keep your team alive and keep reviving your main attacker. That -12.5% ability accuracy can mess up with you a lot even more so than the -12.5% damage will. Can stop ghost from phasing, void's debuffs from applying, quake's evades. If you have 2 or less dead champs in your team it's better to use single revives just to save some units. Good luck. Cheers!
I didn’t like 6.2.5, I also left it for last. But it wasn’t nearly as bad as V1 overall @Kill_Grey
After a few lanes this level isn’t too bad. Doom can semi solo mordo with ease (normal doom rotations) and any other champ can clear the 1HP after doom is KO’d.
I didn’t like 6.2.5, I also left it for last. But it wasn’t nearly as bad as V1 overall @Kill_Grey
After a few lanes this level isn’t too bad. Doom can semi solo mordo with ease (normal doom rotations) and any other champ can clear the 1HP after doom is KO’d.
Wow, variant 1 must be insanity mode if that's the case 😂
Im with you on that, 6.2 has been the WORST chapter. I figured after the nerf/change wave they did, that the gated paths would’ve been gone. They admitted it was a bad idea and left it lol
I didn’t like 6.2.5, I also left it for last. But it wasn’t nearly as bad as V1 overall @Kill_Grey
After a few lanes this level isn’t too bad. Doom can semi solo mordo with ease (normal doom rotations) and any other champ can clear the 1HP after doom is KO’d.
Wow, variant 1 must be insanity mode if that's the case 😂
I didn’t like 6.2.5, I also left it for last. But it wasn’t nearly as bad as V1 overall @Kill_Grey
After a few lanes this level isn’t too bad. Doom can semi solo mordo with ease (normal doom rotations) and any other champ can clear the 1HP after doom is KO’d.
Wow, variant 1 must be insanity mode if that's the case 😂
My only suggestions are Ghost or Unitman 🤣
Only variant 1 can compete, and it's still not even close.
I'll write down the teams I took for the gated paths, if you are curious about the teams I used.
6* Gate - Ghost, The Hood, Claire, Angela and Quake.
5* Cosmic Gate - Corvus, Proxima, Heimdall, Hyperion, Quake.
5* Mutant Gate - Colossus, Archangel, Emma Frost, Rogue, Quake.
5* Tech Gate - Warlock, Doc Ock, Star Lord, Hulkbuster, Quake.
Worst encounter for me in that quest was stun immune Storm with no retreat and prove yourself on top of the Do Not Go Gentle global node 😂 mainly coz I overlooked that one while scouting. Had to use 4 revives before I could come up with a proper strategy and rotation. She almost ended up roadblocking me. So yeah, scout your paths well and keep in mind the dngg global node.
And as for the boss it's better if you keep your team alive and keep reviving your main attacker. That -12.5% ability accuracy can mess up with you a lot even more so than the -12.5% damage will. Can stop ghost from phasing, void's debuffs from applying, quake's evades. If you have 2 or less dead champs in your team it's better to use single revives just to save some units.
Good luck.
After a few lanes this level isn’t too bad. Doom can semi solo mordo with ease (normal doom rotations) and any other champ can clear the 1HP after doom is KO’d.
I figured after the nerf/change wave they did, that the gated paths would’ve been gone.
They admitted it was a bad idea and left it lol
Every other chapter was fine until this one
6* Gate - Void, KM, Domino, Venom, Quake
Tech Gate - Quake, G2099, Warlock, Mysterio, Ultron
Mutant Gate - Omega, Havok, Quake, Iceman, Magento
Cosmic Gate - Corvus, CMM, Hype, Dusa, Void
Absurd nodes on mordo and a lot of nonsense nodes on another fights...