Thoughts on Daredevil (Hell's Kitchen) Buff after trying him out?



  • EtjamaEtjama Member Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★
    After more testing, this is pretty much what I thought it was when reading the spotlight. Nothing extremely special, just some solid damage and solid utility but there's nothing that makes me want to rank him up or use him over other champs. That's totally fine, not everyone has to be game-breaking. In fact, I would've just loved to see a simple champ outta this guy. Lots of crits, armor breaks, high block proficiency/perfect block chance, and easily accessible true strike along with his built-in miss counter would've been awesome.
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  • magnus_xixmagnus_xix Member Posts: 2,043 ★★★★★
    Best Lazarus counter maybe?
  • Grootman1294Grootman1294 Member Posts: 976 ★★★★
    Looks like we have our first "underwhelming" overhaul.... Did some more testing and I'm not that impressed.

    In all fairness he is much better than before, however compared to magneto, colossus, HB and she hulk he does seem quite a few steps behind.
  • J0eySn0wJ0eySn0w Member Posts: 1,001 ★★★★
    Do you guys really think they could go back and change up things for Hell's Kitchen?
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  • HolrosHolros Member Posts: 371 ★★★
    Holros said:

    Holros said:

    I have played around with daredevil and I must say I am impressed, I'm really impressed, he doesn't have crazy numbers like nick fury but his damage is far from poor, he has nice damage.
    So basically for short fight to medium fights what you want to do is fire off an sp2 to get a rage debuff then go for another sp2, before you get to this sp2 the rage would have expired and would have turned into a fury buff, now what you want to do is throw heavies(heavies grant you cruelty in exchange for 10 combo meter)to get your combo meter around 25-30 combo, guess why?, when you fire your sp2(which will consume 15 combo) you automatically switch back to his first mode and your rage automatically converts to a fury making you have 2 Furies, so you basically just repeat this to get the most damage in short fights.
    In long fights you want to go for the sp3 first before you start the sp2 spam for more damage.
    I don't run suicide so I wouldn't know but I don't think he is good for suicide, if you don't run suicide but you have willpower then put on a big smile cos you basically have an on demand regen that you can keep up for the whole fight, yes you heard me for the entire fight, now what you want to do is spam sp2 like I initially stated but what you will be doing differently is you won't be firing off your sp2 when your combo meter is between 25-30, just spam sp2 normally, what this means is you get a rage from sp2 which is a debuff that will keep healing you and by the time it expires into a fury you should have 2 bars of power ready, fire your sp2 for another rage which is basically free healing, keep spamming this and you basically have a fury and a rage(debuff) for the whole fight, pretty nice right?.
    As for utility he isn't lacking in utility if you ask me, he has a 65% daar, that's the utility.
    Come on Holros you can't be serious how is 65% daar supposed to do anything for me right?, not to worry we can play around that, he has a synergy with psylocke and one other person I can't remember, whenever he knocks down a champion the synergy places a disorient debuff on them reducing their daar by 35% for 12 seconds, give me that evil laugh will you (muhahaha I will destroy the world, sorry I mean the contest).
    With this synergy all you have to do is to throw heavies or use special attacks to gain that 12 seconds 35% daar, couple that with his stick mode 65% daar then you have 100% daar when attacking the opponent, so basically you have a locked on falcon in your hands, bye bye to thing, evaders(yes you heard me our boy will counter evade), and other crazy defenders.
    He still has more utility, crazy right?, with his synergy he is a nice counter for buffed up, what else by using his sp2 spam(combo meter method) he can keep up 3 buffs for practically the whole fight making him a nice counter to buffed up, he has a strong bleed so he should be good for do you bleed, his play style is straight forward and can be tinkered with meaning you can change playstyles for different scenarios, and his SIG ability makes him bypass passive damage from hitting the opponent, making him a counter for korg, thorns and killmonger, pretty solid if you ask me.
    That's all I have discovered so far, if you think there's anything I missed or anything I am wrong about feel free to let me know. Thanks for reading

    In addition to this, I have heard he still counters miss, which is nice, and after testing him more I think he is more sustainable than the average champion, looks like the physical resistance is noticeable after all, in addition to that he will be a decent defender because he will always be in Murdock mode while defending meaning he will keep purifying stuns
    Another observation, his purify is actually pretty useful than I thought it was, agreed you have to weave in a lot of heavies, but If you can keep it up his purify mechanic is nice, a perfect void counter if you ask me, it would also save you in situations where you get accidentally stunned, His combo shield should also be handy for combo party and related nodes.
    I will keep dropping observations I have made when I get them.
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  • gp87gp87 Member Posts: 325 ★★★
    Holros said:

    Holros said:

    I have played around with daredevil and I must say I am impressed, I'm really impressed, he doesn't have crazy numbers like nick fury but his damage is far from poor, he has nice damage.
    So basically for short fight to medium fights what you want to do is fire off an sp2 to get a rage debuff then go for another sp2, before you get to this sp2 the rage would have expired and would have turned into a fury buff, now what you want to do is throw heavies(heavies grant you cruelty in exchange for 10 combo meter)to get your combo meter around 25-30 combo, guess why?, when you fire your sp2(which will consume 15 combo) you automatically switch back to his first mode and your rage automatically converts to a fury making you have 2 Furies, so you basically just repeat this to get the most damage in short fights.
    In long fights you want to go for the sp3 first before you start the sp2 spam for more damage.
    I don't run suicide so I wouldn't know but I don't think he is good for suicide, if you don't run suicide but you have willpower then put on a big smile cos you basically have an on demand regen that you can keep up for the whole fight, yes you heard me for the entire fight, now what you want to do is spam sp2 like I initially stated but what you will be doing differently is you won't be firing off your sp2 when your combo meter is between 25-30, just spam sp2 normally, what this means is you get a rage from sp2 which is a debuff that will keep healing you and by the time it expires into a fury you should have 2 bars of power ready, fire your sp2 for another rage which is basically free healing, keep spamming this and you basically have a fury and a rage(debuff) for the whole fight, pretty nice right?.
    As for utility he isn't lacking in utility if you ask me, he has a 65% daar, that's the utility.
    Come on Holros you can't be serious how is 65% daar supposed to do anything for me right?, not to worry we can play around that, he has a synergy with psylocke and one other person I can't remember, whenever he knocks down a champion the synergy places a disorient debuff on them reducing their daar by 35% for 12 seconds, give me that evil laugh will you (muhahaha I will destroy the world, sorry I mean the contest).
    With this synergy all you have to do is to throw heavies or use special attacks to gain that 12 seconds 35% daar, couple that with his stick mode 65% daar then you have 100% daar when attacking the opponent, so basically you have a locked on falcon in your hands, bye bye to thing, evaders(yes you heard me our boy will counter evade), and other crazy defenders.
    He still has more utility, crazy right?, with his synergy he is a nice counter for buffed up, what else by using his sp2 spam(combo meter method) he can keep up 3 buffs for practically the whole fight making him a nice counter to buffed up, he has a strong bleed so he should be good for do you bleed, his play style is straight forward and can be tinkered with meaning you can change playstyles for different scenarios, and his SIG ability makes him bypass passive damage from hitting the opponent, making him a counter for korg, thorns and killmonger, pretty solid if you ask me.
    That's all I have discovered so far, if you think there's anything I missed or anything I am wrong about feel free to let me know. Thanks for reading

    In addition to this, I have heard he still counters miss, which is nice, and after testing him more I think he is more sustainable than the average champion, looks like the physical resistance is noticeable after all, in addition to that he will be a decent defender because he will always be in Murdock mode while defending meaning he will keep purifying stuns
    He is not counter miss.

  • WRIRWRIR Member Posts: 563 ★★★
    Not crazy. IF he had all the synergies in his base kit, he'd still be nothing special.

    I could see a use if the knockdown disorient was in his base kit though. That could mean effective 100% AAR.
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