What are your guys’ Christmas Gift 2020 predictions? Here’s my take.

What do you guys think the gift will be this year?
Might be jumping the gun, but based on what it was last year, here are my predictions for TB, Cav and Uncollected:
6* Generic awakening gem.
I think 6*s have been out long enough that saying “Hey, here’s 1 6* generic awakening gem for your already insanely massive 6* roster” to a throne breaker won’t really be an issue, and probably give kabam some good PR.
6* Awakening Gem CRYSTAL.
Like I said before, 6*s have been out for a while, and giving out one of these crystals won’t really cause much deflation in value. Most cavalier players (including myself) have horrible/mediocre 6* rosters, and probably won’t have anyone to use it on for a while anyways.
5* Generic Gem.
This would be an upgrade from a Awakening Gem Crystal (which is what uncollected players got last year) to what Cavalier players got last year. 5*s have be around for 4-5 years at this point, and we’ve already seen kabam give everyone multiple 5* gems for free this year, including the ones from Mutant Treasure Island and the generic from last month. I think this is a very reasonable step up from last year.
Might be jumping the gun, but based on what it was last year, here are my predictions for TB, Cav and Uncollected:
6* Generic awakening gem.
I think 6*s have been out long enough that saying “Hey, here’s 1 6* generic awakening gem for your already insanely massive 6* roster” to a throne breaker won’t really be an issue, and probably give kabam some good PR.
6* Awakening Gem CRYSTAL.
Like I said before, 6*s have been out for a while, and giving out one of these crystals won’t really cause much deflation in value. Most cavalier players (including myself) have horrible/mediocre 6* rosters, and probably won’t have anyone to use it on for a while anyways.
5* Generic Gem.
This would be an upgrade from a Awakening Gem Crystal (which is what uncollected players got last year) to what Cavalier players got last year. 5*s have be around for 4-5 years at this point, and we’ve already seen kabam give everyone multiple 5* gems for free this year, including the ones from Mutant Treasure Island and the generic from last month. I think this is a very reasonable step up from last year.
That’s assuming that F2P Cavalier players that were Cavalier last year have actually had the chance to be able to form 1 T5B. Which more than likely is not true.
Cavalier: T4 basic or a t2 Alpha
Said it before and I'll say it again... Hold your cards close, keep your poker face and let them decide. If you give them a high bar with a ton of wishes, they'll feel good lowering it by at LEAST 25%. They aren't your parents and aren't going out of their way to get you the most amazing gift in your wishlist. Anything gifted to you is extra, especially in their eyes where they still do everything possible to increase revenue.