Marvel Contest of Champions Pop Vinyls

Luke9523Luke9523 Member Posts: 1,015 ★★★★
Does anyone else collect Marvel Pop Vinyls? Just thought it would be cool to see anyone else's collections. I have a huge Marvel Pop Vinyl collection and loads of other memorabilia.
Here's a photo of my few Contest of Champion Pop Vinyls.

I've got Howard the Duck, Guillotine, Civil Warrior and King Groot.

What Marvel memorabilia do you collect?

Marvel Contest of Champions Pop Vinyls 147 votes

Nothing - And not interested
LeNoirFaineantVceejdrum663PsychoakumaYoMovesLvernon15Wsm10LilMaddogHTThunderstruck77KerneasmanveertherealTexas_11GoddessIliasRaichu626Colonaut123QacobLordSmasherMrBanksKillswitch01Fit_Fun9329 46 votes
Nothing - But I'd like to start
TerrayuwArkhamButcherGrootman1294GoDlyZorStevieManWonderIron_Patriot_is_litBlackshadow0203Hera1d_of_Ga1actusXdSpoodermanxDPricelessSteel_Ball_RunRenaxqqDoctor_Strange19Sparx265Intensity108Jr_Stark_hbtygbty423_Shish15R1s02 41 votes
Just the Films
nameplasBsuGuyOGAvengerdynastyhowlN1nthclouddangarang122GarrettNBawa69MCOCHazzaPrakhar_82ABLE_G19CheesePizzaRedAroseinbloomKingSamDaManGrassKnuckles 15 votes
Action Figures
ShadowstrikeJuggerNotMaxGamingDrPepper_75Hilbert_unbeatable2Agent_22CrcrcrcBarani7daDraconic_12Paramanona_77Molemanisbestchampsswinnner_1 12 votes
Pop Vinyls
SIlverProfessorBuckylives2_0ThatGuyYouSaw235MeebletonHeroesforhire18_Maxwell24Agent_X_zzzJragonMaster170HoitadoGiulioVentu99LordTenzenPuttPuttPrtjoJahnybravoWarlockjrAntzRodzYou_Know_Me 17 votes
Movie Memorabilia
Total_Domin01Duke_SilverAlecFantastic 3 votes
Anything and everything I can find!
DrZolaLewisTheLlamaCat_MurdockScopeotoe987Captain_Pug30Luke9523MAC_ISO8SpideyFunkoJohnyBoyKablZanerJaynewgamerkidSchnoodle 13 votes


  • Luke9523Luke9523 Member Posts: 1,015 ★★★★
    Anything and everything I can find!
    Crcrcrc said:

    plus comics and films at the moment.

    Aww, forgot to add comics and books to the poll!! I've only got a few comics.

    My man

    have only ever found guillotine for a reasonable price (found the hot topic Civil Warrior for like $65)

    I really want to get the Venompool one, but I can never find it.
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★
    Anything and everything I can find!
    Luke9523 said:

    Crcrcrc said:

    plus comics and films at the moment.

    Aww, forgot to add comics and books to the poll!! I've only got a few comics.

    My man

    have only ever found guillotine for a reasonable price (found the hot topic Civil Warrior for like $65)

    I really want to get the Venompool one, but I can never find it.
    which one? There’s two
  • Luke9523Luke9523 Member Posts: 1,015 ★★★★
    Anything and everything I can find!

    I really want to get the Venompool one, but I can never find it.

    which one? There’s two

    I'd be happy with either, just want to find one. But if I found them both, I'd get both! :D
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★
    Anything and everything I can find!

    This is one of mine

    both look great

    (also have them, I’m sensing a trend)
  • Luke9523Luke9523 Member Posts: 1,015 ★★★★
    Anything and everything I can find!

    This is one of mine

    I have more though.

    Yessssss!! This one is awesome!! I recently got this one too!! It's currently my favourite one!! :)
  • HoitadoHoitado Member Posts: 3,707 ★★★★★
    Pop Vinyls
    You should buy the Different Colors of Civil Warrior and King Groot
  • Luke9523Luke9523 Member Posts: 1,015 ★★★★
    Anything and everything I can find!
    SWORD78 said:

    You should buy the Different Colors of Civil Warrior and King Groot

    I would, but I haven't found them yet unfortunately. I've been looking.
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    I have a Groot pencil jar thing I saw at Goodwill, but I don’t actively seek out merch/collectibles.
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★
    Anything and everything I can find!

    I used to have a ridiculous amount of these lol.

    (Havent got a better way to display the avengers ones yet, waiting for payday to get a spinny base)
    No mcoc ones but my friend has done a few customs so might get a custom.

    I need a spinny thing for mine as well (and the rest of them)
  • JragonMaster170JragonMaster170 Member Posts: 2,049 ★★★★★
    Pop Vinyls
    I have a Hot Topic Exclusive Golden/Green Civil Warrior
  • ThatGuyYouSaw235ThatGuyYouSaw235 Member Posts: 3,439 ★★★★★
    Pop Vinyls
    I've got Thor, Silver Surfer, Molten Man and Carnage
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★
    Anything and everything I can find!
    Luke9523 said:

    I used to have a ridiculous amount of these lol.

    (Havent got a better way to display the avengers ones yet, waiting for payday to get a spinny base)
    No mcoc ones but my friend has done a few customs so might get a custom.

    Wow!! That Cap display is insane! I love it!

    This is my current collection size.

  • Luke9523Luke9523 Member Posts: 1,015 ★★★★
    Anything and everything I can find!
    Thanks SpideyFunko. I've been collecting for about 4-5 years now. So it's took a while. I'm getting a replica Star-Lord helmet for Christmas from my wife too! :D
  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★
    Nothing - But I'd like to start
    I have a Harry Potter one, a 9th Doctor with a Banana, and a Mad Moxxi (From Borderlands) but none from Marvel.
  • Luke9523Luke9523 Member Posts: 1,015 ★★★★
    Anything and everything I can find!

    I have a Harry Potter one, a 9th Doctor with a Banana, and a Mad Moxxi (From Borderlands) but none from Marvel.

    My wife collects Harry Potter. She's got Lego, pop vinyls, wands... She's as bad as me, haha.
    You should definitely get some Marvel to add to your collection. :)
  • Barani7daBarani7da Member Posts: 684 ★★
    Action Figures
    I'm gonna to buy sealth Spidey and Mysterio,place them like they r fighting,also thor with storm breaker and mjolnir,and thor with thanos(should've gone for the head)
  • Barani7daBarani7da Member Posts: 684 ★★
    Action Figures
    Luke9523 said:

    I used to have a ridiculous amount of these lol.

    (Havent got a better way to display the avengers ones yet, waiting for payday to get a spinny base)
    No mcoc ones but my friend has done a few customs so might get a custom.

    Wow!! That Cap display is insane! I love it!

    This is my current collection size.

    Fantastic, extraordinary, mind-blowing dude
  • Luke9523Luke9523 Member Posts: 1,015 ★★★★
    Anything and everything I can find!
    Barani7da said:

    I'm gonna to buy sealth Spidey and Mysterio,place them like they r fighting,also thor with storm breaker and mjolnir,and thor with thanos(should've gone for the head)

    That's an awesome idea!! I still haven't got Mysterio yet. But I really want to get him.
  • Fluffy_pawsFluffy_paws Member Posts: 2,680 ★★★★★
    Luke9523 said:

    I used to have a ridiculous amount of these lol.

    (Havent got a better way to display the avengers ones yet, waiting for payday to get a spinny base)
    No mcoc ones but my friend has done a few customs so might get a custom.

    Wow!! That Cap display is insane! I love it!

    This is my current collection size.

    Nice!!! What's that cap figure at the top?
  • Luke9523Luke9523 Member Posts: 1,015 ★★★★
    Anything and everything I can find!
    @Fluffy_paws Cheers. It's the Captain America Civil War figurine.

  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★
    Anything and everything I can find!
    Luke9523 said:

    .....I went and got another! Lol

    Fingers crossed his buff is good.

    Wish we’d get more Heralds (maybe more revealed tomorrow?)
  • AroseinbloomAroseinbloom Member Posts: 30
    Just the Films

    I used to have a ridiculous amount of these lol.

    (Havent got a better way to display the avengers ones yet, waiting for payday to get a spinny base)
    No mcoc ones but my friend has done a few customs so might get a custom.

    Beanie Venom is surprisingly cute.
  • Luke9523Luke9523 Member Posts: 1,015 ★★★★
    Anything and everything I can find!

    Fingers crossed his buff is good.

    Wish we’d get more Heralds (maybe more revealed tomorrow?)

    Yea, he could definitely do with a decent buff. Hopefully get one early this year.
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