Alliance quest crystals doesn't give something good, if we play map 5 we can't have anything decent, if we play map 6 meh maybe some A2 pieces but while crystals still same, which genius in your team decided making apocalypse the boss, he is unblockable,immune to bleed, hard to evade but I guess kabam thinking crystals give great rewards and apocalypse in his own isn't enough for protect this amazing rewards (!) he have regen too , i never complain about difficulty but if you guys make something harder you must give better rewards in return add %50t1ac in every map 5 crystal for example, add complete t1ac in every map 6 crystal or something else but dont make it harder while everything stay same
Is Apocalypse harder? Sure. Doom was hard at first, then we learned to fight him. We'll do the same with Apocalypse. Bring the right counters like Warlock, CG and Magento (use him last).
His specials can be evaded. His SP2 is easier and he can easily get pushed to it.
You also have the opportunity to not do AQ. The crystals haven't changed since Doom or even Kingpin were the bosses. Everyone needs T4CC.
Re-reading what you said, you are basically making this post because you T1A.
You're wrong.
Just because you feel you are skillful enough to counter something that's giving a lot of people problem doesn't mean it has to stay that way, the guy has the right to his own opinion I think you should stop being a d*** about it, things like this are what makes the forum look toxic at times.
Have a good day demon.
I would prefer if most or all of the AQ reward improvements are concentrated in the glory store because in the glory store players have agency, in other words they get to choose their rewards. In the past, different AQ crystals contained different rewards, and if you wanted a specific reward you needed to do the map that generated those crystals, leading to absurd situations like Map 5 and Map 6 alliances thinking they needed to drop down to doing map 1 for the crystals that dropped T1A. Now, everyone can do whichever map they want, knowing that the majority of the rewards will come in the form of glory that they can spend on whatever they want.
The more rewards that are in the crystals, the less glory we get. That's inevitable. They could buff the crystals tomorrow and leave glory alone, but that would just mean that we wouldn't get some future glory buff down the road. The penalty for asking for more stuff in the AQ crystals would be invisible, but it would be there.