Act 6 compensation query

When it comes out soon, will it be customized according to people who completed act 6 and others who completed till 6.1 (cavalier) ??
There will be customized compensations for people completing act 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4
Just asking so that I dont use my units for revives in 6.2 and wait for those potions accordingly to the compensation.
There will be customized compensations for people completing act 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4
Just asking so that I dont use my units for revives in 6.2 and wait for those potions accordingly to the compensation.
It is unnecessary, and also not allowed to. A single thread to discuss the topic is good enough, which is one that was created months ago
Silly me, not being an endgame player.
I am well aware of when the content drops. Which is why in the post you quoted, I said that tomorrow could be a good day for the compensation to drop because it will coincide with the Act 7 release.
I agree that it likely won’t expire with this content coming out, I was just inquiring about why you so desperately want compensation *before* the content drop rather than *with* the content drop.