Champion trading

We could have a trading system between friends and global chat.


  • dark_king_hyperiondark_king_hyperion Member Posts: 296
    nope that would break the game someone in global gives you a rank three six-star when you just start the game you see that's so game breaking
  • BROLOW80808BROLOW80808 Member Posts: 3
    FIRE_325 said:

    nope that would break the game someone in global gives you a rank three six-star when you just start the game you see that's so game breaking

    It could be for a required level thought
  • This content has been removed.
  • Scopeotoe987Scopeotoe987 Member Posts: 1,567 ★★★★★
    My god how many times does it need to be explained. 6* doctor doom on your second account? Just send your 6* Kamala over and take that doom over! Boom! Not exploitable at all!
  • Dfraga71388Dfraga71388 Member Posts: 103
    This could very easily be done. And to not break the game? Champs traded go back to r1 with no sig. Easy solution
  • Dfraga71388Dfraga71388 Member Posts: 103
    Or at least just back to r1 lol
  • Mars_UltorMars_Ultor Member Posts: 159
    edited December 2020
    Sorry dude, gotta agree with everyone else. I would love to see it, so I could trade my brother warlock for his sunspot, but we all know there would be scammers, and third-party transactions, and it would, to quote the above, "Break the game." No matter what restrictions you put on it.
  • DRTODRTO Member Posts: 1,689 ★★★★★
    Just stop with these. Read my lips, NO TRADING EVER.

    Guess what? Never gonna happen.
  • MauledMauled Member, Guardian Posts: 3,957 Guardian
    edited December 2020
    I swear I need to have this response saved on a word document somewhere...

    So I’ll trade you my R3 Ghost in exchange for any champion and £100 on PayPal. That’s what would happen because that’s how trading works. And then a game that has managed to balance the P2P aspect of the game pretty well would be dead inside a year.
  • AGSTROSAGSTROS Member Posts: 50
    Seems like 9 out of 10 people here agree that trading should NOT be done.
    However only 1 of you 9 can barely attempt to explain HOW it would break the game.

    I'm calling all of you out now on HOW it would break the game because I'm posing a logical fool proof solution on each point on HOW and WHY it would NOT break the game.

    But first a little backstory on my stance (or skip down to TL:DR in next paragraph)...
    I first picked this game up years ago when it first came out, then after about a year, I dropped it because I got my daughter into the game and it frustrated me to see her picking up all of my favorite champions (4* Wolverine, 4* Iron Man, 4* Hulk...) where as I was getting all of her favorites (Scarlet Witch, Captain Marvel, etc.) The game was no longer fun for either of us to play as Champions we didn't like. So we gave the game up for all of 2018, 2019 and most of 2020. We only returned thinking the game would be better by now and give us the opportunity to get the Champions WE wanted. We don't play to win, we don't play to beat the game or be the best or have the highest ranking or prove we can have high achievements... we only played for ONE reason. To play as our favorite 3* or 4* Champion kicking butt on the screen for a minute or two and then we're satisfied. That's what drew us to this game, plain and simple!

    TL:DR - I want a 4* Iron Man and my daughter wants a 4* Scarlet Witch.

    Now to tackle and debunk EVERY objection I've read so far...

    1) People would get 6*s by trading 2*s with extra accounts.
    FIX: Trades would only happen with EQUALLY ranked Champions. Want a 6*? Trade a 6* for it. Problem Solved.

    2) Scamming would run rampant in global forums.
    FIX: Not sure how someone would get scammed exactly if the scammer has to GIVE UP an EQUALLY powered Champion, but OK, devil's advocate. No Global Lobby trading. Trading would ONLY occur within friends you know in YOUR Alliance. Want to trade? Be part of an Alliance first.

    3) Some 4* Champions are "better" than other 4* Champions.
    FIX: If you mean better by more powerful and has unfair advantages over another Champion, you need to take that complaint up with Kabam, not me. It's THEIR job to provide equally powered Champions for the sake of gameplay integrity.

    4) People would get hacked or tricked out of Champions.
    FIX: That's a straw-man argument. If Kabam creates and facilitates the trading process within the game itself, how could it go wrong? Simple drag and drop menu system. You drop in a 4* Champion, your Alliance buddy drops in a 3* Champion to trade with (trying to trick you). Then an Error message from Kabam pops up alarming everyone of an unequal trade and doesn't allow it. Problem solved.

    4) People would begin to profit by asking for Paypal funds.
    FIX: And eveyone's a 100% sure that's not currently going on now with members trying to join and get into prestigious active Alliances? Look, if someone is willing to donate $20 to a fellow Alliance member in real life just to trade two EQUALLY powered Champions, what's the harm? (I would never pay real money, but that's me). In fact, I argue this would actually boost gaming popularity as money hungry people just interested in farming high * Champions only to sell them, would flood the game. But then realize they would actually have to PLAY the game and INVEST hours, weeks, and months just to obtain the "popular" Champions that they can trade (ahem, sell) for. They'll realize soon enough if all that work is worth the trades. Ultimately, the gaming community and economy would thrive and be content because now there'll be a potential market allowing the possibility to obtain the Champion you want.

    ULTIMATE FIX: But this "Black Market" of Trading-For-A-Fee would only thrive if nobody was ever willing to fair trade for free. For every honest person willing to trade for free, that's one less black market put out of business.

    Guys, I really can't think of any more "That would break the game" and "No, just no.." objections.
    I'm a reasonable guy. Fill me in... I'm listening.

  • CrcrcrcCrcrcrc Member Posts: 8,000 ★★★★★
    AGSTROS said:

    Seems like 9 out of 10 people here agree that trading should NOT be done.
    However only 1 of you 9 can barely attempt to explain HOW it would break the game.

    I'm calling all of you out now on HOW it would break the game because I'm posing a logical fool proof solution on each point on HOW and WHY it would NOT break the game.

    But first a little backstory on my stance (or skip down to TL:DR in next paragraph)...
    I first picked this game up years ago when it first came out, then after about a year, I dropped it because I got my daughter into the game and it frustrated me to see her picking up all of my favorite champions (4* Wolverine, 4* Iron Man, 4* Hulk...) where as I was getting all of her favorites (Scarlet Witch, Captain Marvel, etc.) The game was no longer fun for either of us to play as Champions we didn't like. So we gave the game up for all of 2018, 2019 and most of 2020. We only returned thinking the game would be better by now and give us the opportunity to get the Champions WE wanted. We don't play to win, we don't play to beat the game or be the best or have the highest ranking or prove we can have high achievements... we only played for ONE reason. To play as our favorite 3* or 4* Champion kicking butt on the screen for a minute or two and then we're satisfied. That's what drew us to this game, plain and simple!

    TL:DR - I want a 4* Iron Man and my daughter wants a 4* Scarlet Witch.

    Now to tackle and debunk EVERY objection I've read so far...

    1) People would get 6*s by trading 2*s with extra accounts.
    FIX: Trades would only happen with EQUALLY ranked Champions. Want a 6*? Trade a 6* for it. Problem Solved.

    2) Scamming would run rampant in global forums.
    FIX: Not sure how someone would get scammed exactly if the scammer has to GIVE UP an EQUALLY powered Champion, but OK, devil's advocate. No Global Lobby trading. Trading would ONLY occur within friends you know in YOUR Alliance. Want to trade? Be part of an Alliance first.

    3) Some 4* Champions are "better" than other 4* Champions.
    FIX: If you mean better by more powerful and has unfair advantages over another Champion, you need to take that complaint up with Kabam, not me. It's THEIR job to provide equally powered Champions for the sake of gameplay integrity.

    4) People would get hacked or tricked out of Champions.
    FIX: That's a straw-man argument. If Kabam creates and facilitates the trading process within the game itself, how could it go wrong? Simple drag and drop menu system. You drop in a 4* Champion, your Alliance buddy drops in a 3* Champion to trade with (trying to trick you). Then an Error message from Kabam pops up alarming everyone of an unequal trade and doesn't allow it. Problem solved.

    4) People would begin to profit by asking for Paypal funds.
    FIX: And eveyone's a 100% sure that's not currently going on now with members trying to join and get into prestigious active Alliances? Look, if someone is willing to donate $20 to a fellow Alliance member in real life just to trade two EQUALLY powered Champions, what's the harm? (I would never pay real money, but that's me). In fact, I argue this would actually boost gaming popularity as money hungry people just interested in farming high * Champions only to sell them, would flood the game. But then realize they would actually have to PLAY the game and INVEST hours, weeks, and months just to obtain the "popular" Champions that they can trade (ahem, sell) for. They'll realize soon enough if all that work is worth the trades. Ultimately, the gaming community and economy would thrive and be content because now there'll be a potential market allowing the possibility to obtain the Champion you want.

    ULTIMATE FIX: But this "Black Market" of Trading-For-A-Fee would only thrive if nobody was ever willing to fair trade for free. For every honest person willing to trade for free, that's one less black market put out of business.

    Guys, I really can't think of any more "That would break the game" and "No, just no.." objections.
    I'm a reasonable guy. Fill me in... I'm listening.

    On your last point, Kabam would lose so much money. Why would I spend potentially tons of money trying to get 6* crystals for Ghost when I can just spend like $30 and get one with no RNG? It is a terrible system.
  • DjinDjin Member Posts: 1,962 ★★★★★
    AGSTROS said:

    Oh wait I need 6* Aegon for Abyss. I'll trade with my friend and give him 6* Karnak. And never return
  • edited January 2021
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  • MostWantedMostWanted Member Posts: 351 ★★

    FIRE_325 said:

    nope that would break the game someone in global gives you a rank three six-star when you just start the game you see that's so game breaking

    It could be for a required level thought
    I agree, at least level 61 or something like that
  • Mars_UltorMars_Ultor Member Posts: 159
    AGSTROS said:

    Dude, I don't know how, but you changed MY mind.
  • AGSTROSAGSTROS Member Posts: 50
    All, thanks for your responses, I cherish respectable debates so...
    Let's dive in!

    "On your last point, Kabam would lose so much money. Why would I spend potentially tons of money trying to get 6* crystals for Ghost when I can just spend like $30 and get one with no RNG? It is a terrible system."

    I've been away from the game for years, you're gonna have to bear with me. First, what does RNG mean? Second, It sounds like this "Ghost" character is THE must have that everyone knows about and wants. This sort of ties in to my initial point number #3 about some Champions being better or more desirable than others. Without knowing what RNG means....

    FIX: Make certain Champions that would "break" the market UNTRADEABLE at the discretion of Kabam. Only they would know better than others which Champions would cause problems being traded and lose them money. Problem Solved.

    "Oh wait I need 6* Aegon for Abyss. I'll trade with my friend and give him 6* Karnak. And never return"

    Sounds good. If he really wants a 6* Karnak, what's the problem? Are you saying what IF he wanted the Abyss and you placed Karnak in the trade instead?

    FIX: Within the Trade Menu Screen, both parties would actually SEE the Champions being offered in queue BEFORE clicking either "Accept" or "Cancel". Unless BOTH you and your friend click "Accept"... nothing happens.

    "One of my main objection is having alternate accounts that trade between eachother. During the time period of the summoner appreciation calendar, I could make 10 differerent accounts, have 10 free tries at getting a good 5 stars, and if I got god-tier 5*s in any of those, simply trade them to my main account in exchange for one of my trash 5 stars."

    I hadn't thought of this, (I don't have a scam-the-system mindset) thank you. Although I do have a problem-solving mindset and this one is no different.
    But before I "fix" this, you'd have to clarify the ability to trade "god-like" 5*s is possible with "trash" 5*s. Would that discrepancy be actuality or just your opinion based on personal preference?

    FIX: IF actual "god-like" vs. "trash" Champions exist, then I would trust Kabam to know which is which and put restrictions in place to prevent that from happening. BUT ultimately, a major fix would be that ONLY accounts reaching a minimum level 61 would be allowed to trade. Problem Solved.

  • AouxWouxAouxWoux Member Posts: 426 ★★★
    AGSTROS said:

    Seems like 9 out of 10 people here agree that trading should NOT be done.
    However only 1 of you 9 can barely attempt to explain HOW it would break the game.

    I'm calling all of you out now on HOW it would break the game because I'm posing a logical fool proof solution on each point on HOW and WHY it would NOT break the game.

    But first a little backstory on my stance (or skip down to TL:DR in next paragraph)...
    I first picked this game up years ago when it first came out, then after about a year, I dropped it because I got my daughter into the game and it frustrated me to see her picking up all of my favorite champions (4* Wolverine, 4* Iron Man, 4* Hulk...) where as I was getting all of her favorites (Scarlet Witch, Captain Marvel, etc.) The game was no longer fun for either of us to play as Champions we didn't like. So we gave the game up for all of 2018, 2019 and most of 2020. We only returned thinking the game would be better by now and give us the opportunity to get the Champions WE wanted. We don't play to win, we don't play to beat the game or be the best or have the highest ranking or prove we can have high achievements... we only played for ONE reason. To play as our favorite 3* or 4* Champion kicking butt on the screen for a minute or two and then we're satisfied. That's what drew us to this game, plain and simple!

    TL:DR - I want a 4* Iron Man and my daughter wants a 4* Scarlet Witch.

    Now to tackle and debunk EVERY objection I've read so far...

    1) People would get 6*s by trading 2*s with extra accounts.
    FIX: Trades would only happen with EQUALLY ranked Champions. Want a 6*? Trade a 6* for it. Problem Solved.

    2) Scamming would run rampant in global forums.
    FIX: Not sure how someone would get scammed exactly if the scammer has to GIVE UP an EQUALLY powered Champion, but OK, devil's advocate. No Global Lobby trading. Trading would ONLY occur within friends you know in YOUR Alliance. Want to trade? Be part of an Alliance first.

    3) Some 4* Champions are "better" than other 4* Champions.
    FIX: If you mean better by more powerful and has unfair advantages over another Champion, you need to take that complaint up with Kabam, not me. It's THEIR job to provide equally powered Champions for the sake of gameplay integrity.

    4) People would get hacked or tricked out of Champions.
    FIX: That's a straw-man argument. If Kabam creates and facilitates the trading process within the game itself, how could it go wrong? Simple drag and drop menu system. You drop in a 4* Champion, your Alliance buddy drops in a 3* Champion to trade with (trying to trick you). Then an Error message from Kabam pops up alarming everyone of an unequal trade and doesn't allow it. Problem solved.

    4) People would begin to profit by asking for Paypal funds.
    FIX: And eveyone's a 100% sure that's not currently going on now with members trying to join and get into prestigious active Alliances? Look, if someone is willing to donate $20 to a fellow Alliance member in real life just to trade two EQUALLY powered Champions, what's the harm? (I would never pay real money, but that's me). In fact, I argue this would actually boost gaming popularity as money hungry people just interested in farming high * Champions only to sell them, would flood the game. But then realize they would actually have to PLAY the game and INVEST hours, weeks, and months just to obtain the "popular" Champions that they can trade (ahem, sell) for. They'll realize soon enough if all that work is worth the trades. Ultimately, the gaming community and economy would thrive and be content because now there'll be a potential market allowing the possibility to obtain the Champion you want.

    ULTIMATE FIX: But this "Black Market" of Trading-For-A-Fee would only thrive if nobody was ever willing to fair trade for free. For every honest person willing to trade for free, that's one less black market put out of business.

    Guys, I really can't think of any more "That would break the game" and "No, just no.." objections.
    I'm a reasonable guy. Fill me in... I'm listening.

    I oppose your point 3. If all the champions are balanced then whats the point of playing this game? If any champion I pull is balanced that means when I pull a full team of 5 star champions is that all I need to beat the game? Whats the point of staying in this game after that? This is a game, I would personally consider a "Gacha" game. Even in comics some characters are stronger than others.
  • Shock29Shock29 Member Posts: 643 ★★★
    edited January 2021
    This would entirely disrupt the way the game should be played. With trading, their is no incentive to go back and progress forward in the game to get shards if you can trade with someone. Their would be no point in grinding or opening crystals if you had a friend that would let you borrow his 6* Aegon for Abyss. The game literally is about grabbing those shards to testing your luck in crystals not on a market built in an alliance where you can trade for the champion of your dreams that you don't have. Its an interesting idea, but it just doesn't mix very well with how the game is designed.
  • Shock29Shock29 Member Posts: 643 ★★★
    Also, AGSTROS, RNG stands for Random Number Generator just to help you out there.
  • Luke9523Luke9523 Member Posts: 1,016 ★★★★
    edited January 2021
    Seems like the only people who want in-game champion trading are people who are either **** at the game, or people who are just salty that they can't get their favourite champion immediately.
    Guess what, you don't get to choose what champions you have. You have to work for them in arenas or get lucky in crystal pulls.
  • MeebletonMeebleton Member Posts: 552 ★★★
    Me every time someone makes a thread asking for trading:

  • AGSTROSAGSTROS Member Posts: 50
    Let's keep this rolling....

    "I oppose your point 3. If all the champions are balanced then whats the point of playing this game? If any champion I pull is balanced that means when I pull a full team of 5 star champions is that all I need to beat the game? Whats the point of staying in this game after that? This is a game, I would personally consider a "Gacha" game. Even in comics some characters are stronger than others."

    There's a bit of a misnomer assuming balanced Champions equate to Similar or Equal Champions. Consider the Rock/Paper/Scissors Effect... in it's purest form all 3 are balanced (have the equal percentage of defeat as well as victory) yet all 3 are different. So to answer your question "What's the point?" Variety and nuances. Hypothetical... I like Wolverine, but I also like Iron Man... what's the point of owning both if they're both "balanced"? Because one's a Mutant and the other is Tech. Fighting styles, abilities, combos are different and it's THAT variety that draws me in.

    But if in reality, yes some ARE stronger than others (like in the comics) I say, so be it.

    FIX: Kabam CAN know which are the OP Champions and which to exlcude from a Fair Trade Menu.

    "This would entirely disrupt the way the game should be played. With trading, their is no incentive to go back and progress forward in the game to get shards if you can trade with someone. Their would be no point in grinding or opening crystals if you had a friend that would let you borrow his 6* Aegon for Abyss. The game literally is about grabbing those shards to testing your luck in crystals not on a market built in an alliance where you can trade for the champion of your dreams that you don't have. Its an interesting idea, but it just doesn't mix very well with how the game is designed."

    You're missing the math in your example above. If you WANT (3) 6* Champions, guess what you have to start trading with? That's right THREE 6* Champions. It sounds like you're assuming the trading menu would be abused to GROW your library of 6* Champions, but no. It won't work that way. You want a NEW 6* Champion to add to your list, you'll have to grind for game shards like everyone else to GET those 6* Champions to trade in the first place. As for borrowing...

    FIX: All trades are final on obtained Champions. Once you obtained a Champion via trading, guess what? It's yours FOR LIFE! Problem Solved.

    "Also, AGSTROS, RNG stands for Random Number Generator just to help you out there."

    Man, I must REALLY be out of it... so what does THAT mean?! You mean like whether a Champion will become a 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6* upon opening a crystal?

    "Seems like the only people who want in-game champion trading are people who are either **** at the game, or people who are just salty that they can't get their favourite champion immediately.
    Guess what, you don't get to choose what champions you have. You have to work for them in arenas or get lucky in crystal pulls."

    Sock at the game? Perhaps, I haven't invested enough time to know any different. Salty? Yes, I agree... but not because my favorite Champion hasn't come immdediately... they haven't come in YEARS! That's something to be pretty salty about. Guess what, you DO get to choose which characters or players you want in OTHER GAMES and it works just fine. Madden Mobile for instance has a market system where you can buy/sell players. It's been there for years and it's how I personally obtain my favorite players. Some grind, some purchase, and some use real money to buy. I'm the middle one and it works.

    FIX: Kabam should do what EA is doing (Never thought I'd say that) but it WORKS.

    "Me every time someone makes a thread asking for trading:"

    I AM old... but you must not a good teacher. Bring it on, I'm listening for the lesson to begin.
  • Luke9523Luke9523 Member Posts: 1,016 ★★★★
    AGSTROS said:

    Let's keep this rolling....

    "Seems like the only people who want in-game champion trading are people who are either **** at the game, or people who are just salty that they can't get their favourite champion immediately.
    Guess what, you don't get to choose what champions you have. You have to work for them in arenas or get lucky in crystal pulls."

    Sock at the game? Perhaps, I haven't invested enough time to know any different. Salty? Yes, I agree... but not because my favorite Champion hasn't come immdediately... they haven't come in YEARS! That's something to be pretty salty about. Guess what, you DO get to choose which characters or players you want in OTHER GAMES and it works just fine. Madden Mobile for instance has a market system where you can buy/sell players. It's been there for years and it's how I personally obtain my favorite players. Some grind, some purchase, and some use real money to buy. I'm the middle one and it works.

    You say your favourite champion hasn't come out in years, yet you've also said you haven't played in years. Seems to me you're just annoyed that you can't pick and choose your own champions, and that has NEVER been the way this game operates. If you want to pick your own champions, go and play those other Marvel games where it is an option.

    I admit, saving ages for a 5/6* crystal, only to pull a rubbish champ can be a big let down. But when you end up pulling your favourite champion or an excellent character, it is an awesome feeling that can't be beat. If you were constantly pulling the characters you wanted, not only would the game get stale and boring very quickly, and certain champs would NEVER see the light of day, I'm pretty sure a lot of people would get tired of it and quit.

    Again, this is just my two cents and my own personal opinion. But I'm happy with the way the game is operated, and wouldn't want to see a change like this happen.
  • Luke9523Luke9523 Member Posts: 1,016 ★★★★
    And I've been playing this game since it first started in 2014, and I still don't have some of my favourite champs. Lol.
  • AGSTROSAGSTROS Member Posts: 50
    Luke9523 said:

    You say your favourite champion hasn't come out in years, yet you've also said you haven't played in years. Seems to me you're just annoyed that you can't pick and choose your own champions, and that has NEVER been the way this game operates. If you want to pick your own champions, go and play those other Marvel games where it is an option.

    I admit, saving ages for a 5/6* crystal, only to pull a rubbish champ can be a big let down. But when you end up pulling your favourite champion or an excellent character, it is an awesome feeling that can't be beat. If you were constantly pulling the characters you wanted, not only would the game get stale and boring very quickly, and certain champs would NEVER see the light of day, I'm pretty sure a lot of people would get tired of it and quit.

    Again, this is just my two cents and my own personal opinion. But I'm happy with the way the game is operated, and wouldn't want to see a change like this happen.

    You're missing some valid points I made earlier... Yes, I haven't played for years, but that was AFTER years of playing. Starting in late 2015 and stopped in 2017. Just picked it up again in 2020.

    Sure, saving, farming and unlocking surprise Champions is a joy, I grant you that. But so is EARNING the Champion you want via trade. You mischaracterize trading as some sort of free and easy cheap process of getting a Champion you want. Guess what, in the guidelines I've posed before, it's actual WORK!

    - First you have to do EVERYTHING you do now just to obtain a high * DESIRABLE Champion worth trading.
    - Next you have to join an Alliance.
    - Then you have to find someone else willing to trade for what Champion you have.
    - Then you BOTH have to reach a certain level (61 was discussed).
    - Finally, once you meet all those criteria, you have to both agree at once and realize that this trade will be FINAL.

    Just like in Madden, the act of obtaining desired Champions through all of this hard work is in of itself satisfying and would make the game the exact opposite of stale and boring. But instead rejuvenate the game to attract a new breed of gamers... the "collectors". Those that play knowing they now have a shot at Champions they want, not by "chance", but by wheeling and dealing. And if certain Champs would never see the light of day, that's on Kabam to buff them to pique the community's interest.

    Again, this is NOT my 2 cents, this is an echo of a silent minority. I'm NOT happy with the way the game is operated and I WOULD want to see a change like this happen. But it won't come about with so many drones mindlessly clicking on the disagree button without bravely voicing their UNIQUE opinions as to why.

    I see you about to click "disagree" down there! Why are you doing that?! Come on, speak up!
  • Shock29Shock29 Member Posts: 643 ★★★
    edited January 2021
    From a fellow Madden player to a another, auction is a totally different thing. You still have to grind coins and you get to buy a player that you want. At that point, you know what you're going to get because you can see and choose.

    By adding trading, the crystals that make MCOC sort of unique disappear as higher up players will lots of six stars don't have to go with the uncertainty of getting a bad champion by opening a crystal if they can trade. Also by the way, with the GGCs and the Summoner Appreciation Calendar before that, so many lower down players have six stars. It's a bit insane. If you are lower summoner with a six star that sucks, whats to stop you from dropping in on an alliance to trade with a friend to get a another better six star.

    Another thing, what do we do with levels, resources used, and rank. We would need a system for that to stop a rank 1 6* being traded to get a rank 3 6*. Do players get refunded or does all that hard work you put in go to another player. Do they have to be the same rank, sig stone, and both be awakened? - Sounds like a lot of work!

    Overall, MCOC's crystal opening is sort of a trademark for them. You are supposed to feel the uncertainty of whether you're going to get shafted or if you have amazing luck. This game isn't about being able to select who you want but to hope you get lucky and if you don't, grind and try again.

    (One last thing, I used the work borrow in a previous comment, but if trading was added, I feel like the work ripped off or stolen would be a more tossed around word - What's to stop another player from not giving that champion back. Bans? Not quite sure how'd that help without direct intervention by Kabam in that person's account. That sounds really tiring as well because it would probably happen a lot.)
  • This content has been removed.
  • Luke9523Luke9523 Member Posts: 1,016 ★★★★
    AGSTROS said:

    You're missing some valid points I made earlier... Yes, I haven't played for years, but that was AFTER years of playing. Starting in late 2015 and stopped in 2017. Just picked it up again in 2020.

    Sure, saving, farming and unlocking surprise Champions is a joy, I grant you that. But so is EARNING the Champion you want via trade. You mischaracterize trading as some sort of free and easy cheap process of getting a Champion you want. Guess what, in the guidelines I've posed before, it's actual WORK!

    - First you have to do EVERYTHING you do now just to obtain a high * DESIRABLE Champion worth trading.
    - Next you have to join an Alliance.
    - Then you have to find someone else willing to trade for what Champion you have.
    - Then you BOTH have to reach a certain level (61 was discussed).
    - Finally, once you meet all those criteria, you have to both agree at once and realize that this trade will be FINAL.

    Just like in Madden, the act of obtaining desired Champions through all of this hard work is in of itself satisfying and would make the game the exact opposite of stale and boring. But instead rejuvenate the game to attract a new breed of gamers... the "collectors". Those that play knowing they now have a shot at Champions they want, not by "chance", but by wheeling and dealing. And if certain Champs would never see the light of day, that's on Kabam to buff them to pique the community's interest.

    Again, this is NOT my 2 cents, this is an echo of a silent minority. I'm NOT happy with the way the game is operated and I WOULD want to see a change like this happen. But it won't come about with so many drones mindlessly clicking on the disagree button without bravely voicing their UNIQUE opinions as to why.

    I don't think I missed any valid points to be honest, as I have read all your previous comments. I just have a different opinion to you. If you hadn't stopped playing for all those years, you'd probably have the champion you wanted so badly by now. And be further along the gameplay with a better roster.

    If there is a champion that you want so badly, that's what the arena grinding events are for. Sure, they are hard work, but put the effort in and you will be rewarded with your favourite champion. If not, spin the wheel of fortune fella, because that's how this game operates.

    These ideas or proposals you made for how to introduce trading, would definitely work, I can't argue with that. It seems similar to a pokemon trading system, albeit with slightly tighter measures to stop people trading 1*'s with 6*'s. However, people will always find loopholes and ways to get around these kind of restrictions.

    My number one argument, is that this is not a game about trading to 'catch 'em all' or to get your favourite. You have to complete the game with the roster you've got. With the good and the bad. It might not be the best argument in the world, but this isn't a trading game. It never has been and (hopefully) never will be.

    And as you said yourself, the suggestion of trading comes from the silent MINORITY. And for as long as it is a minority, kabam aren't going to make any drastic changes like trading champions.
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