Tier 1 alphas need 2 be made more available 2 top tier players

The current state of the game is ridiculous u have made ranking 5*s so hungry for t1as yet u make the alphas not so easy to collect unless u run map 3 u can't get t1a from map crystals this needs to change
Facts b.
Sooo correct man. Used to laugh at T4A and be like, "Who the hell would do 800k for an alpha? They are so plentiful." Sadly, I just did my first alpha arena a week or two ago because of this reason. I go thru them so fast. It would be nice to CHANGE the arena to be like 1.1 mill to get THREE alphas, not 1. 1 alpha gets us a 4* from rank 2->3, which is sad. I am so screwed when I open the 7 5* I have been saving for a few months
You are 100% right about everything else. To the rest of you, you can't spend glory on T1A because I already NEED to buy T4B and T2A shards from the glory store each week. I never thought I'd have way more T4CC than T4B/T1A
That's googleplexian an officer from CORE so yea I think he get's them. BTW unless you're from the top 300 alliances it not possible to buy 5 t1a from the glory store when there are better stuff to buy
Maybe I'm wrong, but you seem to be overstating. 8 day reset on alphas plus the prices going up by about 4x over those 8 days.. 2 possible from alliance events in one week.... That's IF your alliance does arena events (many don't fully participate in them, even at high levels). The monthly quests def adds in but only monthly.
Just buying 5 from the glory store within 8 days would cost 3750 glory lmao.
But I've seen plenty of ppl use the same bad argument when talking about alphas plenty of times. Same for the "I can get a billion t4b in a week if I want" ppl.
Not trying to pick on you... But I get very frustrated bc so many people here sound so very sure of themselves and don't seem to actually know the particulars. The details are important when someone is arguing against a premise posed by an OP. Many users will take someone's word as law when that poster sounds authoritative and seems like they know what they're talking about. But simply looking for the info proves them wrong many times. It's a rampant thing in this forum, to the detriment of the player base.