Pretty much everyone in the second image, Morningstar as well. I don't see a counter to Crossbones in your roster except for BWCV and I'm not the best with her so I don't know if she could out damage the healing without suicides at R4.
What you definitely need to do is start to work on your masteries, unless you're a hardcore arena grinder I'm guessing that you've spent a bit to get through Act 5, it starts to become a bit less effective in Act 6 so I'd take a step back and work on ranking most of that second page of 5* up.
I'd go BWCV and Sunspot as your next rank ups. I'd probably choose Blade out of your skill options and then you've got a choice between the Supremes - neither are bad options.
Pretty much everyone in the second image, Morningstar as well. I don't see a counter to Crossbones in your roster except for BWCV and I'm not the best with her so I don't know if she could out damage the healing without suicides at R4.
What you definitely need to do is start to work on your masteries, unless you're a hardcore arena grinder I'm guessing that you've spent a bit to get through Act 5, it starts to become a bit less effective in Act 6 so I'd take a step back and work on ranking most of that second page of 5* up.
I'd go BWCV and Sunspot as your next rank ups. I'd probably choose Blade out of your skill options and then you've got a choice between the Supremes - neither are bad options.
I used Claire for crossbones. She worked eventually but I had to throw sp2s in hellfire mode so I died a couple times from block damage.
But regarding rank ups, you’ve gotten really lucky on your pulls. Here’s how I’d break it down. You’ve got a lot of really good mystic champions, play around in uncollected eq with them and see which one you like best out of Claire, longshot, sorcerer supreme, sym supreme, and tigra. I’d rank up the two you like the best for now. (Eventually you’ll probably want to take them all to at least rank 4). Then I’d take up whoever you feel most comfortable with for path clearing to rank 4. That’ll be between sunspot, red guardian, hit monkey, gambit, and bwdo. Take up two (or three if you only take up one mystic) of them for now. Once you do that your team will consist of caiw, two mystics, and two of your other good champions. I know I didn’t give advice on who specifically in that group to rank up but that’s because they’re all really good and will help you get cav, it’s just up to who you will use the most.
What you definitely need to do is start to work on your masteries, unless you're a hardcore arena grinder I'm guessing that you've spent a bit to get through Act 5, it starts to become a bit less effective in Act 6 so I'd take a step back and work on ranking most of that second page of 5* up.
I'd go BWCV and Sunspot as your next rank ups. I'd probably choose Blade out of your skill options and then you've got a choice between the Supremes - neither are bad options.
Check out this post for a tip on using Claire versus crossbones.