R5 Mutant

Thoye3Thoye3 Member Posts: 96
edited December 2020 in Strategy and Tips
Hi everyone. I am trying to figure out which mutant to take to R5. I do not run suicides so I am leaning towards not taking OR over my other options. I can use a generic awakening gem on Colossus before ranking him up. I can take whoever I take up to around 140 sig.

R5 Mutant 77 votes

Omega Red
DOKTOROKTOPUSRbk19Malreck04TheAngryOneMeebletonX_Factor_AgentIron_Patriot_is_litProximaMidnight_8IronGladiator22Will3808Thebombsquad1[Deleted User]BlackTuranjscott96AVENGED27 15 votes
Colossus (Awaken with Generic)
allinashesGK_23nameplasReferencexandersrevenge10or_StrongHonaway_23Thoye3Doctor_Strange19SwarmOfRavensDromerEtherealityKAYDASaltE_Wenis69KablCowabungaShaqatacBlôdletterSkygod69 19 votes
bm3eppsDolanWoody15MCOCHazzaAdokDualityCope 6 votes
DarkKnight646 1 vote
Ja1970XxicylovexXevilKINGwilsonLvernon15Duke_SilverLogan00ClynevaBattle_GreninjaRookiieKill_GreyEtjamaarya2250dangarang122Aaronc94KbmbbGreekhitXdSpoodermanxDJonnySnowRenaxqqJohnyBoy 36 votes
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  • EtjamaEtjama Member Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★
    I'd say AA over OR since you don't run suicides.
  • GreekhitGreekhit Member Posts: 2,820 ★★★★★
    Archangel is your best shot without suicides.
    Get him at least to sig110 and you have a solution to many bs fights.
    Also he is still a top potion farmer for ROL WS.
    Only the free lvl3 potions you will be able to farm in seconds there, are enough to justify this r5 😉
  • LandsLands Member Posts: 45
  • JonnySnowJonnySnow Member Posts: 117
    If you ever decide to run suicides then definitely take up OR
  • MCOCHazzaMCOCHazza Member Posts: 914 ★★★★
    I’d say colossus since you have omega red and Emma for synergy. His awakened ability isn’t worth a generic gem, but it’s worth a class gem. However even unawakened he’s still a beast.
  • bm3eppsbm3epps Member Posts: 1,172 ★★★
    😂The mutant class is arguably one of the worst class to try and rank imo. They have way too many good champs. That being said, I have a R5 Colossus that's definitely is a constant on my questing and AW team. AA which I have as R4 as well doesn't need R5 to be effective at all. I don't think you could go wrong with either Havok, Omega, or Colossus as each have their uses but my personal choice would be Colossus.
  • Will3808Will3808 Member Posts: 3,959 ★★★★★
    Omega Red
    Even though you don’t run suicides I’d still rank 5 and put all your sigs in omega. If you don’t do that I suggest awakening colossus, putting all your sigs in him, and taking him to rank 5.
  • dark_king_hyperiondark_king_hyperion Member Posts: 296
    I am an omega red player I saw @Gardener play some act 5 with him and I'm I call him "arch melt angel" MELT AS HIS MIDDLE NAME LITRALLY
  • EtherealityEthereality Member Posts: 685 ★★★
    edited December 2020
    Colossus (Awaken with Generic)
    Second choice would definitely be AA. The reason why I choose Collosus over AA is that AA becomes powerless against a bleed/poison immune champ. Collosus doesnt lose any of his utility against any champ except the Magnetos ( Which AA happens to lose too)

    That is why you should go Collosus. Also bcause you añready have high ranked champs with the right synergies.....Pair him with your OR and Emma Frost for even more beyond god status, you'll see those face melting numbers fly . Your AA is fine as he is cuz he can do what he does best at the rank he already is at ( which is to shut down problematic nodes/buff/abilities).
  • Thoye3Thoye3 Member Posts: 96
    Colossus (Awaken with Generic)
    I ended up going Colossus and he has been amazing so far (even unawakened). Thanks for all the suggestions! Will probably do AA if I get another mutant from Variant 6.
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★

    Second choice would definitely be AA. The reason why I choose Collosus over AA is that AA becomes powerless against a bleed/poison immune champ. Collosus doesnt lose any of his utility against any champ except the Magnetos ( Which AA happens to lose too)

    That is why you should go Collosus. Also bcause you añready have high ranked champs with the right synergies.....Pair him with your OR and Emma Frost for even more beyond god status, you'll see those face melting numbers fly . Your AA is fine as he is cuz he can do what he does best at the rank he already is at ( which is to shut down problematic nodes/buff/abilities).

    What are you on about? AA smashes Magneto, and has a lot more utility than Colossus.
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    Nvm, OP has already gone with Colossus RIP
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