Villains without a villain tag

I wasn't paying much attention to villain tags before the latest version of back issues.
Which champions you think should have one?
I may be biased as I have him as a 6 star but, I always thought sabretooth was a villain.
Which champions you think should have one?
I may be biased as I have him as a 6 star but, I always thought sabretooth was a villain.
When Aarkus was released there was a grumble because he’s described as a dimensional being but lacked the tag.
“Aarkus as well as other champs that didn’t got the Villain tag, are victims of the Blade’s domination era”
P.S. Funny thing is that the devs are still afraid of the Villain tag despite Blade isn’t a top champ anymore.
Read Secret Wars, that's all I can say. When the Beyonder trapped everyone in the Battleworld, reality itself was warped because of his powers. This caused many to reach their full potential and become much stronger than they once were. A similar thing happens in the game where Iso-8 has increased the power of champions beyond regular capacity which is why they are so much stronger and a match for beings such as The Hulk or Dormmamu.
2. Even in the comics, you're wrong. Daredevil was actually written to defeat the Hulk; not necessarily in a straight up fist fight, but when the writers need Daredevil to stop the Hulk, Daredevil stops the Hulk. See: for an example. And as to the Sentry, you really picked the wrong example there because the Sentry is the ultimate "writer does whatever they want" character. The Sentry is *literally* a narrative device even within the Marvel Universe. Basically *according to canon* Sentry has unlimited power, but is restrained by Reynolds to never use that full power because of his subconscious limitations (such as fear of releasing the Void, among others). The Sentry can beat anyone when the writer wants him to, and anyone can beat the Sentry if the writer wants them to. It is always explained away as a psychological limitation of Reynolds holding back the Sentry's full power. In the comics an AIM Adaptoid was shown able to replicate his powers and theoretically beat him, although of course that then went in a different direction due to narrative imperative.
It's "Heroes don't gain power" and CG is not a hero either.
Agent venom and SIM have symbiotic suits and they aren;t metal
I don't recall an instance where Superior Iron Man faces Magneto in the comics, but there's no reason to be certain that the Symbiote liquid metal material that makes up the Superior Iron Man suit is necessarily vulnerable to Magneto. Some exotic metals are immune to his powers, in particular Vibranium.
I think a lot of people are still unaware of the fact that the Superior Iron Man suit is not just an especially shiny version of the Iron Man armor, but is instead a techno-organic substance based on Symbiote (as in Venom) biology.