🎁Join My 3rd Annual Gifting Giveaway!🎁



  • Manik007Manik007 Member Posts: 7 β˜…

    Meme is just for anyone that saw the Teaser Post a few days ago...

    πŸŽ† Anyways, We're Back Yet Again For Another Giveaway!!! πŸŽ†
    If you remember how it went the Last Two Years then first off, you got a Good Memory, second it won't be much different from the previous years except for One Key Difference in a Second Prize! But we'll get to that in a minute, first The Rules (don't worry I'll put a copy here for anyone new or who forgot).

    You'll have One Week from the day this is posted to enter the Giveaway, so *December 18th to December 25th*, the exact time Entries will no longer be counted is *4pm Central Time*!

    Rules are fairly simple:
    -To Enter All You Have To Do Is:
    *Leave ONE Comment Containing Your IGN
    *Which Item Package You'd Like If You Win
    *Lastly The Best Thing That's Happened To You In-Game This Year
    (It Could Be A Certain Crystal Pull, Completing Some Big Milestone Content, Maybe Finding A Great Alliance You've Enjoyed Being In, ect.)
    -Replying To Comments On This Post Is Allowed But I'd Ask You Please Don't Do It Too Much. (It'd Just Save Me A Little Time When Sifting Through All The Entries)
    -Don't Bother Trying To Enter Your IGN More Than Once, I Will Only Count The First. (You Will Not Be Disqualified Because I Know Someone May Try To Sabotage By Entering Other People's IGN...)
    -Obviously No Hating On The Winner, Or Anyone For That Matter, Don't Be That Guy...
    -Lastly Please No Begging Me Or Anyone Else For Gifts...

    Next the Prizes, the Winners will get Their Choice of One of the following Gift Packages:

    1st Place (Big Winner)
    *1 Greater Gifting Crystal And 10 Full Energy Refills*
    *1 Greater Gifting Crystal And 2 Stony Mastery Cores+1 Full Energy Refill*
    *2 Greater Gifting Crystals*
    That's 600 Units Worth For Each Gift!

    2nd Place (Addition For This Year)
    *1 Greater Gifting Crystal*
    *10 Full Energy Refills*
    *2 Stoney Mastery Cores And 1 Full Energy Refill*
    That's 300 Units Worth For Each Gift!

    So while the Main Prize hasn't increased at all from last year, I decided this year to add a Second Place Prize to make up for it! 900 Units Gifted Total.

    Please give me some time after Entry Phase is over, obviously it'd be Christmas Day so I may not be home till a little later in the day, need to add up all the entries, and choose a winner (using a Random Number Generator for anyone curious).

    When I'm done I'll Quote the Winner's Entry and send them a Friend Request In-Game, my IGN is the same as my Forums Name.

    *Good Luck To Everyone And Merry Christmas/Happy Any December Holiday You May Celebrate!*

    My ign Manik085
    The best thing i have this year is 5 star crystal openings i got torch,cmm,corvus,Γ†gon,doom,havok,gwenpool,angela,morningstar. The best year for me.
  • MAGWMAGW Member Posts: 24 β˜…
    IGN: MAGWolf
    Prize request: 2 GGCs or 1 GGC if second place
    Best thing this year was getting 5* doom after a massive drought + getting cav
  • PhotimePhotime Member Posts: 116 β˜…
    Not sure what IGN means but here I go: PhoTime

    The 1st prize I would like to receive are the 2 greater gifting crystals.

    If I win the 2nd prize then I’ll take the 1 greater gifting crystal please.

    The best thing to happened to me in game this year was the Magneto buff. Just right before the magneto buff I pulled a 6* red magneto, which I was very disappointed about. After I found out how useful magneto was after the buff, I couldn’t be happier. Because of the magneto buff I was able to smash through content to complete act 6! I don’t think I would have attempted the content if it wasn’t for the magneto buff so I’m grateful for that this year. Amazing upgrade by kabam!!! :smiley:
  • Big_eggyBig_eggy Member Posts: 122 β˜…
    IGN: Big eggy
    Rewards: No preference.
    Best thing this year?: I only really started playing in March so a lot has happened. Best thing probably is pulling a 6* CGR from an Epoch Crystal/ Getting Cavalier.
  • Iwan_milyutinIwan_milyutin Member Posts: 2 β˜…
    IGN: Ulyssys klaw
    Prize if 1 place - stony cores and ggc
    If second place -stony cores, yep, I'm really that desperate fpr them:)
    Best thing that happened is getting ultron from a 5* nexus, it may not seem like much, but I didn't have a 6.2.2 sinister counter, but I had Warlock and Claire Voyant. None of them have furies, but if you know warlock has a synergy with ultron that gives a champion a fury buff whenever the champion is immune to a debuff. So that allowed me to complete 6.2.
  • FortuneFortune Member Posts: 61 β˜…
    1st Prize: 2GGCs
    Best thing that happened to me in 2020: I got Doom from a six star basic crystal.
  • VineetkansaraVineetkansara Member Posts: 14 β˜…
    IGN vineetkansara
    2 GGC
    Got two five stars from two holiday crystal.. and guess what bwcv (i m looking for her for whole year) and awenking of my HT
  • _knoxy1_knoxy1 Member Posts: 6 β˜…
    edited December 2020
    IGN: Foxy Knoxy
    2x GGC
    Best thing that’s happened to me is going from barely knowing how to play to getting Cavalier - allowing me to open 3x 6*s (Dormammu, Iron Patriot & Prof X) and r5 my first 5* (BWCV)
  • TimmytdtTimmytdt Member Posts: 564 β˜…β˜…
    IGN: Timmytdt
    GGC+10 energy refills if first/GGC if second

    The best thing that happens to me this year is a crazy champ crystal opening streak! It goes like this : 1st 5* nick fury, 1st 5* from legendary Claire voiyant, 1st 5* from featured BWDO, 1st 6* Corvus glaive and plenty more like Archie, Hit-monkey etc etc.
  • Onurre2Onurre2 Member Posts: 221 β˜…β˜…β˜…
    IGN : Onurre-2
    Prize request : 2 GGC's for the 1st place, 1 GGC for the 2nd place
    Best thing happened to me this year was getting 5* immortal hulk from a single featured cav crystal. It never happened before. I never got featured champions, not even as 3 or 4 stars (I usually open 2 or 3 crystals if I like the character), so getting 5* imhulk was amaizing and I know he is not that great but I love the HULK :)
  • Manik007Manik007 Member Posts: 7 β˜…
    I want 2 greater gifting crystals as 1st rank
    Or 1 greater gifting crystal as 2nd rank
  • JhennyJhenny Member Posts: 96 β˜…β˜…
    IGN: Jhinius
    prize: 2 GGCs or 1 GGC if i am second place.
    The best thing that happened to me this year in MCOC was that i finally got Uncollected this year which was a big deal for me.
  • Ethan4llawayEthan4llaway Member Posts: 18 β˜…
    IGN: Ethan4llaway
    Request: 1 or 2 GGCs
    Best thing that’s happened: went from conquerer to cavalier
  • AstroGamer110AstroGamer110 Member Posts: 40 β˜…
    IGN: AstroGamer Jr.
    2 GGCs
    My best moment was when i singlehandedly soloed maestro with a r3 4*magik
  • GerbilGerbil Member Posts: 50 β˜…
    IGN: ...dude...
    1: 2 GGC
    2: 1 GGC

    Joined an awesome alliance!
  • ahmedsabeckahmedsabeck Member Posts: 2 β˜…
    IGN: AhmedSabeck
    Gift Request: 1 GGC + 10 Energy Refills (First Place) / 1 GGC (Second Place)
    Best Moment: Getting 2 5* Including Aegon back to back from regular Grandmaster's Crystals after giving up hope that I was ever going to get Aegon or any good 5* after opening so many of the dual class crystals looking for him
  • Parthmody12345Parthmody12345 Member Posts: 16 β˜…
    edited December 2020
    IGN: Parthmody12345
    1. GGC+ refills.
    2. GGC

    Best Moment: Pulling 2 full T5b, 2 full T2a and my white whale(5* Aegon) from TB daily crystals within 10 days of taking unduped IMIW to r3 for the title.
  • Sudhan_12345Sudhan_12345 Member Posts: 26 β˜…
    IGN: tricky stars
    GGC+stony core/ stony core
    my best moment is getting contender,uncollected and cavalier in this 1yr! And getting a 5* apocalypse, socerer supreme, immortal abom from these epoch crystals! and also getting a 6* warlock yesterday and awekening it today!
  • WayntosWayntos Member Posts: 624 β˜…β˜…β˜…
    IGN: Wayntos
    Prize request: 2 GGC's for first, 1 GGC for second
    Best thing that happened to me in the game this year: Getting Cavalier
  • jsjsjs13jsjsjs13 Member Posts: 32 β˜…
    IGN: jsjsjsjs13
    Prize request: 2 GGCs or 1 GGC if second place
    Best thing to happen was taking down champion in 6.2 on a warm August night, right beside the sea with a beautiful moon and a cold bear waiting for me. I will remember this fow a long time.
  • AATTAATT Member Posts: 525 β˜…β˜…β˜…
    2/1 GGC
    My best moment was one week ago when I pulled a 6* ghost after two years chasing her I'm still learning how to use her, so I get clipped frequently
  • Bdot13Bdot13 Member Posts: 77 β˜…
    IGN: bdot13
    Reward choice: GGC+cores (1st)/ GGC (2nd)

    Dec 26 will be my first year anniversary playing this game. Its been a nice ride hitting various milestones, getting uncollected, getting cavalier, RoL, v4(completion), v6(completion), john mulaneys challenge explored.

    Speaking of crystal pulls, getting a 5* doom from an incursion crystal was epic. However my best and most unbelievable pull was a 6* skill AG from the cyber weekend cache deals. I went in for all tiers of the deals even though they were slightly underwhelming. My 6* roster (5 champs only) isnt great except NIck Fury. Any AG other than skill would been a waste until the distant future, so i was lost for words when i actually pulled the skill AG.

    Hope everyone has a warm christmas and a happy new year. Cheers.
  • PerCasePerCase Member Posts: 12 β˜…
    IGN: PerCase
    1st place 2GGC
    2nd place 1 GGC
    Best thing to happen to me
    I opened a 6 star and pulled Ghost..
  • AkashBiswasAkashBiswas Member Posts: 17 β˜…
    IGN: Knight Akash
    Best moment of this year is to achieve cav and uncollected just in 6 months , and also pulling doom as a 5*
    Reward choice is 1GGC + 10 energy refills as first, or 1 GGC as 2nd .
  • Lo4eathLo4eath Member Posts: 309 β˜…
    2 GGCs / 1 GGC
    Pulled 6* Kingpin, Mordo, Superior Meme Man, Groot, Drax, Moon Knight and Rhino in one sitting.
  • RaikisRaikis Member Posts: 174 β˜…
    IGN - Raikis
    2GGC or 1GGC

    I finally defeated Mr Sinister. Don’t have Heimdall, so I had to learn how to play with Ghost, which I am still not great, but after many many attemps I have made it thru. Now only grandmaster left! :)
  • Cage33Cage33 Member Posts: 57 β˜…
    IGN: Cage33
    Preferred package 2 ggcs or 1ggc
    Best thing to happen in game: I both pulled and awakened 5* wolverine from the featured crystals. No AG needed!
  • KikohouKikohou Member Posts: 14 β˜…
    IGN : Kikohou
    1st GGC and 2 stony mastery+1 full energy
    2nd 2 stony mastery and 1 full energy
    My best thing is become uncollected after stop playing for a couple months
  • WhatElseWhatElse Member Posts: 186 β˜…β˜…β˜…
    IGN: What Else
    Prize request: 2 GGCs or 1 GGC if second
    Best thing to me was changing my crystal opening strategy from rolling to popping. I know this is all RNG, but right after doing that, my next 3 6* champions were Warlock, duping Warlock and Dr. Doom! Call that a good change of strategy/destiny!
  • B0B3SZB0B3SZ Member Posts: 71 β˜…
    Ign: B0B3SZ
    Prize request: 2ggc or 1ggc for 2. Place
    From the epoch cav crystals i opened a 6* immortal abomination a 6* man-thing a 5* apoc and duped him a 5* prof x and a 5* sasquatch and only got 3 3* from 18 cavs that was my luckiest moment in the game
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