My hunt for 6* Archangel and 5* Night Thrasher

So I stole this idea from @Crcrcrc and their iHulk tracker.
I want to see how many shards it takes me to pull 6* Archangel especially. I was going to go for Doom next after Venom, but eh, he can wait, I want NT more (and those skill sigs are piling up)
Days elasped since AA entered the basic 6* ≈ 15
Days elasped since Night Thrasher entered the basic 5* ≈ 600 (idk)
Current 5* shards: 6, 478
Current 6* shards: 3, 931
Attempts at the 6* so far: 2 x featured (Monke and WS), 3x basic (Iron fist dupe, BPCW, Ultron), ALL epoch shards used.
Total 6* shards and no AA: 60k.
Attempts at the 5*: Many failures including 2 nexus'
I don't have a screenshot but my last dual crystal was a Magneto dupe.
I'll probably only post here with my 6* pulls, maybe couple 5*s so I don't clutter up the forums too much. Would be funny if I pulled a 6* Night Thrasher (I should not have said that, I've obviously no way to dupe him)
I want to see how many shards it takes me to pull 6* Archangel especially. I was going to go for Doom next after Venom, but eh, he can wait, I want NT more (and those skill sigs are piling up)
Days elasped since AA entered the basic 6* ≈ 15
Days elasped since Night Thrasher entered the basic 5* ≈ 600 (idk)
Current 5* shards: 6, 478
Current 6* shards: 3, 931
Attempts at the 6* so far: 2 x featured (Monke and WS), 3x basic (Iron fist dupe, BPCW, Ultron), ALL epoch shards used.
Total 6* shards and no AA: 60k.
Attempts at the 5*: Many failures including 2 nexus'
I don't have a screenshot but my last dual crystal was a Magneto dupe.
I'll probably only post here with my 6* pulls, maybe couple 5*s so I don't clutter up the forums too much. Would be funny if I pulled a 6* Night Thrasher (I should not have said that, I've obviously no way to dupe him)
I have Night Thrasher as a 5*, and have a skill awakening gem. No sig stones as I used them all on Aegon but eventually will get some.
My question is ... sorry but what's so great about NT? He's just R2 currently and have hesitated to R3 him cuz I fail to see anything special about him. I wonder if it has to do with Synergies. I do have most of his synergy partners ( Mr F, Silver Surfer, Mysterio and a couple more I don't remember now) as 5*, but they're all R1 or R2.
Can you enlighten me why an I sleeping on NT? Why should I rank him further?
Sorry for my ignorance 😔
Immediate (no ramp up) evade and auto-block counter
Power gain to sp1
3 different debuffs (Shock, incinerate, disorient)
Can decrease block proficiency by 100%
Can decrease ability accuracy by 50%
Damage goes up with more debuffs on opponent
Taunts 70% chance
Furies increase damage significantly
Is a tank
Incinerate immune
If you mess up he’s a tank and if knocked down has 50% chance to purify all debuffs
The guy does so much. Learn him and he’s a baller.
Needs high sig to do all that.
The thing is... would you rank, awaken and sig up a Night Thrasher instead than a Falcon? Sure, Falcon might not be tanky nor have access to as many debuffs as NT but if what you want is an evade/auto block counter with some aar thrown into it, wouldn't Falcon's Lock On ability be a much more straightforward solution?
Again sorry if I am showing ignorance, I really don't know much about skill champs cuz I have been too entertained with my maxxed Aegon and NF. Didn't need to look at anyone besides these two but eventually ( soon actually) the time will come when I'll want/have ( due to expiring cats) to rank a Skill and will need to choose. I have Falcon both as 5* and 6*, Gwenpool and NT as 5* only and Killmonger and Ronin as 6* only. One of these will eventually get my soon to expire skill iso and/or skill cats... as of now I am inclined to awaken and sig up my 5* Falcon but would hate it if some time later i dupe my 6* version. So maybe NT it is then.
NT is overall a great undervalued champ. You really won’t go wrong with Falcon or NT, I would just be comfortable playing with the one you’re going to rank.
I'd maybe use a 3/4* duped NT before you commit to ranking him. you might decide you don't like him and regret using an AG and sigs and there's very little point ranking him unawakened unless you're absoultely desperate for someone thats incinerate immune or something which i don't think you are.
For those who disagreed that he had a synergy with CGR. Facts. They make you look dumb.
My last crystal of 2020.
That is not Night Thrasher.
Pretty fitting sum up of the year - kinda rubbish.
I spent the last 2k of my epoch shards.
Makes up for Moon Knight.