This thread has taught me a lot people are sleeping on Longshot.
This thread taught me people don't even know about Tigra yet.
Yup. I can’t believe how almost nobody talks about her.
High skill based champ tho. I’m willing to bet people don’t have the patience to learn her.
Recently took my 6* to R2. She's my current project at the moment. Have been having a lot of fun getting more accustomed to using her really. Been watching some Buddylee vids for better ideas on how to use her more effectively.
Knew the Claire fan club would turn this into a train wreck, but didn't expect the Sym squad to come crawling out of the woodwork.
Do you actually like any character? Whenever people say good things about literally any champion you always come in with your crippling negativity about them.
That's not even remotely true but keep trying
Well I'd hope its not true. Just never seen you really getting behind a champion is all.
For one, I think arguing over top whatever order is one of the dumbest biggest wastes of time you can possibly do. Two, I just think most of people's reasonings for saying Claire, and in this case, Sym are so good are just either completely wrong or grossly overstated.
I have 6* Doom, Sorcerer, and Sym at R3 and Claire will be the 4th. They're all good champs that have their uses. I still think Sorcerer is easily the 2nd most useful mystic behind Doom unless you're a permanent suicide user or absolutely need immunity for a specific matchup, which is the absolute only situation I'd ever use Claire over any of the other 3.
Then you don't know Claire at all.
All I've ever said is I feel she's grossly overrated by suicide users and people with smaller rosters (they have far more need for a champ to cover multiple bases even if they don't cover them the best).
So Claire is overrated because she covers multiple bases and Sym's overrated cause he destroys nicher matchups. What the hell's supposed to make a champ good, then?
Knew the Claire fan club would turn this into a train wreck, but didn't expect the Sym squad to come crawling out of the woodwork.
Do you actually like any character? Whenever people say good things about literally any champion you always come in with your crippling negativity about them.
That's not even remotely true but keep trying
Well I'd hope its not true. Just never seen you really getting behind a champion is all.
For one, I think arguing over top whatever order is one of the dumbest biggest wastes of time you can possibly do. Two, I just think most of people's reasonings for saying Claire, and in this case, Sym are so good are just either completely wrong or grossly overstated.
I have 6* Doom, Sorcerer, and Sym at R3 and Claire will be the 4th. They're all good champs that have their uses. I still think Sorcerer is easily the 2nd most useful mystic behind Doom unless you're a permanent suicide user or absolutely need immunity for a specific matchup, which is the absolute only situation I'd ever use Claire over any of the other 3.
Then you don't know Claire at all.
All I've ever said is I feel she's grossly overrated by suicide users and people with smaller rosters (they have far more need for a champ to cover multiple bases even if they don't cover them the best).
So Claire is overrated because she covers multiple bases and Sym's overrated cause he destroys nicher matchups. What the hell's supposed to make a champ good, then?
Mostly looks like balanced utility/attack/attributes. Just my opinion.
Knew the Claire fan club would turn this into a train wreck, but didn't expect the Sym squad to come crawling out of the woodwork.
Do you actually like any character? Whenever people say good things about literally any champion you always come in with your crippling negativity about them.
That's not even remotely true but keep trying
Well I'd hope its not true. Just never seen you really getting behind a champion is all.
For one, I think arguing over top whatever order is one of the dumbest biggest wastes of time you can possibly do. Two, I just think most of people's reasonings for saying Claire, and in this case, Sym are so good are just either completely wrong or grossly overstated.
I have 6* Doom, Sorcerer, and Sym at R3 and Claire will be the 4th. They're all good champs that have their uses. I still think Sorcerer is easily the 2nd most useful mystic behind Doom unless you're a permanent suicide user or absolutely need immunity for a specific matchup, which is the absolute only situation I'd ever use Claire over any of the other 3.
Then you don't know Claire at all.
All I've ever said is I feel she's grossly overrated by suicide users and people with smaller rosters (they have far more need for a champ to cover multiple bases even if they don't cover them the best).
So Claire is overrated because she covers multiple bases and Sym's overrated cause he destroys nicher matchups. What the hell's supposed to make a champ good, then?
I'm really not sure what's so complicated for some of you to be able to tell the difference between someone saying a champ is overrated but still very good (I'm just not gonna run around screaming "zomg they're the best ever you know nothing") and saying they're not good.
Knew the Claire fan club would turn this into a train wreck, but didn't expect the Sym squad to come crawling out of the woodwork.
Do you actually like any character? Whenever people say good things about literally any champion you always come in with your crippling negativity about them.
That's not even remotely true but keep trying
Well I'd hope its not true. Just never seen you really getting behind a champion is all.
For one, I think arguing over top whatever order is one of the dumbest biggest wastes of time you can possibly do. Two, I just think most of people's reasonings for saying Claire, and in this case, Sym are so good are just either completely wrong or grossly overstated.
I have 6* Doom, Sorcerer, and Sym at R3 and Claire will be the 4th. They're all good champs that have their uses. I still think Sorcerer is easily the 2nd most useful mystic behind Doom unless you're a permanent suicide user or absolutely need immunity for a specific matchup, which is the absolute only situation I'd ever use Claire over any of the other 3.
Then you don't know Claire at all.
All I've ever said is I feel she's grossly overrated by suicide users and people with smaller rosters (they have far more need for a champ to cover multiple bases even if they don't cover them the best).
So Claire is overrated because she covers multiple bases and Sym's overrated cause he destroys nicher matchups. What the hell's supposed to make a champ good, then?
I'm really not sure what's so complicated for some of you to be able to tell the difference between someone saying a champ is overrated but still very good (I'm just not gonna run around screaming "zomg they're the best ever you know nothing") and saying they're not good.
Because the way you talk makes it seem like you think negatively of both niche champs and champs that don't do anything the best (even though there are quite a few things Claire does than any other champ in her class so I don't know what you're talking about there).
Tigra in the hands of a skilled player in a projectile matchup is the #2 mystic in the game tbh
She's like the mystic Ghost (only against projectile special attacks)
No. She doesn't have nearly as much utility as Ghost and projectile based specials is extremely niche.
but the thing is she isin't just good for projectile special attacks, she works for many non projectile as well if you can get the spacing down, she also has one of the highest dps in the game if played correctly.
Who would be best for champion boss 6.2.6? Claire or sorcerer supreme?
Sorcerer every day of the week. I remember taking on a 34k duped 6* champion war boss a whilst ago with 4* BWCV, managed to do it but it took a LONG time (4/5 timeouts)
Just did it with SS and as long as you remember he goes unblockable on mediums (which is pretty hidden and sneaky) in his 60% phase, you’re all good to go
Yeah I've tested both as 5/65 on that fight, and it's pretty hectic with Claire, while stress-free with sorcerer.
I've tried to solo with Claire more than once both with and without suicides and failed. Got the solo with sorcerer on first try.
Did that fight with her for the first time recently just to see how easy it would be and I was shocked at just how easy she makes it. Took me a little bit to get the hang of the last 10% with her but it was by far the easiest solo of that fight I've ever had
Not arguing against as I don’t have sorcerer but tigra w/bp makes that fight very simple. It’s an easier, quicker version of she hulk similarly about the punishing and spacing but with less to worry about as completely nullifies him. Duped she absolutely shreds it damage wise too.
With suicides Claire is best mystic...don't compare with Sorcerer supreme even without suicides. Claire is the only champ who laughs at your immunities. For SS she is good...but she would hv been better thn Claire if her cycles could b chosen at will for entire fight. It makes her greatly unreliable.
Tigra in the hands of a skilled player in a projectile matchup is the #2 mystic in the game tbh
She's like the mystic Ghost (only against projectile special attacks)
No. She doesn't have nearly as much utility as Ghost and projectile based specials is extremely niche.
but the thing is she isin't just good for projectile special attacks, she works for many non projectile as well if you can get the spacing down, she also has one of the highest dps in the game if played correctly.
Sure, but she's still not #2 Mystic, even if you're super skilled with her. She doesn't have the utility to get her there.
I think both Symbiote and Sorceress Supreme share the 3rd spot.
I still don't understand why people would place sym supreme as highly as sorcerer. It makes no sense to me whatsoever.
To me, sym doesn't even break the top 8 mystics.
Because of his complete dominance in buff heavy matchups. If you've used him in those matches best suited for him, there's no denying his usefulness.
Also, who would you place above him?
That is basically the only thing he does.
I'd put Doom, Claire, sorcerer, tigra, Morningstar, Mojo, dragon man, Longshot, above him. Even mephisto and dormammu have much more utility than him.
I thought I'd seen it all until this man compared bloody Mephisto and Dormammu to Symbiote Supreme. Please, spare yourself the embarassment. Saying Sym Supreme only works for 1% of matchups is just wrong. He was my first mystic r5 and I used him in many different places in Act 6, he is a beast against all cosmic champs AND a lot of nodes that give 1 or 2 buffs to the opponent AND non-Cosmic champs that gain 1 or 2 buffs (Sabretooth, Colossus, Magneto, etc.). Symbiote Supreme is the perfect example of a mystic champion in this game. Massive control over a fight with buffs, with massive utility and damage in those situations. You either don't have Sym or are not playing him properly. I don't blame you, he has a difficult playstyle to master, but when you master it, he's no doubt a top 5 mystic, if not top 3.
Also, his access to dot damage makes him very valuable in stuff with damage caps, but also has armor breaks that are insane, and when cycled correctly holy cow this man at r2 hits 9k mediums. I don't know how people say he's bad when he has a **** ton of control and utility. If he wasn't required to have buffs on the opponent he'd be in comparison with doom imo. I rank him #4 for mystics because he is far too overpowered than what people give him credit for
I don't know anyone that says he's bad. He's just very niche. I class Sym like I do Torch, absolutely amazing for ideal matchups but incredibly frustrating to use in any others.
Yea but torch has so much more value than sym, he works for way more and is way better for AW and AQ
That's somewhat debatable but I definitely don't completely disagree. I personally loathe using torch in any fights that aren't mystic/energy opponents. That's just my opinion and in no way am I saying Torch is anything but a phenomenal champ to have at your disposal though. I do think they're both fairly niche champs that are incredibly dominant against ideal matchups though.
I think both Symbiote and Sorceress Supreme share the 3rd spot.
I still don't understand why people would place sym supreme as highly as sorcerer. It makes no sense to me whatsoever.
To me, sym doesn't even break the top 8 mystics.
Dude, he’s got one job to do !! And he does it even before the fight starts.. !! Nullifying the **** outta buffed opponent. Take on a Venom and you will know what he can do.. Do you even listen to yourself when your speaking sometimes !!
High skill based champ tho. I’m willing to bet people don’t have the patience to learn her.
She's like the mystic Ghost (only against projectile special attacks)
4.Sym supr
7.Dragon man